Table Crumber

Surely you didn’t think a butler or diner would brush fallen bread crumbs off the bleached white tablecloth onto the floor? Perish the thought! Instead, some clever person invented the table crumber, or simply, the crumber.
The crumber came in many forms: a small brush and pan, a tiny brush on its own (which sweeps crumbs into a waiter’s hand), and a flat metal scraper or blade with or without a handle. As seen in these examples, the materials widely varied but were almost always beautifully designed as befitting eras of fine, upper crust (pun intended) dining.
Very pretty. I think I prefer the brush to the scraper, I would think it to be more effective!
What a great idea! They are so intricate too!
Before we had to close that restaurant, our fine dining restaurant had back waiters who expertly utilized these tools, slim silver blade and whisked into a hand or empty plate. Our bread was deliciously crusty and made a big mess’