Category: Holiday

Independence Day 2011

Feeling patriotic and proud to be an American is a normal attitude for me, but this 4th of July, our Day of Independence, the emotions are even closer to my heart. This year I have spent two weeks in Boston and New York City – two of our oldest cities...

Happy Father’s Day!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day of celebration as we honor our fathers.   Now, in the spirit of fatherhood I am sharing a few excerpts of Mr. Darcy, Father, in action! The first is from My Dearest Mr. Darcy, taken in the hours after the birth of Alexander. The next...


Wishing all of my readers and supportive fans a marvelous holiday weekend!   A snippet from The Trouble With Mr. Darcy~~ Baskets of eggs sat among the bowls of paints, dye, and adhesive to decorate with the glass pieces, feathers, beads, seeds, ribbons, lace, and more. Adult supervision was essential,...

Wishing a Happy Valentine’s Day!

I am starting early with the wishes for a LOVE filled holiday early. Shocking as it is, I LOVE this season of LOVE! Hopefully everyone out there in the world will feel happy and special during this time of LOVE. Since we know that LOVE comes in all styles and...


May all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled in the coming year.


MERRY CHRISTMAS …to all my friends and faithful readers of the Darcy Saga! I am blessed to share another year of Darcy-flavored joy with each of you who have made my dreams come true. My wish for you is health, prosperity, joy, happiness, and contentment for this holiday season and...


I will be sleeping a portion of the daylight hours after having worked New Year’s Eve in the NICU, but then I intend to relax with my family. We will watch football – well, Steve and Kyle will watch football! – and munch on an assortment of goodies throughout the...

Christmas 2009

Weeks of planning and it is over in a whirlwind! Of course, the tree and decorations are still up and will be for another week – and I am still wading through the ream of photos taken, and there is left over ham in the frig. So it isn’t completely...

Christmas surprises!

The Lathan family is busily meandering all over the holiday decorated Magic Kingdom and having the time of their lives. I will share a few specific highlights of the trip once we return and recuperate! But I had to share how delighted I was to be surprised by one of...


  From the Lathan household and your humble authoress, to all of you: family, friends, faithful readers and fans, and those who visit for the first time ever – MERRY CHRISTMAS! May every blessing imaginable be yours this holiday season. Thank you for the love and support through another year...