Category: Guest Blog

Interview at The Lovestruck Novice

Today marks the end of my Loving Mr. Darcy virtual book tour. Rather sad. It has been great fun traveling across the blog-o-sphere. I went as far as Australia and was later stranded on a deserted tropical island with a bevy of hot guys. Not bad! The tour was wildly...

My visit to the Island!

I am SO excited about these next three days! My good friend Bridget is one of the gals who manages Desert Island Keepers. This website does review romance novels, but primarily they are known for their fun atmosphere with hot guys! Get it – Desert Island Keepers, as in those...

Darcy Saga Week at the 2005 P&P Blog!

If you haven’t visited Jeane’s amazing blog and forum devoted to the equally amazing 2005 movie adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, you are seriously losing out. It is a terrific place to keep updated on the actors and director of the movie, and have loads of fun with quizzes and...

Exciting Day!!

I woke today to a couple of wonderful surprises to add to an already exciting day. My first interview as part of the Loving Mr. Darcy release is underway at Romance Writers On the Journey with several ladies sharing tales of true love. I do hope many more will stop...

Gotta Love Them Moms!

Today was my turn to blog over at the Sourcebooks Casablanca Authors blogsite. In keeping with my upcoming launch, I chose to center my topic on Loving Mr. Darcy plot points. But I was also greatly influenced by recent events with my mom. Enjoy! Moms must be on the brain...

News on the “Loving Mr. Darcy” launch front ….

Now that I am home and more or less feeling 100% well (danged foot!), I am turning my attention and efforts to the release of my second book in 27 DAYS AND COUNTING!!! In the weeks ahead there will be tons of activities and updates. I am still plotting and...

Interview with Bridget

Today I am honored to be guesting on Good Books, Bad Books. Blog owner Bridget was one of many who accepted ARCs from my wonderful publicist Danielle. To my delight and hers, she loved my novel! 5-Stars!! Bridget’s review of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy can be read on my...

Embracing Inspiration

Today it was my turn to blog over at the Casablanca Authors website and I decided to talk a bit about art and the mystery of inspiration. Here is what I wrote:  Over three years ago now something happened that changed my life. I walked into a movie theater and...

Guest Blog at Jane Austen Today

 I just found out today after being gone all weekend in San Francisco that an essay I wrote for Jane Austen Today has been posted. I was unsure of the date, that being why I gave no warning. Here is a short blurb: Whenever I talk to people about Jane...

Pride & Prejudice 2005 Interview

Today marks the completion of my 3 part interview with Jeane over at the incredible Pride and Prejudice 2005 Blog. This was so much fun! I am rather sad to see it end. But, of course, nothing on the internet ever truly disappears. LOL! This last bit focuses on me...