Dr. George Darcy

George's journal gives a synopsis of previous events

Jharna Dhamdhere Ullas

London haberdashery

East India Company headquarters in London, an 1800 drawing by Thomas Malton

Simpson's Tavern, the oldest in London

Princess Dorothea Benckendorff, Countess von Lieven

Salon, a gathering of intellectuals

William Wordsworth

Percy Bysshe Shelley

John Constable

Lord Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey

Dr. Rene Laennec, creator of the stethoscope


Autumn panoramic view of Pemberley estate

Rosings Park in Kent, the de Bourgh estate

George travels to Devon to visit sister Estella and family

Georgiana & the Matlocks travel through Wales

letters from family and friends

main entrance to the Pemberley stables

inner courtyard of the massive stable complex

horse breaking

Pemberley kitchen gardens

Pemberley small pond and rock garden

Who is getting married?

Pemberley chapel interior

remembrance and commemoration of a special day

Darcy sends Lizzy on a scavenger hunt, hint #1 with one rose & two pearls

rocking chair in nursery

heirloom cradle for baby Darcy

hint #2 roses & pearls

telescope balcony

early 1800 telescope

hint #3 roses & pearls

Richard Fitzwilliam's Pemberley bedchamber

hint #4 roses & pearls

Sculpture Gallery with Mr. & Mrs. Darcy busts

marble bust of Elizabeth Darcy

hint #5 roses & pearls

leather chair in library

hunt finale roses & pearls

September morning on the southern terrace, a perfect romantic breakfast location

Waterford crystal vase for all the roses!

archway and garden path leading to maze

Maze of hedges and garden surround

potted lavender

Cascading waterfall

The Greek style temple folly above cascading falls

romantic picnic in the grotto

six months pregnant

off on an adventure

traveling in comfort

Peterborough Cathedral

Map of Norfolk

Cliffs of Cromer

Cromer beach

walking on the sand and surf

view of the resort near Caister-on-Sea

Darcys' suite at the resort

sunset reflecting on ocean at Caister-on-Sea

sunset view from Great Yarmouth in Norfolk

Caister-on-Sea beach

bathing machine interior

"Mermaids at Brighton" etching showing a bathing machine in use

silhouettes of Elizabeth and Darcy

Caister-on-Sea ocean waves

umbrella shaded comfy loungers

arctic tern

"By the Sea" by Sally Swatland

Vladimir Volegov painting of a mother and boy

Darcy swimming

sunset at low tide, Caister-on-Sea (photo by Steve Docwra)

wooded pathway into Caister

Caister-on-Sea village

Holy Trinity Church in Caister

Holy Trinity Church in Caister

Caister Castle in ruins

Caister Castle

Caister Castle in 1890

borrowed phaeton

map of the Norfolk Broads

aerial view of the Norfolk Broads

painting of wherry on the Broads

etching of wherry on the Broads

sunlight through the trees

"Moll Flanders" by Daniel Defoe

resort terrace gardens

Darcy's love is only for Lizzy

French restaurant in Yarmouth

dining in style

wooded moonlit trail

Sunset over Breydon Broads

Breydon Water

moonlit streets of Yarmouth

Yarmouth theatre

Phantasmagoria drawings



sunrise over North Sea, as seen from Great Yarmouth

Caister-on-Sea sunrise

love on the beach at sunrise

Lizzy's favorite hairclip

Lady Underwood

Yarmouth jetty sands with bathing machine

Yarmouth's long wooden pier

Yarmouth Bridge, 1906

Yarmouth promenade

Yarmouth marketplace square

Saint Nicholas church in Yarmouth

Yarmouth Gardens and Brittania Pier

Lord Nelson's triumphant return to Yarmouth, 1741

Admiral Lord Viscount Horatio Nelson and the monument in Yarmouth

James Sadler's 1810 balloon launch and a plaque commemorating

horse racing

The Times of London

balloon sailing over Hyde Park in London

storm on the North Sea

rough waves on the North Sea

last night dinner & dancing on the resort dock

Stonecrest Hall in Leicestershire, home of the Lathrops

Lizzy visits Amelia Lathrop with baby Fiona

Derbyshire hills in autumn

autumn leaves

Lizzy's new curricle (gift #7)

18th century French lady's desk

early 1900s French ladies desk

Georgiana's pianoforte & music stand

sheet music

Pemberley attic

old trunk of Darcy's

Homer's "The Iliad"

1715 edition of Homer's Iliad & Odyssey

Achilles, 1850 statue

Darcy's baby tooth, kept by a devoted mother

Darcy's christening gown

Darcy's study & library

George Darcy in a rare neutral outfit

William Blake portrait and two examples of his work

George Darcy's story shared with William, and us!

George & Jharna, deeply in love

Pemberley foyer grand staircase

one of the Darcy ancestry tapestries

crop lands of Pemberley estate

fields of Pemberley's sheep

thoroughbreds of Pemberley

Dovecote, a shelter for doves (pigeons)

Mr. Burr, head gamekeeper with Mrs. Burr and estate dogs

gamekeeper compound

a mastiff

Pemberley aviary

Falconry, an ancient hunting form

merlin falcon


falcon killing rabbit

bloodhounds catching the scent

mastiffs, ready to hunt

limestone quarry and ravine

"The Poacher" by Richard Andsell

Reverend Bertram

Lizzy's official engagement ring, previously given to Darcy's mother by his father

gifting Darcy his band of gold

traffic jamming the London Bridge

Lizzy, pregnant and missing her husband

Darcy takes ill

Darcy where he should be

Late November at Pemberley

Elizabeth with her newborn babe

father and son

Darcy and newborn son

the new Darcy family

Alexander William George Bennet Darcy

One year anniversary in bedchamber with baby

Mama & baby Alexander tour Pemberley

Mrs. Hanford, Alexander's nanny

Formal dining room

George Darcy

the hospital in Matlock

Wolfram, now a one-year-old colt

At year's end, the Darcys are safe inside Pemberley