Sharon's Blog

Last Week! Last Chances for Miss Darcy Falls in Love!

Miss Darcy Falls in Love has been released for nearly a month now. I hope all of you have your copies and have been satisfied with my vision of life for Georgiana Darcy. I would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to share with me here, on any of...

Summing up and looking ahead

Another busy week is upon me, and I don’t just refer to Thanksgiving. I have less stops on the blog tour this week due to the holiday, but I will still be ripping up the blog-o-sphere with some fun and games. And of course there are the already posted guest...

Second Week of Miss Darcy Falls in Love Celebration!

If you thought last week was filled to the brim with giveaways, terrific guest blogs, mouth watering excerpts, fascinating interviews, and awesome reviews – YOU HAVE SEEN NOTHING YET! This week is replete with more of the same and then some! Because I have so much to share, I shall...

The Real fun begins!

Last week saw the official release of Miss Darcy Falls in Love – whoot! – but as I revealed in the post below, I was extremely occupied with the wedding of my daughter Emily. Well, the wedding has happily occurred without a single error and the new Mr. and Mrs....

Miss Darcy Falls in Love is released!

Miss Darcy Falls in Love is officially released! I have been anxiously awaiting this day forever, it seems. Way back when I was writing In the Arms of Mr. Darcy I was suddenly inspired by a certain gentleman and in a flash the future I had long desired for Georgiana...

Monday Happenings

Several fun events for today! Hop over to Austen Authors where I am reporting on my week in Texas at the Jane Austen Society of North America’s Annual General Meeting. The conference was wonderful and I had a fabulous time. It was a learning experience as well as being an...

Romance Review 4-Star for Miss Darcy Falls in Love

I am here at the JASNA AGM in Fort Worth have a blast – updates later, I promise – and today had my spirits lifted even higher by a fabulous 4-Star review of my upcoming novel. Whoot! This makes the 3rd review so far and each of them have been...

First reviews for Miss Darcy Falls in Love

What a great day! I was greeted this morning with a lovely email from Candy at Single Titles, letting me know that she had posted her review of my upcoming novel, Miss Darcy Falls in Love. With some trepidation I clicked over to Single Titles and to my delight the...

Miss Darcy ARC Winner!!

I am so happy that so many of you enjoyed my awesome Jane Austen quiz. It was meant to be fun, but also a tiny bit of a challenge – LOL! After all, an advanced reader copy of my upcoming novel was at stake! I have posted the correct answers...

Introducing “book plates” and bookmarks for YOU!

Way in the back recesses of my mind this is something I have wanted to offer to my fans for a long time but, well, I shall be honest and admit that I simply hadn’t taken the time to figure out how to go about it! Ends up it was...

Austen Quiz for a prize

Anxious to read my upcoming novel – Miss Darcy Falls in Love – and not sure you can wait? Here’s your chance! I have an advanced reader copy lying around and I want to give it to someone. Why not you? Here’s how it works: The quiz below is for...

Big Giveaway at Romance Studio

Passing along some cool information– The Romance Studio where I advertise and have an author page is a terrific resource if you are a lover of romance novels of any type. Of course there are numerous great sites, but I really like this one. Right now, for Labor Day Weekend,...

Miss Darcy Falls in Love ARC Winner (S)

Yes, I said “WINNERS” in the plural! The turn out for my Interview With Miss Darcy guest cross post for the Austenesque Reviews extravaganza “Traveling Tuesday” far exceeded my expectations. I am fairly certain my humble blog has never seen so many comments on a single post! It was wonderful...

Austenesque blogging day: An Interview With Miss Georgiana Darcy

I am thrilled to be a part of the Austenesque Reviews August Extravaganza. The month has been filled with amazing essays, quizzes & games, giveaways galore, reviews, interviews, and so much more. It isn’t too late to join in the fun! The list of prizes being given away during the...

The joys of planning a wedding

My life is never boring, that is for sure! Lately I have been having an absolute blast helping my daughter plan her upcoming wedding. Indeed romance has been in the air around the Lathan house for a few weeks now. Isn’t that a marvelous photo? My future son-in-law is wonderful,...