Bourdaloue. What IS that thing?

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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David Hovde

As a potter who makes 18th century reproductions I keep being asked to make these by female reenactors. There are dozens and dozens of images, but virtually no measurements which for me makes these sites useless.

Pat Deck

Did the ladies not wear underpants?


No, they certainly didn’t! Un-necessary under their voluptuous skirts!

Michelle David

I could not stop laughing…..can you imagine if someone had one and was using it as a gravy bowl? LOL


Excuse me, are you saying that I should discontinue my use of such a decorated item on my dining room table??

Stephanie L

This is incredible. That picture had me staring for a moment trying to figure out the, uh, angle. You know that bodily functions haven’t changed in the ensuing time so they had to be taken care of, but we (or I) don’t generally put any thought into how it happened. Those things don’t tend to make it into novels. LOL

Georgia Boone

Bourdaloue! Do you suppose that is where the word “loo” for current UK bathroom comes from???

J "Joy" Dawn King

On December 16, 2014, I posted the following on Facebook. It’s a true story:

Last night was a stellar moment on Antiques Roadshow. This so could have been ME! A woman brought in a set of gorgeous silver pieces from circa 1820 (yes, Jane Austen era). She found out that the punch bowl that they took out and used for special occasions was, in reality, a chamber pot. I felt so sorry for the woman. Could you imagine all of her friends and family anxiously watching for her appearance only to find out what she had been serving them out of? I laughed so hard that I woke John up out of a sound sleep. I’m still chuckling. It will be on again this coming Sunday on PBS. The woman handled the information really well. I can’t imagine that I would have been that poised. But, then, when am I ever?

Needless to say, Sharon, the pictures of this post are even more decorative than her silver pot. And, how you find such photos is beyond me. You are truly skilled. The portrait? Who would have posed for that? Yet, I am grateful because I couldn’t help but try to figure out the contortions needed to use one of these things. I definitely need to be more appreciative of our flushable porcelain bowl.

Thank you so much for the laugh. You are a hoot, Sharon Lathan!!!

Stephanie L

covering eyes with hands Oh my lands. We watch that show occasionally but I missed that one. Wow. Just wow. LOL


wow just love it. I think I saw one in the local senior center shop. hmmm will have to go back and check it out


How funny. I never would have guessed. It looks like a gravy boat. My mom has an old chamber pot that she inherited from my grandmother. It’s so gorgeous she can’t part with it.


Brilliant! Makes perfect sense when you know. Thanks for the info. A lot more decorative than similar things today!!

Wendy Roberts

Who knew? Thanks for the morning enlightenment! LOL

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