Sharon's Blog

Warning: A very serious blog on a frightening, shocking revelation

I rarely blog on personal matters or controversial subjects, but something happened recently that was so shocking and eye-opening to me that I can’t not talk about it. Perhaps I am feeling a bit like Mr. Darcy in hindsight, wishing he had not been secretive about Wickham. Maybe sharing and...

My weekend in Orange

What a great weekend I had in Orange, CA! As I have alerted over the past weeks, on Saturday September 22 I was part of a panel discussion on Jane Austen Sequels and Adaptations. The 1st Annual Big Orange Book Festival took place on the gorgeous campus of Chapman University....

Your brain on Jane Austen

Some of the studies researchers spend money on are dubious at best, but this is one that I found interesting and possibly beneficial. Stanford University conducted a study on brain patterns and blood flow using an MRI while test subjects read Jane Austen! Here is an excerpt from the article...

Sociable Sunday at Austenesque Reviews

  Today – Sunday September 16 – is my scheduled LIVE online chat on Austenesque Reviews For the month long Austenesque Extravaganza event I am joining fellow Austen Author Colette Saucier – Pulse and Prejudice – for the Sociable Sunday interactive audio chat Q&A. Everyone is welcome! Chat starts at 4:00 pm PST (7pm EST) Giveaways galore...

10 Facts About Jane Austen

Fun and fascinating video by Abe Books sharing 10 facts about the author by a lady dressed in Regency costumes. So cool! Jane Austen is best known for her six major novels – Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. She led a short but...

Upcoming Appearances & Events

    Join me on Tuesday, August 14 as I discuss Jane Austen and the Romance Novel at Blethering About Books as part of Alex’s 7 Weeks of Austen event.  I will be giving away a signed copy of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One. Yippee! While...

Winner of RWA Drawing

  Congratulations to Gen Wilson!   Gen’s name was chosen by out of the long list of lovely women who signed up to be placed onto my mailing list as part of the awesome giveaway I sponsored during last month’s RWA Conference. Thanks to everyone and another mega congratulations...

RWA Conference 2012

Every year for the past four years I have been blessed to recount the fun I have at the Romance Writers of America National Conference. This year is no exception, I am happy to say. Each year is better as I meet new people and grow more comfortable with the...

Congratulations to winners!

My first ever online interactive “live” party was a wonderful success. I had a fabulous time! Over 130 comments over 1 hour of frantic typing. Left me with serious typer’s cramp but it was SO worth it. Major thanks to the Sourcebooks crew who created Discover a New Love Romance...

Upcoming “appearances” not to be missed

In the upcoming weeks I have 2 BIG events planned that I invite everyone to attend if possible. The first takes place online so will be easy no matter where you are! The second is in Anaheim for those who live in Southern CA.   For the entire month of...

Featured Author on Discover a New Love

So exciting! For the entire month of JulyI am one of the four Featured Authors on the Sourcebookscreated website and book club Discover a New Love.This is really cool!! Featured romance novels for July are– Paranormal: Untouched by my good friend Sara Humphreys Historical: The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine by Jayne...

The Passions of Dr. Darcy is complete!

Update on the happenings of Sharon Lathan and her next book: The Passions of Dr. Darcy is DONE! Yes! I typed “The End” well ahead of my deadline, compiled the whole manuscript into the proper format, and then sent it off to my editor Deb Werksman at Sourcebooks on June...

Blogging at Darcyholic Diversions

I am taking a small walk down memory lane as I recount my journey on what went from a diversion to an obsession to what is now a career! Crazy stuff! Join me at the love Barb Anderson’s blog Darcyholic Diversions. I am chatting about my newfound passion in live...

All Around the World with Jane Austen

I wanted to let everyone know of an awesome and fun contest being hosted by my publisher, Sourcebooks. Inspired by the soon-to-be released book by a friend of mine from the Central Valley in California, Amy Elizabeth Smith. In the June memoir, All Roads Lead to Austen the author Amy Elizabeth Smith...

Dr. George Darcy excerpts

If not checking out the happenings on my Facebook page, you are missing out! I have been periodically posting cool images and brief snippets from my work-in-progress. I will continue to do so in the months ahead, so be sure to find me on Facebook.  “Like” me while you are...