Georgian Era Kitchen Room(s). Yes, more than just one room!

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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Zelda Warner-Hall

I’ve been fascinated by the Stillroom, since I first saw it mentioned in a herb book from the mid-90’s — & I’ve day-dreamed about making a Stillroom Maid the heroine of a story – they’re like a governess or lady’s companion, in the sense that they’re not quite the same as the other servants- but I still wonder if there’s enough information about, to give the slice-of-life aspect in the background- before getting into the main body of the story…?

Kimberly Spurgeon

Oh my goodness! This is *amazing*!! I’m building a Georgian 1:144 dollhouse, where a foot in real life is equivalent to 1/8 inch for the 1:144 scale. I needed some historical information about the historical layout of the homes, specifically the kitchen, and this is *exactly* what I needed!! More than I ever thought I’d find. Just gorgeous. Thank you!

una allcock

Thankyou so much for this information. I am making a large jacobean manor house which has been modernised for the 1820s. I had almost given up as visiting historic houses are never very interested in showing you any kitchens.

Jennifer Susan Cooper

Thank you for this site. Best pics so far of Georgian sinks. I am researching for my dolls house kitchen set around the turn of the 1800’s and I like to get as close as possible to authentic.

David, Manchester,, England

Mrs Beeton, esp !st edition 1860, is also interesting on cooking and cook, kitchen maid &c. NB. Utensils, techniques etc were all before “modern aids” such as gas.


[…] Georgian Era Kitchen Room(s). Yes, more than just one room! By Sharon Lathan 31 October 2017 To fully comprehend the duties of the servants within the kitchen rooms of a Regency Era household [in England], it is helpful to understand kitchen architecture and technology of the equipment available. It is a complex issue impossible to cover completely in one essay. Instead, I’ll give a nutshell synopsis with images for visual enhancement. First, it is vital to note that the food preparation area wasn’t one room but consisted of several distinct, separate rooms. The main room for cooking was the kitchen, of course. Attached or in very close proximity were two (or more) larders, storage rooms (pantries), the stillroom, the dairy, wine cellar, and the scullery. If fortunate, there would be an ice house on the grounds not too far away. Read more… […]


Very interesting. The ceiling height in St. Jame’s Palace must have been more than 70 feet.


Thanks for the wonderful article. This is precious for writers.

Brenda kearney

Wonderful site – really enjoyed reading your contents. I was wondering if you had any information on what Stuffing spoons and Straining spoons were really used for – they are massive spoons, some of them 14 inches in length.

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