Category: Movies and TV

Romance Movies: Test Your Sap-O-Meter!

Just how much of a romance movie aficionado are you? If you are as fond of sappy sweet movies as I am, then these will be a breeze to identify! The fun quizzes below are all about happily-ever-after romance movies and are of two types— The first quiz contains 10...

Hollywood Love Stories. Yes, they DO exist!

Did I grab your attention with that title, thinking this was a blog about romance movies? Gotcha! While not about the movies themselves, this blog is related, so read on. . . If you visit my blog it is because you like romance stories, which means you are probably well...

Random Movie Quotes. Can you identify the movie and who said it?

Just for fun! Below are 20 random movie quotes, all of which are fairly common I believe. I avoided the really obvious ones that everyone knows simply by being alive. LOL! Instead, I went for some of my favorites, the choices spanning from the 1960s to the 2000s. Try to...

Highest Recommendation: BOSCH

Time for another TV recommendation from Sharon! Before launching into the details on this one, I must begin with an update on the previous entry on this topic. In September 2021, I wrote about the outstanding Sci-Fi series The Expanse (link to that blog below). At that time, the sixth...

Surprise Movie Trivia

Back in September I posted a blog with Random Movie Secrets for those who, like me, love the world of cinema. I love trivia tidbits of all types, but especially when it comes to movies. I hope y’all enjoy these! Captain America ~ Hayley Atwell surprisingly touching Chris Evans’ chest,...

What Makes a Christmas Movie? A Listing of the Classics.

Ever since Hollywood began making movies, a certain number have been specific for the Christmas season. Until maybe two or three decades ago, defining what makes a “Christmas” movie was relatively straight forward. The givens were: 1) it was set during the holiday season, 2) usually involved some sort of...

Movie Gem: Carrie Pilby (a holiday movie)

About three years ago, on one of those “what to watch” Saturdays, I stumbled across Carrie Pilby on Netflix. The titular star’s face, especially those big blue eyes, are what grabbed my attention. Then I saw that Gabriel Byrne and Nathan Lane were also in it — two actors I...

Favorite Fantasy & Sci-Fi Literature, Part 2

As promised last Thursday, I am back to finish up my list of favorite authors and titles within the fantasy and sci-fi genres. For the record, I am clear that JRR Tolkien is #1 with David Eddings a very close #2. After that, I can’t say I have a precise...

Favorite Fantasy & Sci-Fi Literature, Part 1

When I was 11, my six-years-older sister handed me her dog-eared copy of JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit. I was forever digging through her piles and shelves of books, our mutual love for reading already well established even if I was a bit too young to appreciate many of the books...

Birthday Wishes to Matthew Macfadyen

Yesterday was the birthday of my absolute favorite Mr. Darcy: Matthew Macfadyen. Matthew is now 47 and in my opinion every bit as fine as when I first saw him walking into the Meryton Assembly in Pride and Prejudice. Matthew was 28 when filming the movie, which is exactly the...

Movie Gem: The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

My husband discovered this Amazon Original Movie a few weeks ago while scanning desperately for something decent to watch. Upon my viewing of The Map of Tiny Perfect Things trailer (watch below) I liked what I saw but also got these hints of Nicolas Sparks vibes. Meaning, I feared the...

Random Movie Secrets

I absolutely LOVE movies! I have grown pickier over the years, in large part because so many movies these days are straight up horrible. Nevertheless, I will always adore the cinema, both big screen and the boob-tube. For that reason, trivia is always fascinating to me so from time to...

Highest Recommendation: The Expanse

It is no secret that I am a massive fan of television and cinema. These days, sad to say, it is almost impossible to find a new movie or series that is well written. My husband and I constantly lament this tragedy since we have a tradition of watching TV...

Is “Die Hard” a Christmas Movie? You Betcha!

In 1988 the movie Die Hard starring Bruce Willis and the late great Alan Rickman was released. Surprisingly, considering the later hoopla, it was NOT released over the Christmas holiday but rather on July 15. Being fans of action flicks, we saw the movie in the theater and loved it....

Christmas Movies For the 2019 Season, and a look at the question: What makes a movie a “Christmas movie”?

In the decades since folks in Hollywood began making movies, a certain number have been specific for the Christmas season. Up until the recent two or three decades, defining a “Christmas” movie was relatively straight forward. It had to be set during the holiday season, of course, usually involved some...