Revisiting How Georgiana Darcy Fell in Love

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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Heidi Longfield

I am in the process of reading Miss Darcy Falls In Love. I can already tell there is going to be trouble his father doesn’t believe Gorgiana eligible. Stupid man. She suits Sebastian perfectly. Plus side she is utterly delightful. Daddy wants Lady Cassandra because it doubles the size of the estate.

Teresa S

Rereading your series for a second time. Always a delight!

cindie snyder

I also read Miss Darcy falls in Love! Wonderful read! I will have to read it again too! But I don’t mind a bit!lol

Heidi Longfield

Dear Sharon
It has been awhile Since I read “Miss Darcy Falls In Love” so I will have to read it again. My daughter bought the book and “The Passions Of Dr. Darcy ” in 2013. You see her oldest brother passed away suddenly in March and she flew home for his funeral. Her return flight was delayed by a storm so bookstore. The rest is history. While I am here let me say how very concerned I have been since the recent floods in Kentucky. I tried to e-mail but couldn’t get through, everything was still down.

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