Category: Fashion/Clothing

Regency Marriage ~ The Garments

Here are the links to all FIVE parts of the series — Part 1 – The LegalitiesPart 2 – Banns and LicensesPart 3 – The Ceremony PrepPart 4 – The GarmentsPart 5 – The Vows & The Celebration Presuming most of you reading this are women, we are naturally curious about...

Fashion for the Regency Gentlemen ~ Finishing Touches!

I am finishing my four-part series on fashion for the stylish Regency Era gentleman. I happen to adore fashion from these bygone days, so can promise I will revisit the topic from time to time. If nothing else the ladies need a series to even the score! And as I...

Fashion for the Regency Gentleman ~ Loving the Cravat!

For some reason ladies tend to get all swoony over the cravat. Hmm…. I am thinking it has to do with the taking off of the cravat, but perhaps that’s just me! Be that as it may, I thought I would dedicate an entire post in my series on Fashion...

Fashion for the Regency Gentleman ~ Inexpressibles!

Every Monday in this month of love I am posting a blog on fashion and accessories for the Regency gentleman. Along with a wealth of awesome pictures I will give a bit of history and detail. The images chosen for this series of post are of real garments kept in...

Fashion for the Regency Gentleman ~ Cover that manly chest!

Let’s start with a brief background– Gentlemen’s fashions of the Regency Era – broadly 1795-1825 – arise from the equestrian clothing of English “country gentlemen” of the late 18th century, and a melding with the radical new designs which came out of the French Revolution. To us, the clothing of...

Indian Clothing for Men

When I initially conceived of the character Dr. George Darcy, he wasn’t a man I knew well. His personality emerged as I wrote him into the bigger saga, yet one attribute I immediately felt was right for him was in the area of what kind of clothes he wore. Dwelling...