Sharon's Blog

Today is my birthday!

Yes, today is my birthday! Usually I would not toot my own horn is such a way, but this birthday is a big one for me. Indeed, yours truly was brought into the world exactly 50 years ago. I was born the typical way, a healthy, 7 pound 12 ounce...

The Season in London Defined

The English custom of the elite in society passing months in London rather than their country homes began somewhere in the 17th century and continued to dominate the culture until well after WWI. Roughly coinciding with the sitting of Parliament, the official Season launched in earnest after Easter and ran...

Quit Clowning Around!

History fascinates me, which is a good thing since I must dig through the past to write novels set 200 years ago! In Loving Mr. Darcy I wrote of a summer festival at Pemberley with all sorts of entertainments for the guests to enjoy. Among them were clowns. Here follows...

Mr. Darcy’s letter to Jane Austen

I was searching for something in my computer folders and stumbled across this whimsical bit I wrote a good two years ago for a guest blog assignment. With a teeny bit of editing, I figured why not share it again? The premise was, what would Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy say to...

Dr. Darcy’s travels

My next release is The Passions of Dr. Darcy, due out on April 1, 2013. Whoot! More on that novel can be read under “The Novels” menu – or just click HERE. For those familiar with George Darcy from the previous books of the Darcy Saga, it is no surprise...

Saga Reader Letters

“Let me tell you about my daughter and her love for the Pride & Prejudice. The movie and books bring her peace and joy.  Reading is one of her favorite pastimes, in addition to needlepoint, crocheting and playing guitar and singing.  She loves the time era and is a romantic,...

Indian Clothing for Men

When I initially conceived of the character Dr. George Darcy, he wasn’t a man I knew well. His personality emerged as I wrote him into the bigger saga, yet one attribute I immediately felt was right for him was in the area of what kind of clothes he wore. Dwelling...

Passions of Dr. Darcy excerpts

Just for a fun treat, I am going to share another excerpt from my next novel. The Passions of Dr. Darcy will hit shelves on or about April 1, 2013. I have finished all the editing steps, so am in the waiting period. No news on if the final cover...

Positive Thoughts on Romance & Novels

Continuing with the theme I cannot release from my mind, today I am sharing more Darcy Saga fan quotes, in between the written words of Jane Austen. She loved novels, and despite claiming “…I could no more write a romance than an epic poem. I could not sit seriously down...

Anna Karenina

The latest version of Leo Tolstoy’s classic novel Anna Karenina is coming to “select” US theaters on November 16, 2012. I am very excited about this movie! Directed by the brilliant Joe Wright, the movie stars Keira Knightley as Anna and the wonderful, oh-so-handsome Matthew Macfadyen as Anna’s brother Stepan “Stiva”...

Positive Thoughts on Romance 2

Following up on the theme I began on THIS BLOG two days ago – that one a result of the startling revelations I talked about in THIS SERIOUS BLOG – here are a few more comments from readers of my novels, and kudos for romance novels in general that I found...

Shivaji Maharaj

Turned my mind to The Passions of Dr. Darcy, and thought I would share tidbits of Indian history, or whatever takes my fancy, now and again. George Darcy spends a large portion of his years in India dwelling with the Maratha people across the Deccan Plain. To understand who these...

Live Like Jane Austen

My friend Syrie James, author of The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen, sent me this, which actually came from Lori Smith, author of The Jane Austen Guide to Life. Gotta love it!

Positive Thoughts on Romance

The blog I posted on Sept. 25 has generated LOTS of comments, feedback, etc. This is great, since I wanted to enlighten people. That blog can be read by scrolling down a bit, or clicking Warning: A very serious blog Many of the comments here and on Facebook expressed well-meaning,...

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

  The Halloween Full Moon Scavenger Hunt over at Night Owl Reviews is nearly a month into its 2-month duration. I am participating, adding my awesome prizes to the hundreds of others. You don’t want to miss this! Come over and join the hunt. You could be the winner of my...