Category: History

The First Thanksgiving

In September 1620, the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers. They were comprised of Puritans, religious separatists seeking a new home where they could freely practice their faith, and individuals lured by the promise of prosperity and land in the New World. The ocean crossing lasted sixty-six days and...

Spell Your Love with Gemstones

I love it when random research uncovers something really cool! This one came about while I was doing some basic internet looking at gemstones popular during the Regency for scene in my work-in-progress set during the engagement period between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. I had never heard of acrostic jewelry,...

Will You Be My Valentine?

As I covered in my two previous posts on this subject, Valentine’s Day as a holiday to celebrate romantic love and lovers was well established by the mid-1400s. If you missed those posts, either scroll down or click the links– Will the Real Saint Valentine Speak Up? Valentine Day Origins...

Valentine Day Origins

Two days ago I shared a brief history of the man/men who unwittingly lent their name to this holiday now associated with romance. Not sure how they would feel when one considered they had to be martyred first! You can read that post here: Will the Real Valentine Speak Up?...

Will the Real Valentine Speak Up?

Trying to identify the “real” Saint Valentine isn’t as easy as you might think. There are several claims to the title of Saint Valentine, and so many legends swirling about that even the Roman Catholic Church could not decide, so ended up removing his feast day from their official calendar...

More Christmas Traditions

As my BIG December giveaway continues on to the end of the month more readers have been sharing their favorite Christmas traditions on the Rafflecopter form. It isn’t fair that I am the only one to see them! Some of the comments left by my awesome visitors I posted a few...

Today is my birthday!

Yes, today is my birthday! Usually I would not toot my own horn is such a way, but this birthday is a big one for me. Indeed, yours truly was brought into the world exactly 50 years ago. I was born the typical way, a healthy, 7 pound 12 ounce...

The Season in London Defined

The English custom of the elite in society passing months in London rather than their country homes began somewhere in the 17th century and continued to dominate the culture until well after WWI. Roughly coinciding with the sitting of Parliament, the official Season launched in earnest after Easter and ran...

Quit Clowning Around!

History fascinates me, which is a good thing since I must dig through the past to write novels set 200 years ago! In Loving Mr. Darcy I wrote of a summer festival at Pemberley with all sorts of entertainments for the guests to enjoy. Among them were clowns. Here follows...

Dr. Darcy’s travels

My next release is The Passions of Dr. Darcy, due out on April 1, 2013. Whoot! More on that novel can be read under “The Novels” menu – or just click HERE. For those familiar with George Darcy from the previous books of the Darcy Saga, it is no surprise...

Indian Clothing for Men

When I initially conceived of the character Dr. George Darcy, he wasn’t a man I knew well. His personality emerged as I wrote him into the bigger saga, yet one attribute I immediately felt was right for him was in the area of what kind of clothes he wore. Dwelling...

Shivaji Maharaj

Turned my mind to The Passions of Dr. Darcy, and thought I would share tidbits of Indian history, or whatever takes my fancy, now and again. George Darcy spends a large portion of his years in India dwelling with the Maratha people across the Deccan Plain. To understand who these...

Live Like Jane Austen

My friend Syrie James, author of The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen, sent me this, which actually came from Lori Smith, author of The Jane Austen Guide to Life. Gotta love it!

Happy New Year 2012!

For last year’s words belong to last year’s languageAnd next year’s words await another voice.And to make an end is to make a beginning.~T.S. Eliot Glory to God in highest heaven,Who unto man His Son hath given;While angels sing with tender mirth,A glad new year to all the earth.~Martin Luther...