Category: Movies and TV

“The Other Boleyn Girl”

Right off the bat let me reveal that I enjoyed this flick. My husband was not as forgiving of the few flaws, calling it a glorified soap opera! The funny thing is that he is actually kind of correct, but that did not bother me! I feel it necessary to...


I saw this movie two weeks ago today, with my hubby, and then several days later viewed it again with my daughter. Daily I have wrestled with the knowledge that I wanted to share the experience with you all, desiring to offer a review as I have done with other...

“Amazing Grace”

Amazing Grace How sweet the sound That sav’d a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. This essay is both a review of a truly astounding movie that I sincerely cannot recommend high enough, as well as a history lesson...


Witty, cute, charming, adorable, sweet, funny, romantic, entertaining, wholesome, enchanting … these are just a few of the many adjectives in this positive vein that I could come up with for this movie. The premise is simple and there are no real surprises as the story unfolds. Amy Adams, an...

“Becoming Jane”

This is the one movie that my daughter was eager to see! No dragging involved at all. Of course, the main draw to her was the presence of James McAvoy, who she has loved since he played Leto in Children of Dune. Ah well, we all must have our fantasy...


“Stardust,” frankly, surprised me. Those of you who know me at all are aware of the fact that fantasy is my favorite genre in both movies and books, so whenever a movie that even hints at something other-worldly is released; it is on my personal Must See list. Therefore, I...

“Death at a Funeral”

Matthew Macfadyen’s newest movie was released in the US on August 17. Death at a Funeral is a comedic farce directed by Frank Oz, probably best known as the voice of Muppets Fozzie Bear and Miss Piggy as well as that cute intergalactic sage Yoda, but also well respected as...