Longbourn in Hertfordshire as winter sets in

Bennets traveling to Pemberley for Christmas

Pemberley blanketed with snow

Pemberley foyer grand staircase

The rose drawing room

Pemberley main library

The Darcys' second Christmas at Pemberley

Christmas greenery everywhere in the manor . . .

on the doors . . .

hallways . . .

and as hanging kissing balls!

Treats for the guests readily at hand

Amusements galore! Checkers . . .

backgammon . . .

gaming tables . . .

tric-trac gaming table (19th c. French) . . .

dice . . .

marble solitaire game . . .

dominoes . . .

whist tournaments . . .

1774 Rowley deck of cards . . .

game counters for cards (1740 set) . . .

billiards . . .

and darts

The Pemberley indoor tennis court and game room

"battledore & shuttlecock" (badminton)

a ninepin alley (early form of bowling)

quiots (also called "ringtoss")

To town for shopping, despite the snowy roads

Lambton (Bakewell) in Derbyshire

Matlock, a larger town for shopping

Darcys spend quiet time alone with Alexander

Small pond frozen, great for ice skating

curling, another frozen pond game

Additional guests travel in the snow for Christmas at Pemberley

Mary, Georgiana, & Kitty delivering parcels to the tenants and villagers

tenant cottage

trout lake for winter fishing

menfolk brave the snow for horseback riding

feast & ball for Pemberley staff and tenants

Christmas cuddle with happy baby

Christmas breakfast

Pemberley village chapel

parish children singing hymns

Christmas carolers

written by John Wesley in 1739

Hasberry Hall, home of Bingleys

piles of Christmas presents

For Lizzy: sardonyx cameo brooch . . .

sewing storage table . . .

"Lyrical Ballads" by William Wordsworth . . .

a memory book for Alexander . . .

a memento chest, made by Darcy . . .

and a Music box (from Bennets)

Darcy's gift, an original Kentucky longrifle

table set for Christmas dinner

assorted traditional English Christmas dishes

Derby cotton mill

very flammable raw cotton bales

a cotton spinning mule

Crompton mule

a cotton carding machine

carding machines in use

cotton spinner

weaving machines

cotton mill fire damage

Derbyshire snowstorm

Belper Inn, snowbound site of mayhem

thick snow banks

hanging wisteria

Franklin stove in nursery

Alencon lace

Alexander Darcy in christening gown

Pemberley chapel nave

Reverend Bertram


silver christening bowl

Church baptism registry pages from 1765 (top) and 1862 (bottom)

Christening Cake

Alexander sleeps while the gifts are opened

baby gowns

baby bonnets

"pudding caps" to protect baby's soft head

little boy suits for later

baby shoes

silver rattles with teethers and whistles

traditional silver gifts: cups, cutlery, porridge bowls

personalized pony saddle from Cousin Richard

white connemara pony

black connemara pony

glider-style rocking horse

oak sapling, a gift from groundsmen

Ann and Jane Taylor's "Original Poems"

S&J Fuller's paper dolls

"crown of thorns" quilt from Caroline Bingley

child Indian garments from Uncle Goj

and colorful Indian fabrics to make more

ivory elephant carved by George

a family of Indian elephants

Gilded Elephant tapestry

Alexander's gift from Aunt Giana

The Darcys' spend Twelfth Night in their bedchamber

longcase clock in bedchamber

backgammon table in Darcys' sitting room

Melcourt Hall, estate of Sir William Cole

masks for the Twelfth Night ball

Regency Era ball gowns

dancing the Viennese waltz

Lord John Clay-Powell, Earl of Blaisdale

handsome Dr. Darcy the center of attention, of course

Indian machwa

mangroves on river in India

leopards fighting

gentlemen on a winter fox hunt

Darcy House on Grosvenor Square in London

St. James's Palace and Pall Mall, etching dated 1763

St. James's Palace, etching dating 1842

North front of St. James' Palace, an 1819 painting by Charles Wild

Regency Era formal Court gowns

Mr. Darcy's formal Court ensemble

Colour Court of St. James' Palace

palace elevation and layout in 1850

palace ground floor plan over the centuries

The Guard Chamber, St. James's Palace, 1818

Tapestry Room, St. James's Palace

St. James's Palace drawing room

Queen's Levee Rooms at St. James's Palace, 1816

King's Presence Chamber, St. James's Palace, 1816

St. James's Palace throne room in the present

Prince of Wales, still the Prince Regent in 1817

King George IV in 1821

Almack's Assembly Ballroom on King's Street

Almack's official voucher granted in 1817 by these patronesses:

Princess Theresa Esterhazy of Austria

Lady Sarah Sophia Fane, Countess of Jersey

Princess Dorothea Benckendorff, Countess von Lieven

Amelia Anne Stewart, Viscountess Castlereagh

Emily Lamb, Countess of Cowper

Maria Margaret Craven, Countess of Sefton

Mrs. Clementina Drummond-Burrell

dancing at Almack's, 1828

Drury Lane Theatre Royal, 1821

Goethe's "Faust"

Lady Simone, Marchioness of Fotherby

Drury Lane Theatre Royal interior, 1808

Darcy House foyer

Darcy House ballroom

William Arden, 2nd Baron Alvanley

Marchioness of Warrow

Mr. Sebastian Butler, Viscount Nell, the future Earl of Essenton

portrait of Elizabeth with Alexander

back to Pemberley for the summer

Graceholm Hall in Hertfordshire, home of the Nash family

summer party at country manor

Mr. Anthony Falke

heartbroken Kitty Bennet

Jane Bingley and newborn Ethan

map of Castleton area of the Peak District, Derbyshire

Edale Valley

River Noe in Hope Valley, location of Chelmbridge Manor

Peveril Castle on the bluffs

ruins of Peveril Castle

Edale Valley with Mam Tor in center

Treak Cliff Cavern, interior chamber

pillar of "blue john" inside Treak Cliff Cavern

vein of Blue John in Treak Cliff Cavern

souvenirs created with blue-john

a content Alexander sleeping with Dog

stairway leading down into Speedwell Cavern

Speedwell Cavern canal

"Bottomless Pit" chamber deep inside Speedwell Cavern

village of Edale

Edale cross

Rushedge rocks on Kinder Scout

Kinder Scout northwest

Kinder Scout north view

Kinder Scout downfall

"Life & Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Crew"

Peak Cavern (Devil's Arse) crevice with Peveril Castle above

rope makers live & work inside mouth of Peak Cavern

Peak Cavern entrance in 1830

people dwelling inside the cavern

old rope-maker's hut

Peak Cavern inner chamber

rock avalanche

Hathersage Valley in Derbyshire

Hathersage Moors

The Darcys return to Pemberley

Serene, beautiful autumn at Pemberley

Derbyshire in the fall

Alexander enjoys gardening like his mama

A secret romance. Who?

Lake District where the Darcys' holiday with friends

Destined to only be friends? Or something more?

Alexander Darcy, one year old

Happy Birthday Alexander!

Winter descends upon Pemberley

Pemberley foyer decorated in blue-themed Christmas

The Darcys' third Christmas, quietly spent at Pemberley

Elizabeth, ill with a cold

Curative holiday in Matlock Bath

River Derwent, High Tor, and Matlock Bridge

Room at the New Bath Hotel

quiet streets of Matlock Bath

Rivallain, estate of the Earl of Matlock near the baths

Király thermal bath in Budapest, built in 16th century and still functioning

c1900 picture of Roman bath chamber in Bath, England

Moonbow Falls in Matlock Bath

a moonbow

Richard Fitzwilliam's wedding

Richard Fitzwilliam's new family

a fortuitous encounter happens in a dark library where someone meets . . .

Major General Randall Artois