Two fun Easter Quizzes

How about an Easter Week quiz? How about TWO quizzes? All in good fun, as the answers are in spoiler boxes directly below each quiz. How well do YOU know your Easter trivia? Give it a go!
The first quiz is on general Easter topics. For the second quiz I turned to the Bible, which is, of course, why we celebrate Easter in the first place! None of the questions in either quiz are too difficult, so no need to be a Trivial Pursuit master or Biblical scholar!
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A. The idea of an Easter animal originated in the 1700s in what country?
- Russia, as a sable
- The United States, as a possum
- Germany, as a hare
- Great Britain, as a squirrel
B. How many days is the Lent season?
- 7 days
- 40 days
- 100 days
- 21 days
C. What flower is associated with Easter?
- rose
- lily
- pansy
- crocus
D. Some countries (Mexico, Spain, and Greece) have bonfires at Easter time. What is burned in these fires?
- crosses made out of straw
- effigies of Judas
- colored paper eggs
- a giant cloth Easter bunny
E. Easter Island belongs to which South American country?
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Peru
- Chile
F. Which country has the tradition of eating hot cross buns at Easter?
- The Netherlands
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Italy
G. Which US President held the first egg roll on the White House lawn?
- Rutherford B. Hayes
- Franklin Pierce
- Grover Cleveland
- James K. Polk
H. What color was the original marshmallow Peeps?
- Pink
- White
- Yellow
- Violet
I. Which animal is used in place of the Bunny in Australia?
- Kangaroo
- Wallaby
- Bilby
- Tasmanian devil
J. What sacrificial animal from the Old Testament is a symbol of Easter?
- a donkey
- a bull
- a lamb
- a dove
A. What kind of cloth was used to wrap the body of Jesus?
- wool
- linen
- cotton
- silk
B. How many angels were inside the sepulcher?
- one
- four
- six
- two
C. After his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead how many days later?
- 7
- 3
- 2
- 5
D. Which prisoner was released instead of Jesus?
- Barabbas
- Barnabas
- Bartholomew
- Benjamin
E. What was the name of the hill where they crucified Jesus?
- Gethsemane
- Golgotha
- Gibeon
- Ararat
F. What animal did Jesus ride on when he entered Jerusalem the week before his death?
- a camel
- a horse
- an ox
- an ass
G. Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny him how many times?
- five
- two
- three
- eight
H. When the soldiers came for Jesus, what wound did Peter inflict on the servant of the high priest?
- stabbed his arm
- cut off his hand
- broke his leg
- sliced off his right ear
I. The Romans, in an effort to mock Jesus, gave him a “crown” of what?
- wire
- poison ivy
- dead flowers
- thorns
J. Who was the apostle who betrayed Jesus, and how did he identify Jesus to the soldiers?
- Judas, by giving him a kiss
- Peter, by shaking his hand
- Matthew, by hugging him
- Nathaniel, by giving him a gift
K. How many pieces of silver was the betrayer of Jesus given?
- fifty
- ten
- thirty
- two
L. Jesus was buried in whose tomb?
- Joseph of Arimathea
- Saul of Tarsus
- Pontius Pilate
- Mary Magdalene
How did you do on these two fun quizzes?
Are you an Easter expert?
Be sure to let me know in the comments below!
Fun post! I did pretty well but I do need to bone up on some
I didn’t do as well as I should have I’m afraid. I used to have such a great memory for trivia but it has definitely deteriorated! But thank you for this post.