Sharon's Blog

Oscar Moments to Remember

I honestly don’t recall the first Oscar broadcast I ever watched. That would probably be because I was so young that I wasn’t sure what I was watching! My mom was a fan of movies, hence where I acquired my love of cinema, so in the Shelly household it was...

Valentine’s Day 2013

“Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents! Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely.” Hawkeye Pierce, in M.A.S.H. “Love is patient, love is kind, is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; does not seek its own, is not provoked, does...

Will You Be My Valentine?

As I covered in my two previous posts on this subject, Valentine’s Day as a holiday to celebrate romantic love and lovers was well established by the mid-1400s. If you missed those posts, either scroll down or click the links– Will the Real Saint Valentine Speak Up? Valentine Day Origins...

Literary Lovers Match-Up

This blog turns the attention toward literature rather than real life. Novels are chock full of romantic couples, even if romance isn’t the main point of the story. I created a fun match-up for you all, based on some of my favorite literary lovers. I steered clear of Jane Austen,...

Valentine Day Origins

Two days ago I shared a brief history of the man/men who unwittingly lent their name to this holiday now associated with romance. Not sure how they would feel when one considered they had to be martyred first! You can read that post here: Will the Real Valentine Speak Up?...

Valentine Blog Hop

Starting today and running until the end of this week is the Hearts Through History Valentine Blog Hop. To celebrate this season of love, dozens of participating bloggers are sharing their favorite mushy anecdotes from history. What better way to get your fill of sentimental warm fuzzies? My story of...

Will the Real Valentine Speak Up?

Trying to identify the “real” Saint Valentine isn’t as easy as you might think. There are several claims to the title of Saint Valentine, and so many legends swirling about that even the Roman Catholic Church could not decide, so ended up removing his feast day from their official calendar...

Week #3 Passions of Dr. Darcy ARC Winner!

LORI GODEY This week’s winner of an advanced reader copy of The Passions of Dr. Darcy signed by me!   Lori joins June and Cherri in the winner’s circle! Three winners down, FIVE more to go! Lots more chances to grab an early copy of my upcoming novel. Visit the...

Week #2 ARC Winner

      ~ Cherri Trotter ~   Yeah!! Cherri Trotter is this week’s lucky winner of an advanced reader copy (ARC) of The Passions of Dr. Darcy. Whoot! Chosen by and the Rafflecopter form, Cherri will very soon have my upcoming April release in her hot hands. I...

Pride & Prejudice is 200 years old TODAY!

Today is a special day in the world of Austen lovers: It is the 200th anniversary of the publication of Jane Austen’s “darling child” Pride and Prejudice!  Bloggers all over the web are sharing their love for Pride and Prejudice today. Indeed it is a BIG event! Lots of fun &...

“Austen Power” in the Wall Street Journal – I am featured!

FABULOUS news to share! Over the past two weeks, I was interviewed (along with lots of other people, as you will see) for a Wall Street Journal article celebrating the enduring passion for Jane Austen. On the eve of the 200th anniversary of the publication of Austen’s “darling child” –...

Hints of George Darcy’s epic Tale

One of the options for entering The Passions of Dr. Darcy ARC giveaway is to answer the following question: What George Darcy past event are you most curious to read about? I wish the form allowed the answers to be seen publicly, but I have been looking at what all...

ARC Winner & a Giveaway Update

Another wonderful surprise came to my doorstep today – more ARCs (advanced reader copies) of The Passions of Dr. Darcy. Yeah! I am very excited about this because now I can add a few more to the giveaway I am conducting here on the blog AND I can send a...

The Passions of Dr. Darcy giveaway!

The day before Christmas I received a wonderful surprise delivered to my door: 5 advanced reader copies of The Passions of Dr. Darcy. Whoot! I was not expecting them until January, so having that box dropped on my stoop – along with all the ordered gifts I was expecting –...