Surprise Movie Trivia

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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cindie snyder

Great post! I knew that about Gene Kelly,as I am a big fan of his! Interesting facts,love the pic of the guys laughing!


The last films I saw at the cinema were Titanic and Goldeneye (I think! I know it was a James Bond film with Pierce Brosnan!) I used to go regularly until I started having trouble with my legs making sitting for long stretches uncomfortable. When I got a video player I used to hire films for a week but usually it was my children’s choice. Now I wait until they come on TV. (Apart from my P&P DVDs)


I knew about the Halloween mask but the thing about getting Ryan Gosling because he wanted somebody not handsome… really? Not handsome enough to temp him, right? xD

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