November 1816, a month of major events!

Rosings Park in Kent, the residence of Lady Catherine and Anne de Bourgh

Lady Catherine de Bourgh

Lady Catherine's express letter to Lord Matlock

Lady Catherine's seal and gold wax sticks

Miss Anne de Bourgh

Mrs. Jenkinson, Anne de Bourgh's companion

Swing hanging from a huge oak at Rosings Park

Countess of Starkley

Lady Starkley's vinaigrette

Grosvenor Square in London, etching dated 1813

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy

Coffee mug and pot of silver

Darcy's writing desk at Darcy House

Darcy's journal

Mr. Darcy goes shopping! Oxford Street is probably not the best street to start on. 1813 etching of Tyburn Turnpike on Oxford Street.

1810 view of Piccadilly, the street with the famous "circus" roundabout, via the Hyde Park Corner

An 1827 etching from Ackermann's of Pall Mall, the major shopping area of London

Harding, Howell & Co. shopping mall on Pall Mall, arguably the world's first true "mall" for shopping

March 1809 article in Ackermann's Repository describing Harding, Howell, & Co.

Famed actresses assisting Mr. Darcy in buying gifts for his bride-to-be

Cape/stole and muff of ermine

Hand-held fire shield

French Limoges scents in an enameled floral chest

Quizzing glass of gold and turquoise

Beautiful gloves and a lacquered glove box

Gold hair combs

Two reticules

Two sewing thimbles with cases

Silver, gold, and mother-of-pearl mirror

Silver vanity set, a wedding gift from Darcy

Gloucester Coffee House on Piccadilly, an etching by James Pollard (1792-1867)

Elizabeth Bennet

Jane Bennet

Bennet sisters busily shopping, first at the millinery shop

1807 etching of Wedgewood Bath shop in London

1809 etching of Pellat and Green Glassmakers

1816 etching of Ross Perfumery on Bishopsgate Street in London

D.R. Harris and Co. Opened in 1790, it is London’s oldest pharmacy, specializing in shaving products, aftershaves and colognes, and skin-care products.

Front entrance door of Darcy House on Grosvenor Square

DEAREST ring Mr. Darcy gives to Elizabeth to mark their engagement

Lizzy's official engagement ring, previously given to Darcy's mother by his father

Sapphire and diamond necklace

Meyer & Mortimer Tailors. Ledger includes the Prince Regent! Look closely... maybe Mr. Darcy is listed too.

Mr. Darcy's fancy wedding waistcoat

York's Coffee House near Green Park in London

Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam

Miss Georgiana Darcy

Würth cutlery set in a leather case, set date: 1780

Compagnie des Indes tea set dates from the Yongzheng Period (1723-1735)

Afternoon tea with Miss Darcy

Mr. Travers, Darcy House butler

Mrs. Smyth, Darcy House housekeeper

Darcy House library, the section with Darcy's desk and office

Darcy's swivel chair. First swivel chair invented by Thomas Jefferson in 1761. This model is dated 1880.

Sofa in Mr. Darcy's office/library

View of Cheapside, an 1813 etching

Mr. Edward Gardiner

Mrs. Violet Gardiner

Lizzy's bedroom at Gardiner townhouse. Note the tall mirror!

Darcy's largest, best coach

A view of St. James's Square, Ackermann's etching from 1812

Matlock townhouse located in St. James' Square

Matlock townhouse library

Earl of Matlock

Countess of Matlock

Mr. Jonathan Fitzwilliam

Mrs. Priscilla Fitzwilliam

Matlock townhouse parlor

Matlock townhouse dining room

A glass of fine wine is much like a fine man

Berkeley Square, location of Mr. Bingley's townhouse, an etching dated 1813

Mr. Charles Bingley

A landau with the top folded down. Perfect for a drive around Town!

1720 Map of London streets surrounding St. James' Palace

Map/layout of St. James' Palace. Note the inner courts.

North front of St. James' Palace, an 1819 painting by Charles Wild

Colour Court of St. James' Palace

Coldstream Guards of St. James' Palace, painting by Harry Payne (1858-1927)

1815 Palace Guards

Palace Guards, foot regiment

Guard Change Ceremony, Colour Court, at St. James' Palace, painting date 1778

James Frazer, famed Coldstream Regimental Band Janissay musician, 1800 painting

Map of Charing Cross, London

Drawing of the original Charing Cross erected in 13thC by Richard I

Charles I monument erected at Charing Cross, etching date 1725

Closeup of Charles I statue presently located in center of Charing Cross roundabout, London

Royal Mews at Charing Cross, etching date 1747

View of the Strand from Charing Cross, Ackermann's date 1811

Map of Covent Garden dated 1720

Architect Inigo Jones (1573-1652), designer of Covent Garden

4th Earl of Bedford, creator of Covent Garden. Painting 1636 by Henry Bone.

Covent Garden marketplace stalls, etching date 1820

View of Covent Garden Market with stalls in the piazza, etching date 1827

View of St. Paul's Church in Covent Garden, etching date 1737

London market seller

Open piazza on south side of Covent Garden, etching date 1730

Covered piazza on north side of Covent Garden, etching date 1768

Layout of Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey, etching date 1749

Westminster Abbey nave

Layout of Westminster Abbey and Parliament buildings, etching date 1707

North entrance promenade of St. James' Park, etching date 1804

View of the promenade before the Old Horse Guards, a St. James's Park painting from 1749

Palace private gardens & portion of St. James's Park, dated 1732

St. James's Park Central Canal & walkway, dated 1756

Darcy House master's chambers private terrace

Vauxhall Garden, a night time symphony

Gardiner children

Royal Menagerie located within the Tower of London, Ackermann's July 1812

Darcy House dining room

Newmarket . . . where horse racing happens!

The Jockey Club in Newmarket

Jockey Club Rooms, etching from 1825

Meeting room at the Jockey Club

Grosvenor Church in London

Grosvenor Chapel interior view of altar, with upper and lower pews

Grosvenor Chapel upper level pew boxes

Interior of Grosvenor Chapel with massive organ

Grosvenor Chapel organ, dating from 1732

Royal coat of arms at Grosvenor Chapel

Lord Westingcote

His Grace, the Duke of Grafton

Grosvenor Gate at Hyde Park during the Encampment, etching from 1780

Newmarket Race Course, an 1909 painting by James Pollard

Royal Exchange in London, Ackermann etching from 1812

The Hertfordshire "bluffs" with a light dusting of snow

Spyder Phaeton, perfect for privacy and snuggling

"The Prisoner of Chillon, and Other Poems" by Lord Byron

Hatchard's Bookseller in London, operating since 1797

Gentleman's Magazine, the November 1816 edition

Netherfield Park, the Hertfordshire residence of Mr. Bingley

Mr. Darcy's 29th birthday celebration cake

The birthday man's special chair

Gold-gilt pot of steaming hot chocolate with burner to keep warm, frother, and spoon

Birthday luncheon menu: salmagundi, stewed oysters, salver of fruit, Scotch eggs, spinach soufflé, turtle soup, and beef a la mode

Entertainment hour treats: ratafia cakes, lemon biscuits, apple fritters, and coffee wafers

Book of charades, riddles, & conundrums, the 1812 edition

Playing blindman's bluff

Time for tea! Set dating 1790

Gift from Charles: a Michael Nouwen gold pocket watch, date: 1600-1610

Gift from Georgiana, to wear at the wedding: A sapphire, amber and diamond cravat pin

A second gift from Georgiana: a new riding crop

From Elizabeth: "Paradise Lost" by John Milton, first edition 1667

Bookmark gift from Elizabeth with Biblical quote "The Two Shall Become One Flesh"

Netherfield dining room

Migrating woodcock

Longbourn Manor, home of the Bennets

Mrs. Bennet

Mary Bennet

Kitty Bennet

Darcy bedchamber while at Netherfield

Lizzy's packed belongings waiting for transport to Pemberley

Sturdy wagon for precious cargo

Farmer's Almanack, year 1816

Hertfordshire landscape and walking trail

A small copse of willow trees encompassing Lizzy's "willow bench"

Samuel Oliver, Darcy's manservant

A wedding gift from Samuel Oliver: sapphire and diamond cufflinks

Jacob's Ladder flowers in varied shades of blue & purple

Reverend Jenney, Meryton church's Anglican priest

All Soul's Trinity Church, Meryton in Hertfordshire

Church interior, a perfect wedding location

Elizabeth's wedding gown

Book of Common Prayer, this rare book dated 1706

Solemnization of Matrimony from the Book of Common Prayer

Parish church registry England, this example dating 1818

Off on their honeymoon in Darcy's travel chariot

First steps to start the journey of happily ever after!

Luxury carriage comfort for an intimate beginning to happily ever after!