George’s Memorable Words
A friend of mine in the town where I reside invited me onto her blog as a guest. Isn’t that sweet? Jessica Brooks is an author as well, her genre “young adult” fiction (see bio on Jessica down below) and her blog is My Thoughts Exactly where she has started a new program called “Local Author Wednesday” as a special time to highlight writers within the communities of the Central Valley in California. Nice!
I was up first, my post on May 1 accommodating Jessica’s theme described like this–
“In my book, Pity Isn’t An Option, Jonas, the male main character, writes a few meaningful words on a particular item and ends up giving it to someone. I thought this would be a fun theme to carry on in the Local Author Wednesdays.”
I think so too! What a fabulously unique idea! Naturally I chose Dr. George Darcy, the star of my most recent novel The Passions of Dr. Darcy. The exercise of seriously dwelling on which words he would consider the most memorable and important, and what object he would write them on, was really fun.
Local Author Wednesday: Sharon Lathan, author of The Darcy Saga
In case the link ever expires, and for easier reading, here is my response to the exercise–
Dr. George Darcy would etch his memorable words onto the lid of his massive traveling trunk. He would not wish to mar the thick deerskin, so would use a surgical scalpel to scratch onto the strips along the edge.

1. Alex – the name of his identical twin who died at age twelve
2. Pemberley – his ancestral estate, home of his heart, and where his family resides
3. India – his adopted country and home for thirty years
4. Healer – physician, surgeon, or apothecary… Western medicine or Ayurvedic techniques… for Dr. Darcy the only goal is to heal
5. Humor – innate in his character, an epiphany while reading Proverbs 17:22 enforced the necessity of cheerfulness and humor to aid healing and live a happier life
6. Passion – whether for medicine, life, adventure, friends, family, women, or even food and clothing, passion drives George Darcy onward and keeps him young
7. Children’s laughter – after three years of introspection, George told a dear friend that this was his “favorite sound in all the world”
8. Marriage – a deeply held desire not to be realized for a very long time
9. Learn – George’s conviction is to never cease in his quest for more knowledge