Mr. and Mrs. Darcy wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Based on the Darcy Saga series by Sharon Lathan, this novella takes the reader down the passage of time with ten individual snippets of the evolving Darcy family celebrating. Beginning on the Christmas Eve after meeting Lizzy Bennet, Mr. Darcy is a man tortured by visions and emotions he is unable – or unwilling – to deal with. Thereafter follows a succession of Christmas Eves and Days with Mr. Darcy as a happily married man surrounded by his wife and an ever-increasing family, giving glimpses of their future.
Have a Merry Darcy Christmas all year long!
The full anthology of three novellas with a Christmas theme centering upon the Darcys of Pemberley was released for the 2010 holiday season. Along with my novella, A Darcy Christmas, the anthology (cover image right) includes: Mr. Darcy’s Christmas Carol by Carolyn Eberhart, a twist on the classic Charles Dickens tale; and Christmas Present by Amanda Grange, a special Christmas celebration with the Darcys and the Bingleys. The anthology is available in print and digital ebook.
My novella, A Darcy Christmas, is the finale to the anthology. Keeping The Darcy Saga series in mind with my beloved characters intact, I take the reader down the passage of time with ten individual vignettes of the evolving Darcy family celebrating Christmas. Beginning on the Christmas Eve after meeting Lizzy Bennet in Hertfordshire, Mr. Darcy is a man tortured by visions and emotions he is unable and unwilling to deal with. Thereafter follows a succession of Christmas Eves and Days with Mr. Darcy as a happily married man surrounded by his wife and an ever-increasing family.
The novella is in ebook format only, as are the novellas by Amanda Grange and Carolyn Eberhart. Novellas and the full anthology are readily available, so Christmas season or not, you can purchase and enjoy holiday cheer!
He drew her against his chest, reclined onto the warmed fur, and opened her robe all in one smooth motion. They kissed and caressed, enjoying the tactile sensations and hearts beating in time while the longcase clock in the corner ticked a regular rhythm.
“This is vastly superior to every dream I had of how Christmas with you would be. In fact, this is undoubtedly the best Christmas of my entire life.”
“It isn’t over yet,” she whispered. “But as sweet as that is for you to say, how could it be the best of your life, William?”
He met her eyes. “I am not exaggerating. Never has a Christmas transcended this one, Elizabeth. And I do not refer to the incredible passion we have together, although that surpasses every fantasy my feeble mind conjured. And certainly that facet alone adds a delicious dimension to ‘celebrating’ Christmas that I never experienced before. But, at the risk of sounding woefully quixotic, my love for you enhances all aspects of my life to a degree that overwhelms me.”
“I adore my quixotic husband, so do not stop.” She pulled him in for a long kiss.
“Yes, most assuredly better than any of my dreams.”
“You dreamt of us celebrating Christmas?”
“Last year I was tortured, if you want to know the truth. I could not stop thinking of you, Elizabeth. It took me awhile but it was consistent dreams of us as a family that finally convinced me that I was in love with you.” And in gentle tones and vivid recounting, he told her of the visions that had haunted him.
“I wish I could say that I thought of you last Christmas, my love.”
He shook his head. “Do not be sad, dearest. We are together now and that is all that matters. Besides”—and he grinned, lifting his left brow—“you are thinking of me now, are you not?”
Lizzy laughed, nudging him until he rolled onto his back with her body draped partially over. “Indeed I am. Thinking quite seriously, as a matter of fact. I have promised to practice until an expert on the subject…”
“Then I shall pray you never become an ‘expert’ as I would not wish for the practicing to cease,” he interrupted.
“I am sure there is always something new to learn,” she assured him. “I am very clever, you know.”
“Yes, I know!”
“Do you still wish for serenity and composure? Or does a little fire and argument now exhilarate you, Mr. Darcy?”
“No and yes.” He wrapped his fingers within her hair, bringing her closer for an intense kiss. “I have repented of my foolish misconceptions. You may scorch me with your fire any time you wish, Mrs. Darcy.”
The antique clock of gleaming mahogany chimed through the midnight hour, alerting the busy occupants that Christmas Day had arrived. The final chime’s echo still rang when they were finally able to speak.
“Merry Christmas, my lover.”
“Indeed it is!” he rasped. “I knew it was unwise to give you access to the books if you can devise such methods all on your own. I think you may kill me!”
But Lizzy just laughed.
“Explain to me again why we are being so stealthy when the boys are soundly asleep in our room? And why we are adding more presents to the sky-high pile in the first place?”
“Very funny, Mr. Darcy. Just because you were too lazy to leave our bed, do not pretend you have forgotten this was your idea in the first place.”
“Can I help it if sleeping cuddled with you and our boys is preferable to traversing freezing corridors in my bare feet?”
“You are tough. Now, put those packages right there in front where the boys will see them first off. No, no! Stack them nicely, William!”
She leaned over to meticulously arrange the presents he had dumped onto the carpet, Darcy kneeling beside. He grinned and nudged her shoulder. “You know, I do not recall ever making love on Christmas Eve before the Yule fire.”
“If we had, I am sure you would remember it.”
“No doubt of that. Seems quite remiss of us, do you not agree? And it is almost Christmas, so I believe it is obligatory. I think it is a commandment in the Bible.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Unbelievable. I shall do my best, but considering the condition I am in, I may well fall asleep midway through.”
He nuzzled kisses to her ear, one hand caressing the swell of her belly. “I am confident I can find ways to keep you interested.”
“Arrogant,” she teased, turning to kiss his lips.
“Hmm… Absolutely. But you forgot virile, wildly handsome, supremely masculine, and crazily in love with you.”
“I shall consider the notion after you help me with these and only if you do an excellent job.” She smiled and patted his cheek. “It really was a fine idea, Fitzwilliam. Alexander thinks he is so smart and has all his gifts figured out. Discovering new ones delivered by the mysterious Father Christmas will shake his composure.”
“I would not count on it. I have been reading him all the stories so he knows that Father Christmas does not bring gifts but brings good cheer, although I have tried to gloss over the fact that spirits are usually the impetus for all that cheer. I made up a few bits here and there since he cannot read all that well yet, but I am not sure he is convinced about Father Christmas toting presents all over England in the dark of night.”
“Well, either way, the boys will be happily surprised. And they did not have enough presents anyway.”
“Ha! Tell me that after my aunt and uncle arrive for dinner. You would think with Richard now adding to the Fitzwilliam flock they would not shower our children with trinkets.”
“There,” she declared, sitting back on her heels. “It looks beautiful.”
Darcy paused to survey the scene, including his gorgeous wife in the tableau, and had to agree. The flickering glow from the perpetually burning Yule log cast a ruddy sheen over the array of colorful tissue and rag-paper wrapped packages stacked on the plush velvet drape spread nearby. It was the perfect corner with the window above kept partially uncloaked so any starlight or moonbeams could enter in. The fire added to the illumination and the holiday atmosphere was further accented by the bundles of mistletoe and holly branches strategically hanging over everything. The newest acquisition was a three-foot tall Father Christmas carved and painted by George Darcy that sat on a small shelf above. It was as if the historical Yuletide visitor was watching over the collection, his mischievous grin casting some doubt on his intentions!
The two youngest Darcys dashed to the bed, climbed the steps like little monkeys, and leapt into their mother’s outstretched arms. All the while they jabbered about presents and birthdays and food and dreams. Alexander stood with slightly more composure but was grinning and bouncing excitedly. Darcy bent and swept his eldest son into his arms, the smaller arms encircling his neck as soft kisses were planted to cheeks and lips. Together they walked to the bed, joining Lizzy and Michael and Noella, who were chattering non-stop.
“Mrs. Hanford made us dress and drink our juice,” the six-year-old said with disgust. “She said we had to wait until seven-thirty.” Alexander’s tone conveyed astonishment at such a baffling commandment, but then he brightened. “Uncle George saved us early. He came to the nursery and said it was time to wake Eros and Psyche. He brought us here. Were you and mama reading Mr. Adlington’s translation of Apuleius?”
“No. Nor should you be reading that! Your uncle likes to tease and exaggerate, son. And cause trouble.” He tweaked Alexander’s nose, the serious boy’s dismay at the very idea of doing something wrong etched upon his face. “Relax, sweetling. Mrs. Hanford was performing her duties as I ordered, but it is fine that Uncle George rescued you from the nursery. Mama and I were waiting for you three. We need special Christmas hugs and kisses from our children before we join the others.”
“The new baby cannot kiss yet, can she mama?”
“Not yet, but you can give kisses and happy Christmas wishes.” This they did, tenderly touching the soft swell of Lizzy’s abdomen. The reality of a baby in her belly was mysterious and comprehended to varying degrees by their immature minds, but they all knew a sibling was to join them and they were eager.
“Christmas kisses need mistletoe, yes, Papa?”
“It isn’t a requisite, miss, but it does add to the fun.”
“Mr. Rothchilde must think so. He was kissing Miss Betsy for a long time outside the ballroom.”
Noella nodded in agreement with her brother. “Samuel too, Papa. He and Marguerite were kissing yesterday.”
Lizzy laughed aloud. “Now that is a shock. Not Rothchilde and Betsy…”
Lizzy squeezed her husband’s knee, chuckling. “They have been courting for months now, darling, but it does not surprise me that you are unaware! I am more surprised that Marguerite managed to waylay your valet. Poor Samuel must have been red as a beet.”
Darcy grunted. “Be that as it may, what I am curious about is how you two seem to be catching so many clandestine kissers under mistletoe. Wandering the halls freely after escaping your nannies?”
“Yep!” They declared simultaneously with nary a hint of remorse. “We saw Aunt Mary kissing Uncle Joshua. Caleb kissing Miss Cassie. Aunt Giana kissing…”
“Very well,” Darcy dryly interrupted the flood, “I believe we get the idea.”
The small company of marooned travelers walked into the shadowy farmland, thankful for the moonlight when it appeared in the cloudless sky. It was difficult to discern in the growing twilight, but as they neared the structure indicated by Audrey, it was obviously not a barn but a large assembly hall. It was also obviously the site of a gathering of merrymakers! The festive scene unfolded before their dazzled eyes, far removed from the more sedate and spiritual celebrations offered to the Pemberley tenants on a yearly basis.
Enormous three-foot logs split down the middle and crisscrossed in a stack burned within a stone ringed pit, the bonfire blazing in a clearing before the wide-open doors. The snap of fiery pitch, reek of rising smoke, and heat of hungry flames was evident from yards away, yet did not deter the bustling bodies moving in a flood of enthusiasm between the dirt expanse and inviting building. The flickering illumination of candles and fireplaces glowing from within promised additional warmth from the steadily chilling air.
Children dashed amongst the adults, laughing and chasing one another while blowing whistles, ringing bells, and banging drums. Folks of all ages circled the flames, dancing and singing in time with the rollicking music filling the air. The sound of lutes, guitars, fiddles, and assorted pipes brought an instant grin to Michael’s face, but they all unconsciously responded to the lively rhythm as they drew closer.
The scene of merrymaking outside the assembly hall was a preview to the play visible inside. From holly-draped wall to mistletoe-adorned corner, the Darcys absorbed wonders.
Six musicians were upon a wooden dais, some sitting and some standing, feet stomping and heads bobbing to the beat they created. The line of dancing couples only vaguely remained straight as frequent errors in the steps or exaggerated twirls led to unrestrained laughter. Other couples did not even bother with the line, dancing together in whatever free space was available. One old gentleman in well-worn breeches and shirtsleeves danced a jig all by himself, the circle of cheering observers clapping out the tempo.
Clusters gathered along the walls playing an assortment of games. A group of eight played Blind man’s bluff to the right with an animated charades tournament a few feet away. At a line of tables and chairs to the left sat people playing loo, whist, and gleek. Other coveys segregated into ages were talking, laughing, and flirting, especially those near the mistletoe.It was a sea of humanity joyously commemorating the season.
Sharing here a sampling of positive feedback received for A Darcy Christmas over the years since it was published in 2010.
These words of praise are from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:
4 & 5 Star reviews posted to online marketplaces (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Powells, BAM, etc.),
letters and emails sent directly to me, and comments left on my blog or other blogs where I was a guest.

Various Christmas holidays over the years. 5-Stars! I was brought to tears as Lizzy broke down on Christmas day holding a hairpin her recently deceased father had given her. This novella of various Christmas Eve and Christmas Day scenes from “Christmas Loneliness” set just after Darcy has met Elizabeth to “Christmas Present” when we learn of their oldest son’s marriage and their Christmas child’s, Noella’s soon-to-be engagement. Bookend chapters tell of a family portrait Darcy is hanging in his study. Traditions are related and new ones added.
Sharon introduces us to the five children born to ODC (our dear couple), their traits and their inherited physical properties. I was enchanted by Audrey who inherits Uncle George Darcy’s interest in the medical arts. And we read of the marriages of the extended family and their children. Imagine Georgiana chasing a rambunctious set of twins down the halls of Pemberley. Then there is Alexander who inherits all of Darcy’s reserve and sense of responsibility.
This was an easy read and I am sure I will return to reading it again next Christmas season. (Sheila Majczan)
Every chapter is a different Christmas memory. 5-Stars! Very well written, very delightful Christmas book about the Darcys marriage. Each chapter reads like a well written epilogue to a wonderful book. Brought me to tears a couple of times, let me smile and laugh at least once per chapter. I recommend this book highly and will reread it next Christmas, god willing. (JamesGS)
A Darcy Christmas None Will Forget!! 5-Stars! Such an awesome book! Couldn’t have chosen a better book to see the lives of Lizzy+William and their beloved families as the years pass during the merry holidays! It’s a… MUST READ!!!! (Jenny Lyn)
Can’t get enough of Sharon Lathan’s Darcy Saga. 5-Stars! I loved this book. It was lovely Darcy and Elizabeth story was brought up to date through Christmas over the years. It left me sad, though, in case this was the last Darcy story. If you love a really romantic story then read the Darcy saga, it is so lovely and I have lost count how many times I have read the books, if I am feeling down I just dip into one of the books and in no time I feel happy again. (Scamps mum)
A brilliant job. 5-Stars! I have all of Sharon Lathan’s books. This book brought it all together for me. I have always wanted to know more about her characters. I can’t read any other Darcy fan fiction because they are not Sharon’s characters. She has done a brilliant job and quenched my desire to know more. (Madeline Mariottini)
I really enjoyed this novella. A must read for all you Pride and Prejudice fans. This is the first of author Sharon Lathan’s works that I have read and I really enjoyed her writing, the characters were true to Jane Austen’s nature in writing which made me giddy. Elizabeth is wonderfully written and stubborn as ever. Sharon Lathan did Jane proud. Great read, captures you and pulls you in. Although I read this at Christmas time I can say A Darcy Christmas is wonderful any time of the year. Also might add the love scenes were tasteful not trashy. I also liked that! A win win when purchasing this book!
Perfect read for Christmas season. 5-Stars! I have read all Sharon Lathan’s novels and enjoyed most of them. This novella is high on my list, the idea of reminiscing of past Christmases is brilliant. I really enjoyed the short story, Christmas Storytelling, because it introduced Audrey, the second daughter of Darcy and Elizabeth who was born with a disability. I hope that Ms Lathan will expand on Audrey’s life. I highly recommend this novella, a great read for anytime of year. (Nancy Dworak)
Enjoyable! 5-Stars! A very different take on the passing of time during the holidays. I enjoyed it very much and would recommend it to anyone. (Barbara Rovere)
TOUCHING PORTRAYALS Ms. Lathan’s books are among my favorites. The many vignettes she presents can touch the harts of all of us as we see the beloved Darcy and Elizabeth experiencing holiday gatherings that are the stuff of everyday life. What a pleasant holiday treat– and one with no calories, to boot!
I Love Sharon Lathan’s versions of the ongoing adventures and loving relationship of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy! 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan has the unique quality of writing in a similar fashion of Jane Austen. I especially like the intimate family bedroom accounts with the mother, father and children and the way William finds Elizabeth both loving and desirable when pregnant and nursing the babies. Very Well Done! (Murph)
Darcy Christmas a Must to Read! 5-Stars! I enjoyed reading about the different Christmases that Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth had together with their children. Each year was different. I liked the fact that the children were getting older and you could see the different personalities. I now wish that someone would starting writing novels about the children’s lives, so that we have come full circle with the Darcy family. I enjoyed Sharon Lathan’s novels above anyone else’s about the family. (Adeline Sentiment)
Great read. 5-Stars! Lathan once again captures the heart of all Austen lovers, with this wonderful book. It is a nice look on how Elizabeth and Darcy’s life turn out. (Heather Green)
An Exceptionally Fine Gift To Yourself! 5-Stars! A DARCY CHRISTMAS, by Sharon Lathan has all the love and warmth we are used to receiving from her. After almost 25 years together, with two special gifts revealed, the happy couple reflects on past Christmases – the joyful, as well as the sad and the difficult, and rejoice in the gathering of the entire family at Pemberley. (Just Jan)
For Those Who Like Darcy in Their Christmas. 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan’s A DARCY CHRISTMAS, consists of a series of short vignettes that chronicle Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s long and happy marriage through succeeding Christmases. This tour de force, lush with detailed descriptions and dripping with love of all kinds, provides a fascinating preview of her saga. I liked the first story the best. On the Christmas Eve before he marries her, a desperately lonely and confused Darcy dreams of the unacceptable Elizabeth as his wife and the mother of their children. Is he in love with her? He can’t be. Can he? (Jim Gerow)
Loved IT!! 5-Stars! A Darcy Christmas is a wonderful recollection, or look into the future, of Christmases Darcy and Lizzy share together as it is based on her series of novels. But have no fear, she doesn’t spoil anything if you are looking to read them or are in the process of reading them. It’s just Christmas. You get snips of what is to come… but no details of things and relationships that happen in the novels. So don’t worry about spoiling yourself. If you haven’t read her novels, have no fear. You will not have a hard time figuring who is who or what happened… so enjoy.
Every holiday season I will be reading this! 5-Stars! A lovely look into the lives of some of my favorite characters ever written! A new holiday tradition is born with the reading of this book. (Michelle Wright)
I think you’ll enjoy it. The characters in this novella are similar to the ones you love in Pride and Prejudice but there is a bonus – Ms. Lathan introduces a number of new characters, which I am sure can be found in her Pride and Prejudice sequel series. I have not yet had the opportunity to read them, but after reading this novella, I am upping them on my TBR list. I think anyone who is a fan of Jane Austen or Pride and Prejudice, if you are considering reading this book, do so.
A short, sweet tale.A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan was a lovely tale spanning 20+ years of marriage and numerous children. Loved the peek into holiday traditions with the Darcys. Prior reading of Lathan’s novels recommended to make sense of some additional characters, etc.
I really enjoyed it tremendously. It brings the Darcys full circle with seeing their lives through the years. You get to meet their children each Christmas. I have currently read her 4 books and this short story melds wonderfully with it. This book is well worth reading as a Christmas book. Very much a smiling feel good book!!!
I enjoyed this festive book. 5-Stars! The last story is A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan which depicts the Darcy family at Christmas over a period of years. The Darcy family is a growing family and each member of the Darcy and extended families get together each Christmas to establish their own traditions. I enjoyed this festive book, I would have to say that the last one was my favorite of the three. (Kathleen Kelly)
Well written and bring you right into the thoughts of our Mr. Darcy and how it might have been. 5-Stars! I enjoyed reading the three Darcy stories which were so varied and well written. The third story, which was my favorite, took us through the Christmas season with Elizabeth and Darcy and their family. (Nola Arganbright)
Ah, I just really enjoy this series. 5-Stars! I had to read this book before Book 5 because I needed to ensure a happy ending. I really want more of these books. Lathan’s Pemberley is a delight. (Jess Fales)
Loved IT! 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan’s story A Darcy Christmas is a wonderful recollection, or look into the future, of Christmases Darcy and Lizzy share together as it is based on her series of novels. But have no fear, she doesn’t spoil anything if you are looking to read them or are in the process of reading them. It’s just Christmas. You get snips of what is to come… but no details of things and relationships that happen in the novels. So don’t worry about spoiling yourself. If you haven’t read her novels, have no fear. You will not have a hard time figuring who is who or what happened. I bought the book for Sharon Lathan’s novella but read all three. I absolutely loved all three novellas. I highly recommend this book. (Amidala)
Feel good Christmas tales. 5-Stars! The last story is written by Sharon Lathan and I really enjoyed it tremendously. It brings the Darcys full circle with seeing their lives through the years. You get to meet their children each Christmas. I have currently read her 4 books and this short story melds wonderfully with it. This book is well worth reading as a Christmas book. Very much a smiling feel good book!!! (Chatty)
5-Stars for A Darcy Christmas! Tale three, A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan is the reason I originally bought this book as it shows several Christmases with the Darcys of Sharon’s Darcy Saga. The visions Lathan provides of traditional Regency Christmases are fun, sweet, poignant, sometimes sad, but mostly celebrate the joy of the season and the Darcys love for each other and their family. I recommend this book highly as all three stories are well written and highly enjoyable. (Miss Meg)
This was a delight. 5-Stars! I very much enjoyed all three stories. They truly were written in the spirit of Pride and Prejudice. This was a delight – especially Sharon Lathan’s revisiting Darcy’s and Lizzy’s marriage every few years for twenty years. I smiled to myself just as I always have after rereading Pride and Prejudice.
What a great read! 5-Stars! OMG, one of the best little books I’ve ever read. Love and family at Christmas through the years at pemberley was so beautiful in a way I imagined the family life of Lizzie and Darcy to be. Sharon Lathan exceeded herself here. What a great read! Very touching and beautiful. (Lorna Smith)
Love this book! 5-Stars! I have all of Sharon Lathan’s books. This book brought it all together for me. I have always wanted to know more about her characters. I can’t read any other Darcy fan fiction because they are not Sharon’s characters. She has done a brilliant job and quenched my desire to know more. (Madeline Mariottini)
Beautifully done and greatly appreciated. 5-Stars! Being an epilogue junkie, this was just the best ending to the Darcy Saga that I could have asked for. Taking a look at the special Christmas celebrations over the 23 years of marriage of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy was a treasure. Thank you Sharon for giving us such a special peak into this marriage we still love to read about. In fact, I have just finished yet another reading of all the books of this series. One of my favorites, along with this one, is the story of Dr. George Darcy. I encourage anyone who has read the series to be sure and read this special novella. (Arkansas Austen Fan)
Pique your interest into the future of the Darcys. 5-Stars! I enjoyed taking a trip into the future of the family. Forcing me to read previous issues to update my memory. I have enjoyed Sharon Lathan’s series. Thank you for many hours of enjoyment! (Cynthia)
A Lovely Marriage… 5-Stars! A lovely marriage depicted through Christmases spent together, as a couple and as a family. Get to know all of their children and share their growth through the years. A very enjoyable book!
Very enjoyable. 5-Stars! Just the thing to read over the Christmas holidays. If you are a fan of Sharon Lathan’s writing, as I am, you won’t want to miss this book. (M. E. Bertolini)
Must Have and Read. 5-Stars! Wonderful Christmas-time stories from Sharon Lathan. A must read novella. She really knows her Jane Austen characters. Delightful stories with the Darcys and their children. (Trisha M)
It was such a huge delight! 4-Stars! As we all know, I am quite a big Sharon Lathan fan, so this novella was the first one I read and maybe because of this, my favourite. I love how she allowed us glimpses into the Christmases of the growing Darcy family. It was such a huge delight! (Samantha McNulty)
Enjoyable to follow the Darcys. 4-Stars! It was enjoyable to follow the Darcys through the years. I enjoy all the books and hope Sharon Lathan keeps writing more. (Nancy Quigley)
5-Stars! 5-Stars! 5-Stars!
Loved the memories as shared. Allowed you to get a view of a possible future of the Darcys that would not have been possible otherwise. (Nikki P)
Love! I have read almost all of her novels and just love what she brings to each one. Fantastic! (Sarah Donovan)
Loved it! Beautiful love story and a great read! I have to remember to read it again at Christmas. Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy forever! (Michey)
No matter what Sharon Lathan writes it is always well done and worth reading. She is very talented. I always enjoy her work. (Jan)
Darcy returns in a festive tale. Another chance to see in side the Pride and Prejudice world of Darcy and Elizabeth but with festive twist. Recommend read. (Jean Fullerton)
A lovely Christmas book. Darcy and Lizzy are married and in this book each chapter is recounting a special Christmas in their lives. (Michell Karnes)
Wonderful start to the Christmas Season – a great love story. (Barbara)
I love this book, I reread it every Christmas. Just finished it again. (Priss)
This is a wonderful collection of stories that just warms the heart. (Krista)
Loved it. It was perfect. (M.S. Lagares)
I have read and re-read this book more times than I can count, sometimes starting at the beginning again when I reach the end. (Wendy DeWachter)
Great book for the run up to Christmas time! (Mel)

Dear Spouses of those Perpetually Enamored with Darcy and Elizabeth, Buy this book for her as a Christmas present and you will be a hero. Or better yet, give it to her early because A Darcy Christmas is a delightful way to wrap one’s self up warmly in holiday cheer.
Through the 3 stories: I smiled to myself, I laughed, I teared up and actually said out loud, “Oooooh – good choice!” As a reader, those are the moments of emotion that connect me to the words. The thing that ties all three stories together so well is the fact that the authors are such fans of Pride and Prejudice. Their thoughtful characterization brings together 3 very different stories with varying realities quite nicely.
So buy the book and wrap it up with brown paper and string. It is sure to be one of her favorite things.
And saving my favorite for last.. A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan takes the reader through 9 different Christmases. If you have read the series, there will be references to what you already know. I gobbled these instances up like little treats. There are also hints and snippets of things to come that made me very happy to read. If you have not read the series, I believe you can still enjoy this story. There may be a few people here and there whose origin could feel unclear. However, that should be temporary because you will want to read the series next.
This is the short story that made me happily misty eyed. (I don’t do “sadly misty eyed” inducing books) My husband saw me drawing out a family tree of the characters and relationships (both known from the series and newly revealed in this story) on legal paper and asked if I was making chart of the book. I was like, “Um, of course not. I mean, who does that….?” Apparently, I do.
(I do get asked a lot about the amorous scenes in books I review. As with Mrs. Lathan’s series, there is a bit of that. However, as this is a short story, what may be a few pages in her novels becomes a few lines in A Darcy Christmas)

A wonderful book full of Darcy Christmas cheer. A must read for all Darcy fans!
Sharon Lathan has been my favourite Pride and Prejudice writer for a few years now so I always look forward to anything of Sharon’s. I was very excited about reading this story and seeing where Sharon is taking the story now.
It begins with Darcy admiring a painting of his family and reminiscing about Christmases past with Elizabeth. It is set in the future as they obviously have a few children and are still happy and in love. The story then jumps back to a Christmas before Elizabeth was Darcy’s wife. Each chapter is another Christmas that the loving couple have had together.
I loved it, it was as romantic as all Sharon’s other books and a lovely addition to my collection.

Sharon Lathan has the ability to tell a compelling story and these were the vignettes I did not wish to see end.
Of the stories in the anthology perhaps the one I enjoyed the most is A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan. This story is a series of vignettes (a collection of short stories) spanning the course of approximately twenty-five years of life with the Darcys. The story opens with Mr. Darcy receiving a family portrait on Christmas Day. Seeing his beloved family on the portico of Pemberley makes him feel nostalgic.
In the vignettes, the reader is given glimpses of life with the Darcy’s. As a newlywed couple celebrating their first Christmas, the birth of a child, telling Christmas stories with their children, and throughout the future. We see one child engaged, one child married, and unfortunately the death of a beloved member of the family.

Merry Christmas to all Pride and Prejudice fans everywhere.
Those who can’t get enough of Pride and Prejudice will love A Darcy Christmas, a trio of Christmas novellas centering on Darcy and Elizabeth.
The book’s title story, Sharon Lathan’s A Darcy Christmas, consists of a series of short vignettes that chronicle Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s long and happy marriage through succeeding Christmases. This tour de force, lush with detailed descriptions and dripping with love of all kinds, provides a fascinating preview of her saga.
I liked the first story (vignette) the best. On the Christmas Eve before he marries her, a desperately lonely and confused Darcy dreams of the unacceptable Elizabeth as his wife and the mother of their children. Is he in love with her? He can’t be. Can he?

This novella by Ms. Lathan is the best of the bunch. She begins in the prologue with Darcy enjoying a remembrance look at a family portrait, calling forth Christmases of their past. At first I thought I’d be reading a prequel to Ms. Lathan’s Darcy series. In the first chapter, Darcy is lamenting on his loneliness without Elizabeth in his life, especially because he dreams of her as his wife, but he makes excuses as to why they cannot marry. Then the author surprises me by traveling a number of years into the future, picking one of those Darcy Christmas remembrances and sharing it in detail.
Thus, the entire novella is a moment in Christmas time, those that have the most meaning to this hero everyone loves. Each memory is written with either humor, happiness, sadness and grief, and all involve the Darcy family and its traditions as it grows over the years, including sibling bickering, parental love as well as admonishment, and a host of other fun with this delightful family.
A Christmas baby, a special child, a frayed bookmark, a carriage accident, a heartfelt loss, among a few others, are all encompassed as the Darcy children grow older throughout the years, learning about life and love from the example their parents have set during their lives. The emotion, whether happy or sad, rolls off the pages in each chapter. While every chapter has plenty to offer the reader, my favorites are Christmas Grief and Christmas Present. Grief through the holidays is understood by all and the emotion in this chapter is exceptionally well done. More surprises await in the last chapter of Christmas Present, one had me chuckling and the other had me sighing with love anew for these characters.
I believe this is Ms. Lathan’s best work to date. She’s grown tremendously as an author and I know her future works will better than ever. For me, it’s Ms. Lathan who saves the day in this anthology. Her story alone is worth picking up this book. If you’re a big Dickens’ fan, you’ll probably have more fun with the Eberhart than I did. And Ms. Grange gives a story in keeping with what Darcy fans have come to expect when reading about him and Lizzy. There’s something in this anthology for everyone this holiday season.

As we all know, I am quite a big Sharon Lathan fan, so this novella was the first one I read and maybe because of this, my favourite. I love how she allowed us glimpses into the Christmases of the growing Darcy family. It was such a huge delight!

I enter the breathless world of my favorite couple with Sharon Lathan’s A Darcy Christmas….. as I traveled from Christmas to Christmas with these two passionate lovers, I looked into the world of the Darcy’s with breathlessness… tears… happiness… and all around satisfaction.
I loved how Lathan took us across the years with the Darcys and looking at their Holidays spent with one another and how they grew as a couple and a family. Much applause to these three wonderful authors for creating such a wonderful book! I believe Miss Austen would have loved this! I have now officially added this book to my books that I read every holiday season…. A new tradition is born…. Thank you!

A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan would have to be my favorite out of the three. It shows the many Christmas’s of the Darcy family. I loved the way it was like a flashback into Darcy’s & Elizabeth’s past.
I have noticed that this year has seen an influx Pride and Prejudice based material, which I have to say that I have been loving. Although I have not been able to a Christmas themed book, that is until now. A Darcy Christmas is a lovely collect of three novellas by Amanda Grange, Sharon Lathan, and Carolyn Eberhart. I found that I simply could not put the book down. Each novella held my attention and I found that I read each one straight through. Fans of Jane Austen will be thrilled to add A Darcy Christmas to their Jane Austen spin-off shelf, and if you are like me you probably have an entire shelf or two just for those types of books. Trust me, this book is a must read.

As an Austen fan, I loved the sweet holiday flair brought to the characters of Pride and Prejudice. The three separate stories were unique and fun to read, each with a style that helped it stand out from the others. Honestly, I had a wonderful time escaping into the possible lives of the Darcys and would definitely recommend this compilation to Austen fans. In short, A Darcy Christmas brings Jane Austen charm to the holidays in a delightful way.
Completing the collection is Sharon Lathan’s A Darcy Christmas. In this concluding selection, Elizabeth and Darcy take us through a series of Christmases together over the years. Jumping across the years, this famous couple share their lives and growing family as they celebrate many happy holidays across a lifetime. Lathan’s story, like her novels, was romantic and charming as it showed the loving relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth with their growing family.

A Darcy Christmas written by Sharon Lathan is the concluding story in this anthology and aptly so. The Book is titled after this story and I felt that was appropriate.
Lathan follows Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy and their families and friends, throughout ten separate Christmases. I found that a bit daunting considering it was a novella, but Lathan pulled it off with style. Offering the reader snippets, so that they could see how the family changed over the years. What new faces were added or old faces gone on. I really enjoyed this one a lot.
If you like Jane Austen fiction and you like Christmas, this anthology just in time for the holidays, should be right up your alley. I recommend this one because it is full of much-loved characters and is short enough to accommodate all of the hustle and bustle of the season.

The last collection, A Darcy Christmas, is a compilation of stories written by Sharon Lathan. They take us through the intimacy of Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship, complete with passion and three children. My favorite of these was the last, where Elizabeth bestows a bookmark on her husband, one which he had long treasured as it was her first gift to him, embroidered with the verse from Genesis: The two shall become one flesh.
This novel cast a lovely Christmas spirit around two of the most beloved characters from Pride and Prejudice. It would be a perfect holiday read for any Jane Austen fan.

Of all the novellas, Sharon Lathan’s A Darcy Christmas is definitely the most unique and long ranging!
Each chapter is dedicated to a different Christmas that the Darcy’s experience. A Darcy Christmasspans the time period from the Christmas prior to Lizzie and Darcy’s engagement through their 23rd Christmas as a married couple. The chapters are filled with births, deaths, marriages, happy times, and sad ones. As expected Lathan’s novella is filled with new characters that add to the richness of her imaginative creation.
Fans of Lathan’s Darcy Saga novels will be glad to know that Lathan stays true to the Christmas’ she’s already written about in her novels, adding extra tidbits to what we already know. I really enjoyed each chapter giving us a small piece of each year of the Darcy’s lives. It gave sneak peaks of what we can expect from Lathan in the future. I’m definitely looking forward to the next novel in the Darcy Saga, as A Darcy Christmasleft much to be excited for!

Three fabulous author come together to carry on Jane Austen’s classic work in a continuing tale of Darcy and Elizabeth. Sourcebooks Inc. brings us A Darcy Christmas; a holiday tribute to the beloved tale begun by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice. Full of life and originality, yet sticking to the story we all know and love,A Darcy Christmas is completely Christmas themed but captivating enough to be read year round. Many sequels to the acclaimed classic disappoint by not staying true to the characters and the plot that Jane Austen began, it is a pleasure to say this anthology is not one of them.
A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan is by far the most riveting of the three in the A Darcy Christmas anthology. Sharon Lathan digs deep into the lives of Darcy and Lizzy and tells their life’s story by Christmases. Each chapter is another Christmas in their life. Their love for one another is heartbreakingly romantic, their support for each other is captivating and the details of the good, the bad and the ugly are absolutely unforgettable. The Christmas of grief is literally so full of sadness that it may bring a tear to your eye, but there is always happiness in the end.
Sharon Lathan tells the story in a fashion that is believable both for its ties to the original works of Jane Austen and for its relations to true life ups and downs. Remarkable for the in depth scenes between Darcy and Elizabeth but heart warming for the fact that the author does not portray their life together as perfect. There are things that worry them and turn their lives upside down just as it would in real life.

Ever wonder how the Darcy’s would celebrate Christmas? Are you interested in learning how Christmas was celebrated during the Regency era? Or have ever desired for an Austenesque novel to read around Christmastime? A Darcy Christmas just might be the book for you!
A DARCY CHRISTMAS – SHARON LATHAN The third and final novella in this anthology isn’t really a novella at all. Rather, it is a heart-warming collection of short stories that illustrate various Darcy Christmases through the years. These progressive snapshots display the powerful and fervent love Darcy and Elizabeth share with each other and their children, endearing Darcy family Christmas traditions, and appearances by both new and beloved characters.
I finally read my first work by Sharon Lathan and can now understand why she has such a devoted following of admirers! I took pleasure in the charming and cozy Christmases the Darcy’s shared. In addition, I loved following the stories of the Darcy children and learning their distinct personalities. Although Ms. Lathan did an admirable job of creating diverse and unique Christmas celebrations, with nine Christmases in a row, it did occasionally feel repetitious.
As someone who devours Austenesque novels all year long, I found this “holiday tribute to Jane Austen” to be a splendid idea! I thought the stories were well-executed, entertaining, and lovely tributes to Christmas and Jane Austen.

The last story is A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan which depicts the Darcy family at Christmas over a period of years. The Darcy family is a growing family and each member of the Darcy and extended families get together each Christmas to establish their own traditions.
I enjoyed this festive book, and have to say that the last one was my favorite of the three.

Ending the book, is A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan. Note so much a story as vignettes – each centered around the Christmas holidays. Each piece shows the reader an incident from the life of Darcy and Elizabeth. We get to see them grow as a couple, have children, face the loss of loved ones, watch their children grow and have their own families — the gathering for the holidays increases as the generations continue to meet at Pemberley. This was a nice capstone piece to the book.
In the stores now, you can pick it up to read during the holidays when you want to remember what they’re all about as the chaos and stress rise. Christmas is for family, friends, and loved ones to gather and share the love and concern for each other. A Darcy Christmas is all about love and family. All in all, a nice book to cuddle up with on a cold holiday evening.

Ahh the Christmas feeling is over me now!
A Darcy Christmasby Sharon Lathan portrays the family over many years, always on Christmas. I met the characters I know from Lathan’s Darcy series, and I especially liked the story where one daughter sets her eyes on the boy she wants when she is 3. Now I wonder how many more books there will be in this series of hers, because there are sure a lot to write about with all the kids they get. This was something sweet before the holidays, Lizzy and Darcy in love and spending Christmas together.
For those that enjoy the Lathan books then this one should be read too since it’s the same Darcy world. But all in all they can all also be read like this. Short stories filled with love, and Mr Darcy. Something fun for the Darcy lover out there. Because that is what they all were, sweet.

This book is a nice holiday read geared to fans of Jane Austen. Three short stories, using Darcy and Elizabeth from Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, center around Christmas.
The first story has Darcy being Scrooge from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I liked the twist of using a twist on a classic within a twist of a classic. The other two stories pick up where Pride and Prejudice left off and continue the story of Darcy and Lizzy and their families. Christmas is the focus and is used to marked births, deaths, happiness and family moments. The three writers stick to Austen’s style and her ideas of the characters. I enjoyed this book a lot, and I am one who does not read many holiday books.

While Sharon Lathan’s novella is the concluding story of the book, I decided to read her A Darcy Christmasfirst. I recently finished her full-length novel, In The Arms of Mr. Darcy, so I still had her voice in my head, so to speak. I was delighted to find that this short story felt almost like a sequel to her third book in The Darcy Saga, although I’m sure that wasn’t necessarily the intent.
A Darcy Christmas is a window into many holiday seasons over the life of the Darcy family. It begins the Christmas before Darcy weds Elizabeth and ends many years later when they have been married for 23 years. Each chapter shares moments from a particular Advent season, revisiting the characters introduced to us by Jane Austen and meeting new friends and family members as well.
This novella was sweet, innocent and enjoyable, and I loved seeing how the Darcy family grew and matured over the years. Not every year was full of mirth, and I was particularly moved in one chapter when Elizabeth is mourning the loss of a loved one. I may re-read that very chapter someday if I have the misfortune to mourn as she did. It was very touching and could bring comfort in that type of sorrow.
As is true for the other two novellas in this collection, Sharon Lathan’s A Darcy Christmas is an enjoyable composition. It matches the sentiments of the other two authors and brings a warm glow to the heart.

I really enjoyed this novella, I read this at Christmas time and this is a must read for all you Pride and Prejudice fans.
This is the first of author Sharon Lathan’s works that I have read and I really enjoyed her writing, the characters were true to Jane Austen’s nature in writing which made me giddy. Elizabeth is wonderfully written and stubborn as ever. I have had trouble with some inspired Jane Austen novel in the past, but I can say that author Sharon Lathan did Jane proud. Great read, captures you and pulls you in. I will be reading more and more from Sharon.
Although I read this at Christmas time I can say A Darcy Christmas is wonderful any time of the year. Also might add the love scenes were tasteful not trashy I also liked that! A win win when purchasing this book!

The third and final installment of the book is A Darcy Christmas. It takes us through the Darcy Christmases one by one, some of joy, and some that let’s just say having the Kleenex close by is not ill advice.
I enjoyed these peeks into the Darcy Christmases – it was like looking into a family photo album. For someone who has avoided all of the spin offs with vampires, zombies, and sea monsters… this book came as a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the stories centered around the Darcy’s and the fact that this book holds the three stories as a collection was perfect for the time of year.

With the holidays quickly approaching I was excited to receive my copy of A Darcy Christmas: A Holiday Tribute to Jane Austen, by Amanda Grange, Sharon Lathan and Carolyn Eberhart. This was a light-hearted, quick read, and quite enjoyable.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I never tire of Elizabeth and *fanning self* Mr. Darcy–one of my all time favorite heroes. Naturally, when I have the opportunity to read a book that continues the genius that is Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice I will nearly always pick it up. As am I, many of you during the holiday season are running around so you find very little time to squeeze in some reading for enjoyment. Poof! The perfect solution: an anthology! A Darcy Christmas will get you in the holiday spirit.
Sharon Lathan’s A Darcy Christmas, for which this book gets its name, will have you smiling from ear to ear and remembering why you loved Pride and Prejudice in the first place. This was a fabulous holiday anthology and I highly recommend reading it. The stories are easy and quick reads, that you can squeeze in between hectic holiday running, or just curl up and read before a fire with your hot cocoa. ‘Tis the season to read A Darcy Christmas!