Category: Pride & Prejudice

Your Favorite Darcy and Lizzy

We all know what I think and why. And, everyone should know that I consider the rapid debate of Colin vs. Matthew and Jennifer vs. Keira to be pointless. It boils down to personal opinion as far as I am concerned and therefore not a matter of who ‘wins or...

Tales of Jane Austen Love

We all know how my feet were placed upon the path of Jane Austen fandom. Or if you do not yet know, you can read all the intricate details on the various pages of my website. My personal opinion is that is does not matter how or when one came...

Name the P&P Character

These are based on the original book written by Jane Austen. See how well you can do! Remember, answers will post on March 4. A. My father is a knighted gentleman of modest means. Unfortunately his wealth is not huge enough to provide me with a large dowry and because...

P&P Movie Moment

Man! Is it ever tough to pick scenes! Now that I have decided to do this, the challenge will be to make the selection. And, to limit my own musings so others can get a word in edgewise! I really do appreciate the discussion that was generated with the first...

Mr. Darcy, The Chick Magnet

This is an old article that I just stumbled across – thanks to my friend May on Topix – but it is too hysterical to not share! It is written by a fellow named Bruce Ward for in December of 2005. Instead of a link I have included the...