Category: Holiday

More Christmas fun!

Join me at Darcyholic Diversions where I have shared an excerpt from my novella, A Darcy Christmas, AND where I am giving away 2 copies of the eBook! What a deal! The deadline to comment and enter is this Wednesday, December 12 so don’t delay. If you don’t want to...

Favorite Christmas Traditions

For my BIG December Christmas giveaway – scroll down to next blog post – one of the options to add points for winning a prize is the question: “What is your favorite Christmas tradition?”  I have enjoyed reading the responses from those of you who shared, and want to post...

Christmas Happenings!

Next up, I am getting into the Holiday Spirit by sharing an “Under the Mistletoe” excerpt from my first novel – Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One – at Leatherbound Reviews. Jakki has a month-long event planned with numerous authors sharing Christmassy excerpts and prizes. I will...


  May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs!   Heap high the board with plenteous cheer and gather to...

Today is my birthday!

Yes, today is my birthday! Usually I would not toot my own horn is such a way, but this birthday is a big one for me. Indeed, yours truly was brought into the world exactly 50 years ago. I was born the typical way, a healthy, 7 pound 12 ounce...


 I have to share a couple vintage Easter cards I found. I love them so much!         Have a joyous day of fun no matter what your plans. But please do not forget what Easter is really all about–    

Happy Valentine’s Day 2012!

Curious as to what Darcy might be thinking on the Valentine’s Day before he proposed to Elizabeth Bennet? I have an idea! My entry into the Austen Authors P&P 200 is today and the title is “Darcy Comes to a Decision.” Here is the beginning bit ….   Darcy resisted...

Happy New Year 2012!

For last year’s words belong to last year’s languageAnd next year’s words await another voice.And to make an end is to make a beginning.~T.S. Eliot Glory to God in highest heaven,Who unto man His Son hath given;While angels sing with tender mirth,A glad new year to all the earth.~Martin Luther...

Merry Christmas to me!

What better gift than a fabulous 5-Star review? I love it! Thank you to Sam at The Little Munchkin Reader for giving me an invaluable, treasured gift. Great reviews are the best and aside from lifting my spirits they encourage readers to take a chance on my book. Yippee!! Here...

The Darcys’ Second Christmas

A few days ago I shared an excerpt from my first novel – Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy – wherein the newly married Darcys celebrated their first Christmas together. Scroll down to read that snippet. Today I am sharing a small portion of the chapters that surrounded the holiday events...

The Darcys first Christmas

Another excerpt with a holiday theme for me to share. This is from Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One. It begins with the Darcys waking to greet Christmas morning, proceeding through most of the day to give a glimpse of how Christmas was celebrated in the Regency...

Christmas at Pemberley excerpt

Over the days counting down to Christmas I will continue to share images I love, some songs, and excerpts from my novels that revolve around Christmas. It is my absolute favorite holiday of the year so being able to write several holiday segments within my series has been a joy....

Summing up and looking ahead

Another busy week is upon me, and I don’t just refer to Thanksgiving. I have less stops on the blog tour this week due to the holiday, but I will still be ripping up the blog-o-sphere with some fun and games. And of course there are the already posted guest...