Switching it up on Facebook

Ever noticed that practically every time you visit Facebook the powers-that-be have changed something? It is impossible to keep up on the constant “improvements” but if you are hanging out on FB once in a while just for fun, it does not matter all that much. In my case, since I use my Facebook author page as my top networking and marketing tool on an equal par with my personal website/blog, being aware of the new stuff is important. Recently a series of discussions on one of the author loops I belong to prompted me to seriously investigate how my Facebook experience could be better. This not only benefits me in reaching new readers, but in interacting with the fans I already have. And to be honest, I really like Facebook and want MY time there to be entertaining!

First off I decided to consolidate my personal profile and professional profile into one. In the process I did a whole lot of friending and unfriending, which felt really weird! Now everyone is all on my author profile – HERE. I learned some tricks in how to create “lists” so I can keep tabs on family and people I personally know through work, church, childhood, etc. Then there are my various author-related contacts who needed to be separated for easier following. Lastly, and just as important, my readers!

Sharon Lathan, novelist
For the latter, utilizing my PAGE and keeping the focus there better serves me, and you. Therefore, while one has to have a “profile” on FB in order to create a PAGE, I won’t spend as much time cross posting to both. My author page – found HERE– is where the biggest action will be. SO, if you want to keep tabs on the Sharon Lathan Happenings, be sure to LIKE my PAGE!

So what is new on my Facebook Author Page? Glad you asked!

1) I recently added a new banner – very cool, I must say. It is the image I use for my bookmarks, created by me using the incredible program Gimp. To make it easy, clicking the banner image leads to an easy link to this website, as does clicking the profile image or the link listed below my name.

2) The best tip of all was learning how to tweak the “tabs” underneath the banner. Admittedly, I have largely ignored those options aside from adding the occasional photo. Wow! Talk about an eye-opener to realize what could be done there! Now I have a bunch of super-neat extras that you have to check out! Simply click the square to access. Only 4 are visible at all times, the others revealed by clicking the tiny arrow to the right.

Let me go over each one, in order of appearance—

PHOTOS: All pages and profiles have this. I went through and updated the albums, especially, and added a ton of new images that I hadn’t gotten around to uploading. All related to my publishing career in some way, and purely for fun and enlightenment.

MEET SHARON: A bio, basically. Much more extensive than what is on the Facebook “about” area, but not as complete as the bio I have here on my website. There are links to my email, Twitter, website, and Austen Authors as well.

BUY MY BOOKS: This page is linked to Amazon. All of my novels are listed with the ratings, a few reviews, the synopsis, and a link to purchase.

CHAT: A new forum for discussion, questions, praise, or anything YOU want to add to interact with me. This page is all about connecting with me! Ask a question… I will answer. I already have two threads ready for a discussion of The Passions of Dr. Darcy. I am waiting to hear from my readers and fans of George! Comment here on my website are abundantly welcomed, naturally, and I will always respond, but since people seem to love cruising on FB, having a chat option right there will be a bonus.

WEBSITE & BLOG: Clicking the linked hearts will instantly transport you to this website. Well, not YOU as in your body – no Star Trek beaming going on! Facebook isn’t THAT cool… yet. But your browser will open automatically open a new page for my website.

NEWSPAPER: Have you seen and subscribed to my daily newspaper History, Romance, & Austen? You are missing out! Each evening a new edition can be delivered to your email inbox, the digital newspaper presented by Paper.li compiled of newsy bits pulled off the internet from sources I have designated. I am focusing on item of Regency and English history, Jane Austen, romance novels, literature in general, and a few other surprises. Clicking this link will show the latest edition for your reading pleasure, and offer you the option of subscribing if you wish.

PORTRAIT GALLERY: Clicking this tab will again take you away from Facebook, opening a new browser page for my fabulous Darcy Saga Portrait Gallery hosted by SmugMug. Literally thousands of pictures inhabit the ten albums in the gallery. There is an album for each novel in the Darcy Saga series, one for Matthew Macfadyen, one for Regency Era items, one for Fashion (Indian and Georgian Era), and the last stills from the 2005 Pride and Prejudice.

MY YOU TUBE: A feed from my YouTube Channel –
www.YouTube.com/SharonLathanNovelist – showing a few of my favorite videos, including my book trailer. More are on YouTube, but these are the ones I really love. An eclectic collective of humor, Austen bits, music videos, and more. I’ll add to this as I uncover videos I love.

MY PINTEREST: Yes, I am on Pinterest! More images I love on a bunch of boards. More Regency images, hot guys, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, funnies, Disneyland, movies, music, and lots lots more. Clicking here will bring up my Pinterest page, and all the boards and pins I have accumulated so far, as well as a link off-Facebook to my Pinterest page.

FAVORITE PLACES: Here on my website I have a comprehensive linking list of wonderful websites and blogs.  On my Facebook page, this tab opens to a page with a few relevant links, mostly ones to the pages on this website, but also a selection of others. I am sure I’ll add to this from time to time.


I have a few ideas for the other tabs, but haven’t gotten them worked out as yet. The above should keep you busy for a while! Now get over there, “LIKE” my page, and check it out! I’ll be waiting for some Dr. George Darcy discussions!





Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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