Hope of the Future extras + a fun quiz
Release Celebration Day #2! Let the games begin!
First on today’s agenda is sharing a few website changes and links.
As I have done with all of my novels thus far, the reams of images I gather during the writing process have been placed into my Novel Image Gallery. I may add a few more in time but the gallery is complete enough to go live for readers to enjoy. Images are designed to enhance the novel through visuals. In this case, a great number of the pictures are of locations in London. These, especially, can be helpful for those readers not hugely familiar with St. James’s Palace, Westminster Abbey, Covent Garden, and many others. Click the image to the right, or here:
Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future Image Gallery
Also, as some of you may have noticed, I spent a bit of time doing some cosmetic work on my website. The header seen above was changed a bit, including a photo of me! The pic was taken about two months ago, by my photographer husband, on the front porch of our Kentucky home. It was a spontaneous photo but turned out nicely, so I decided to make it my latest portfolio shot. I still love the drawing of the woman reading a book, which has been a part of my header for years, but figured it was time to present a more professional appearance.
Then, because I am a fan of symmetry and cohesiveness, I created new title graphics for the header and each website page. I used Cool Text and my graphic skills with GIMP to create them. What do you think? Each page on the website was spruced up and gone through, some changes small and others more significant. I encourage looking around to see what I have here, particularly the Regency Glossary and Cast of Characters pages.
Each of my novels has its own page with a synopsis, the back cover blurb, purchasing links, and more information. The page for the Darcy Saga Prequel Duo #2, my newest novel, can be reached via the title above. A general directory of ALL novels is HERE with linkage to each novel’s page. I do my best to keep everything organized and easy to find!
Purchasing Update!
Just this morning I am finally seeing the paperback version available on Barnes & Noble. Yeah! Click the link, if this is your preferred online marketplace.
Now that the business is taken care of – LOL! – let’s have some fun!
Yesterday’s blog post contains all the purchasing links, as well as information about the novel and my thought process regarding three significant scenes. The floor is open for discussion with the author – ME! – and any questions. PLEASE join in HERE.

For tomorrow I have prepared a “quiz” to test your recollection of Darcy Saga events, so brush up on the story! Today, the challenge is a different quiz. After so many novels with these characters, I am betting that even if you haven’t yet read Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future, you will be able to guess who is the speaker of the ten following quotes. Ready to prove me right? Give it a whirl! Fill in the blanks with your guesses and click the “ANSWER” button. (I will extend one hint: None of the quotes are by Mr. Darcy or Elizabeth!)
All entrants will be added to the Giveaway, no matter whether the answers are correct or not. This quiz is all in good fun! And speaking of the GIVEAWAY, be sure to enter using the Rafflecopter form on the right sidebar. FIVE (5) copies of Hope of the Future are up for grabs!
[…] For today, I was going to post another fun quiz but decided to save that for a later date. The “Who is the Character Speaker” quiz from yesterday is still up and waiting for brave souls to challenge! Come on, y’all. It isn’t that difficult! CHECK IT OUT HERE. […]
Fun quiz! I may have accidentally gotten one correct! Hahaha!
Congrats on your latest, and thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for giving it a go, Pam. You did good! I’ll post answers on Monday. 🙂