Category: Romance

Name the Austen Couples

My post on Cinematic Lovers on February 7 was quite popular. For some reason a plethora of romance movie aficionados haunt my blog. Shocking! Since that recognition quiz was handled so well, I composed another lovers quiz. This one contains images of couples from Jane Austen movies. All are married,...

Lovers Immortalized on Canvas

“The Kiss” is an 1859 painting by Italian artist Francesco Hayez Description: The painting represents a couple from the Middle Ages, embracing while they kiss each other. It is among the most passionate and intense representations of a kiss in the history of western art. The girl leans backwards, while the man bends his left leg so as...

Match the Lovers

Time for another game! Below is a list of twenty lovers in literature, history, and a few from TV or other silly places. All are familiar – at least I think they are – so should be easy to match up. Again, all in good fun, so no one is...

Loving Mr. Darcy excerpt & sale news

It is Saturday, and I am still celebrating my “Month of Love” so must therefore share a romantic excerpt! I chose this one from Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley for a couple of reasons. Loving Mr. Darcy is on sale in Kindle format for $2.99. Cool! Not sure why...


Today is the official day set aside for lovers ~ HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Hopefully couples show their love for one another every day of the week. But, as we have days specially to honor mothers and fathers, as well as veterans and laborers, having one day out of the year...

Historical Happily-Ever-Afters

Valentine’s Day is the time to celebrate love, and what better way than to look into the past for examples of true love? Lessons of sacrifice and committed love can be learned from lovers’ tales that did not end so well. If tragic stories are your cup-of-tea, here are some...

Quizzing your Romance Awareness

A fun quiz all about romance. Test your knowledge of lovers. Post answers in the comment section. No one is being graded, although answering does count toward the Valentine Giveaway. Answers will be revealed when the winners to my giveaway are announced after the 3/7 deadline. Have fun! A.  Which...

Sharon’s favorite poem… and an excerpt

I have never been a huge fan of poetry. That attitude changes, I discovered, when someone writes a poem for you! Many years ago when my husband Steve and I were still dating, he sat down at a local coffee shop in Capitola, California and penned a poem all in...

Cinematic Lovers

Are you a romantic movie lover like me? Then you should have no trouble guessing the couples depicted below, and which movie they are in. Answer in the comment section. You are not being graded, although answers do count as part of the “Month of Love” giveaway. I’ll post the...

Fall in Love Like a Romance Writer

In 2011 I was honored to be asked by my dear friend and fabulous author Amelia Grey to contribute to a project she was spearheading with the Chicken Soup for the Soul publishers. The book – Fall in Love Like a Romance Writer – is a compilation of romance novelists...

“Month of Love” Valentine Giveaway

As I busily strive to finish my next novel for a March release fingers crossed I am also unable to ignore the one month of the year devoted to love and romance. After all, I am the “happily ever after” gal! And, with my upcoming novel focusing on the engagement...

Spell Your Love with Gemstones

I love it when random research uncovers something really cool! This one came about while I was doing some basic internet looking at gemstones popular during the Regency for scene in my work-in-progress set during the engagement period between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. I had never heard of acrostic jewelry,...

Online Chat at Discover a New Love

Mark your calendars! I will be online this Thursday, May 30 at 5pm PST to answer your questions and chat about romance! I’ll be joining these fabulous authors~ Sara Humphreys Carolyn Brown Emily Greenwood Grace Burrowes Lots of fun stuff to talk about AND we are each offering prizes for...

Valentine’s Day 2013

“Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents! Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely.” Hawkeye Pierce, in M.A.S.H. “Love is patient, love is kind, is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; does not seek its own, is not provoked, does...

Will You Be My Valentine?

As I covered in my two previous posts on this subject, Valentine’s Day as a holiday to celebrate romantic love and lovers was well established by the mid-1400s. If you missed those posts, either scroll down or click the links– Will the Real Saint Valentine Speak Up? Valentine Day Origins...