Category: People

Victorian Women Enjoyed Sex!

Are you shocked? This fascinating article came through the Beau Monde chapter of the RWA a couple of years ago. I shared it then, but figured it is interesting enough to dust off and repost. The long, very detailed article in the April 2010 edition of Stanford Magazine (as in Stanford University,...

Belle ~ An Inspiring True Story

At the April meeting of JASNA Louisville – which I am thrilled to be a member of — Dr. Glynis Ridley gave a talk on trade with the West Indies during Jane Austen’s time, specifically as it related to Mansfield Park. It was a fascinating topic on numerous points, one...

Lovers Immortalized on Canvas

“The Kiss” is an 1859 painting by Italian artist Francesco Hayez Description: The painting represents a couple from the Middle Ages, embracing while they kiss each other. It is among the most passionate and intense representations of a kiss in the history of western art. The girl leans backwards, while the man bends his left leg so as...

Historical Happily-Ever-Afters

Valentine’s Day is the time to celebrate love, and what better way than to look into the past for examples of true love? Lessons of sacrifice and committed love can be learned from lovers’ tales that did not end so well. If tragic stories are your cup-of-tea, here are some...

Shivaji Maharaj

Turned my mind to The Passions of Dr. Darcy, and thought I would share tidbits of Indian history, or whatever takes my fancy, now and again. George Darcy spends a large portion of his years in India dwelling with the Maratha people across the Deccan Plain. To understand who these...

“Amazing Grace”

Amazing Grace How sweet the sound That sav’d a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. This essay is both a review of a truly astounding movie that I sincerely cannot recommend high enough, as well as a history lesson...