Time to Cut the Cake!

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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[…] In a separate, but topically related blog post, I wrote of the history of the wedding cake. That blog can be read here: Time to Cut the Cake […]

Sheila L. Majczan

Just coming across this as the link was with today’s blog. Interesting but no thank you to the intestines, etc. Many in our area now include fresh flowers on wedding cakes. And we have the tradition of saving/freezing the top layer to eat on the first anniversary.


Fabulous passage thanks Sharon! I enjoy looking at wedding cakes equally to the brides dress. These days they are both such creations and wonderful works of art!
In the Macedonian culture we also use a type of bread like the Roman one but decorated with sweets on top and it is made by one of the maids on the morning of the wedding day. It is then taken to the reception where traditional dancing takes place ( like Greek folk dancing) where the bread is broken into pieces and everyone takes a piece for luck. There is much more to the story however this is an abridged version 😉

Stephanie L

I have decorated cakes and made a croquemboche (no chocolate, but I did have a custard in some of them and caramel in others) and it takes a lot of time. I can only imagine in the days before electricity and modern ingredients…*shudder* I am very thankful that the uh, bridal pye was not in vogue by the time I got married. Cockscombs and lamb testicles…not exactly high on this vegan girls menu. ROFL

Very interesting stuff. Thanks for all the research you do on this!

Stephanie L

Yeah, living here (in Oklahoma) there is this local “delicacy” on particularly steak house menus. Calf fries. Not fries at all…but the testicles of young bulls. People who visit are always somewhat surprised that they are right there on the menu 🙂


I’m already married, but the romantic side of me is the one enjoying your articles. I might have missed a couple of your articles. You have done lots of good research. The articles are interesting and fun.


Somehow, I feel left out. Nobody served this girl a bride’s pie with lambs testicles in it at my wedding! Thankfully, traditions have changed.

Thank you, Sharon, for the info and the humor.

J "Joy" Dawn King

My 34th anniversary was 3 days ago. That will give me 362 days to collect those “tasty” ingredients. I will try to restrain myself until then.

By the way, how was Kentucky?

Joy King

I live in the highlands of the Andes Mountains where we buy meat in open markets. No plastic wrap or refrigerated display cases. Just a whole animal hanging up and someone with a hacksaw. Ingredient list for pye in Ecuador? No problem!

Jennifer Redlarczyk

Thanks for the information that we usually take for granted. I tried taking that cake decorating class they offered at Michaels and failed miserably. It makes one appreciate all of the art that now goes into modern creations. Jen Red


Mmmm….. that boiled fruit cake looks very yummy! So does the croquemboche, especially if it is filled with chocolate. Thanks for the look at the history of cakes!

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