Valentine’s Day Around the World
As a romance novelist with the above tagline, the month of February and Valentine’s Day are quite important to me. Over the years, I’ve written a horde of posts about the holiday itself, history, floriography, and general themes of romance and love. A topical search on the blog sidebar will bring up a list, OR pop over to the Pemberley Library under the “Romance” section for quick links.
Valentine’s Day is not celebrated in every country of the world —it is actually banned in Saudi Arabia— but many countries do acknowledge a day to pay homage to romantic love. That special day may not always fall on February 14, however, and while flowers, cards, and sweet treats are common gifts to express love, each country has unique customs. The infographics below highlight some of the traditions found throughout the world.

There are some really strange customs here! I would have preferred spring flowers rather than roses. I love the smell of Freesia!
Rather surprising, isn’t it? I honestly didn’t think Valentine’s Day (or a similar holiday) was observed in so many places, let alone the varied customs. It was fun to share them.