Armchair BEA ~ Literary Fiction

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austenโ€™s Pride & Prejudice.

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Tanya @ Moms Small Victories

Thanks for sharing these. I have Pillars of the Earth on my Classics Club list to read, but hadn’t heard of the other titles you suggested. I have yet to read Stephen King or Gone With the Wind, looks like I have lots of catching up to do! You have me curious about reading the Bourne books as well. Thanks for sharing your recommendations.

Carole in Canada

Great rant! When I go to our local bookstore, which is a large chain (Chapters Indigo), I not only go to the ‘Romance’ section but to Fiction as well. You will be glad to know that Diana Gabaldon is in the Fiction/Literature section not Romance. Your books as well as other Austen Authors are in Fiction too. I enjoyed your list of all time favourites. Some I have read (Taylor Caldwell and John Jakes). There is one author whose books I love is R.F. Delderfield, ‘God is an Englishman’ which is the first book in the Swann Family saga. Another would be Kathryn Lynn Davis, ‘Child of Awe’.


Great post! Some great choices!


That was an awesome soap box you got on! Very frustrating indeed. I think all books fit into two or three different categories for sure. And I’ve never heard a historical fiction book defined that way. Strange stuff.

Meagan @ Reviewing Wonderland

Well I can tell that you are an author by the length of your post! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great points made. It is so hard to classify books into “this” category or “that” category when so many are mixed-genres. I understand the need to classify them – I am not a fan of mystery/thriller novels so I don’t really want to see those when I’m searching for new books to read. But every once in awhile a contemporary book will be technically classified as a “romance” and I miss it!

Great book choices for the literary fiction genre – another category that tends to be confusing.

Bookish Temptations

I couldn’t agree more with you. Thanks for a great post. I really rather enjoyed your rant ๐Ÿ™‚


glad you post late, it gives me time to cheer you, lol!
thanks for the definition of HF. Instinctively, I would have put Pillars of the Earth, I love Follett’s writing, in that category, but with that def it does not work. very enlightening

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