Sharon's Blog

Final Establishment of Thanksgiving

For seventy-five years after President Lincoln issued his 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation for the “last Thursday in November,” all but two succeeding presidents honored the tradition established by President Washington. In 1865 and 1869, Presidents Johnson and Grant, respectively, chose a different Thursday. After that, every other president annually issued a...

Thanksgiving Goes National

There is very little serious dispute that the first Thanksgiving feast in America, the one all the others are linked to, was with the Pilgrims and Native tribes in the fall of 1621. I say “little dispute” because there are always some who want to darken historical facts. Those disputes,...

The First Thanksgiving

In September 1620, the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers. They were comprised of Puritans, religious separatists seeking a new home where they could freely practice their faith, and individuals lured by the promise of prosperity and land in the New World. The ocean crossing lasted sixty-six days and...

Talkin’ Turkey

Thanksgiving fast approaches, and for most of us that means cooking a turkey. When I was a girl, I loved Thanksgiving second only to Christmas. There were many reasons, but mainly because it was a whole day of being in the kitchen cooking with my mom. The turkey was the...

Spell Your Love with Gemstones

I love it when random research uncovers something really cool! This one came about while I was doing some basic internet looking at gemstones popular during the Regency for scene in my work-in-progress set during the engagement period between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. I had never heard of acrostic jewelry,...

Birthday Giveaway Winners Announced

Congratulations to the lucky winners of my recent Birthday Giveaway!!  Emily Staggs ~ The Passions of Dr. Darcy Liz Castillo ~ Miss Darcy Falls in Love Peggy Kuehl ~ Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy Rebecca Taylor    

World Book Night 2014. Want to be a book giver?

Did you notice the new image on the left sidebar? The cover of Miss Darcy Falls in Love with an intriguing logo attached? Well, here is the news – BIG NEWS – on what that is all about! World Book Night U.S. is a nationwide initiative, with the involvement of...

29 again?! Celebrate Sharon’s birthday with presents for YOU!

Okay, I admit it… I love birthdays! I’d rather not count the years that are passing, to be honest, but the celebrating part is pretty cool. Especially cake! And presents!! Yeah, I am quite the child when it comes to birthdays. Perhaps the glass of wine with dinner before the...

A visit… finally… with my daughter

In this last installment of my lengthy update as to what has been happening with me since my big relocation move to Kentucky, I can reveal the second reason why I was in a mad rush to finish unpacking and setting up house. Actually, I revealed why in the title...


As I hinted in my previous post summing up my big relocation from California to Kentucky, there were two big reasons (other than my somewhat obsessive need for order) driving me to get the new house as perfect as possible in record time. The second I shall cover in a...

Moving in!

Now, for the rest of the story…. Or at least the next installment. 🙂 Check the blog for previous posts on my big relocation from CA to KY. It is riveting! My New Kentucky Home Bidding Adieu to California September 3, 2013 – We were finally in our new town,...

Bidding adieu to California

When last I posted an update of my personal happenings, I was days away from hitting the road for our major relocation from California to Kentucky. Believe it or not (I can’t) that was on August 24. And now it is October 15! Oh my! You can read that post,...

My New Kentucky Home

Just look at that picture! No photoshopping at all! Indeed, that is just how green and lush it is in Kentucky. And, the image above is of my son Kyle walking toward the golf course that is directly beyond the rear yard of our new house in Bardstown. Yep! You...

Guest Post: More Agreeably Engaged

A little late in posting about this – My bad! – but, as they say, better late than never! On August 6 I was honored to provide a guest blog on Janet Taylor’s fabulous blog, More Agreeably Engaged. Just to have a wee bit of fun, I gave a list...

A Darcy Christmas giveaway

Hurry before it is too late!  Now is your chance to win an eBook copy of my novella, A Darcy Christmas, along with three other Austenesque Christmas-themed novels. Thanks to my fellow Austen Author Sally Smith O’Rourke, and Janet of More Agreeably Engaged, a wonderful giveaway is being hosted. Perfect...