The current life of Sharon…..

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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Sharon Lathan

Susanne, I doubt I will have time to hit Universal Studios. My family might while I am busy at the conference. I already have my free days reserved for the other parks. So much to do and so little time!! LOL!


Dear Sharon,

today I read an article about the new Harry Potter world in Orlando.

Will you go there, too?


Sharon Lathan

This vacation trip is filled with so many wonderful moments I honestly do not know what I am most excited about. Our dream has been to visit WDW for so many years that I can’t hardly believe it is happening! And of course spending long, quality time with my dad and the family there, and revisiting all the places where my side of the family has lived for generations WAY back and getting to share that with my hubby and kids is so amazing.

And then the conference! Whew! I know I will be exhausted when it is all done, but in a terrific way.

Sorry I gave you a moment of panic, Vee. The End is typed on the 5th book, but hopefully not on the Darcys as a whole. But time will tell how that pans out.

Amazon seems to have the next novels up without any problems. I sure hope so. Now we must wait……

Sheila, thanks for the tip. I see that Star Tours is actually in the Hollywood park at WDW, but us being the movie buffs we are, that is definitely on the list! Star Tours is one of my son’s favorite rides so we will be sure to hit it.

Ninja Elizabeth

not that I think you would… but make sure you DO NOT MISS Star Tours!! It’s closing Sept 8th. It will be your last (and first) chance to take a trip to Endor!!

Have FUN!

and I loved the snippet from In the Arms.. ^_^


LOL Sharon I thought you said "quiet". You have so many wonderful things happening its def not quiet!

I too wish you a well deserved relaxing break with your dear family. I hope you have a very special time with extended family. I can’t believe your road trip was two years ago! My how time flys!
I am so glad you all get to spend this quality time together and I hope you all enjoy loads of laughs and fun at WDW!!
Haha when I saw THE END in bold writing I freaked out! But after I read the whole passage I was overjoyed to hear it was only the end of your fifth installment haha. Can’t wait!!
I mentioned elsewhere that my preorder was cancelled again by Borders. Well I went back on the site and the books were still there so I preordered them again!!! I think they have had some subtle changes to the prices etc and that could be the reason they cancelled my older order. I shall keep trying until one order sticks hehe.
I am so excited for you about the RWA conference. Hope you have a blast and I can’t wait to hear all about everything you did! And pics of course 😉
Safe trip. God Bless and lots of love to you and your family xoxo
TSBO devotee


Dear Sharon!

Enjoy your holidays! Have a wonderful time with your family, relax a little bit and have a lot of fun!

Disney World is so great. I´ve never been in Florida, but I love Disney World in Los Angeles and Paris, both are magical places.
And another RWA Conference, wow! I´m looking forward to read more about it. And of course about the Darcys.

But the most important thing is: have fun, laugh and talk with your family and enjoy the time with your husband, children, father and brother. And come back full of new energy!

Lots of love to you,

Esther Ann

Hi Sharon!

Sounds as though you have a whirlwind vacation planned! Have a safe trip, enjoy your visit with your Father and then your brother, enjoy WDW and the Dolphin Resort. It all sounds so wonderful!! Hope you all enjoy your vacation.

My husband and I stayed at the Dolphin a few years ago when he was down there for a conference and I went as a tag-a-long. It was a fabulous trip. The spouses got to go on a behind the scenes/underground tour of all the facilities. We got to see where all the costumes were stored and taken care of and a few other non-public sections. What a remarkable education!

I did go on Amazon and put your name in. It listed both of your books with a note to put your name down for notification for when the books are available for purchase. Naturally, I put my name down for both books.

Enjoy your vacation Lathans!!!! Take care and God Bless.


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