Category: History

Skin Care for the Regency Lady

In an era before Avon or Mary Kay, the fair maidens of the Regency Era relied upon homemade concoctions. Fortunately, well-bred ladies weren’t without resources. Magazines of the day devoted pages to the topic of cosmetics and skin care, in between fashion plates and gossip. Then, in 1811, a publication...

Vocabulary Rocks! Reduplication Rhyming Words

The repeating of parts of words to make new forms is called reduplication. There are various categories of reduplication words: rhyming, for example okey-dokey exact, for example wee-wee ablaut (vowel substitution), for example zig-zag The impetus for the coining of these seems to be nothing more than the enjoyment of wordplay....

Bubble and Squeak

Originating in Ireland, bubble and squeak migrated into England as a common breakfast meal somewhere before the middle of the eighteenth century. As a dish with the sole purpose to not waste leftover food from dinner the night before, it was essentially a mish-mash of vegetables shredded or chopped small...

Wherein Sharon tries to define Hats and Bonnets

Continuing the theme of my blog on hat making – Millinery: A History of Headwear and the Profession – today I shall talk about the various styles of headwear worn by women during the Regency. First, before getting to the specifics and pretty photos, I shall try to shed some...

Millinery: A History of Headwear and the Profession

For a while, during my exploring craft stage, I delved into the world of making hats and bonnets. Despite never being a huge fan of sewing, I discovered I was fairly good at it. I even opened an Etsy store and sold nearly all my stock! I ended up experimenting...

For Precious Infant Heads: Pudding Caps

In the eighteenth century, children’s clothing underwent a gradual evolution from constricting garments patterned after those worn by adults to loose fitting dresses similar to those worn by women the standard apparel for both sexes. Along with this philosophy of freedom, the practice of swaddling infants tightly became a thing...

Curling Irons, not as new as you might think

The first, actual “curling iron” was patented by Sir Hiram Maxim (the same fellow who invented the machine gun) in 1866, but the device itself dates back over 6000 years. Considering antique curling tongs are seen or referred to in numerous cultures, it is doubtful a single person is responsible...

The Sluice-house, a Regency fisherman’s paradise

I discovered the joy of fishing late in life, after moving to the lake-abundant state of Kentucky in 2013. My husband insisted we buy a boat (Why not, we’re retired!) and although I fully expected to spend my time on the lake reading a book, almost immediately I was hooked....

Fun to Poke Fun at the Dandies!

“If people turn to look at you on the street, you are not well dressed.” The above quote is attributed to George Bryan “Beau” Brummell, and he wasn’t being ironic. Brummell was the trendsetter and undisputed master of the perfect tailoring and simplicity of understated style which became a hallmark...

Elizabeth Gurney Fry: Prison Reformer

Elizabeth Gurney was born in Norwich, England in 1780 to an influential and extremely wealthy Quaker family. Her father, John Gurney, was a partner in Gurney’s Bank, and her mother Catherine was from the Barclay family, founders of Barclays Bank. In 1798, when only 18, Elizabeth heard the preaching of...

Scotch Eggs

Last Friday I published a blog on Picnic History. One of the essential features of a good picnic was food that could withstand packing and travel, and that was easy to pick up and eat. This instantly brought to mind a blog I wrote a very long time ago for...

Speech on Fashion for the Regency Era Woman

In April of 2019, I gave a speech for the members of the Louisville Romance Writers. The topic was Fashion for the Regency Era Woman. This is a subject I adore, as is evidenced by the money I’ve spent over the years on costumes. LOL! It also involves research into...

Fall or Autumn? Which is correct? Or, is that a sensible question?

Today is September 22 and that is the official first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Most people are focusing on what new pumpkin-spice flavored food items they can nibble on while embellishing their houses with the plethora of harvest-themed decorations that are available, without caring one iota if...

Stockings, Hose, and Garters

Stocking, hose, sock… These are just a few terms for the many types of leg coverings that are woven or knitted of cloth, silk, wool, and cotton to provide both warmth and modesty. The styles, lengths, materials, weaves, etc. would change over the centuries, usually in response to garment fashion. Perhaps...

Corset History Video

I have recently discovered a fabulous YouTube channel: Weird History. The hundreds of uploaded videos cover a vast array of historical topics, places, events, and people. Most of the videos are relatively short but still manage to do a great job of covering the facts. I particularly love the brief...