Final Weeks of the Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future BLOG TOUR +GIVEAWAY WINNERS!
My latest novel – Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future — is the conclusion of the Darcy Saga Prequel Duo, and has now been on the market for just over a month. WOW! How time flies when one is having fun! I have been having a marvelous time interacting with readers (old and new) on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere around the blog-o-sphere. The extravaganza is winding down, but far from completely over. On top of the five websites who are hosting me either now or in the days ahead, I have a final bit of celebrating scheduled next week. Lots more to enjoy and MORE GIVEAWAYS! YES! Be sure to come back for that. Use the form on the blog sidebar to sign up for my weekly email updates so you will never miss my blog activity.
Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet will soon be joined in Holy Matrimony!
The initial month of their Season of Courtship has passed. Together, the lovers strengthened their bond through honest communication, as they dealt with adversity, jealousy, and distrust. Ever growing in mutual love and understanding, a dramatic confrontation broke through the final barriers.
Now their Hope of the Future “happily ever after” is assured! As long as Lady Catherine can be stopped in her scheme to interfere, that is. Or, will Mrs. Bennet’s bad advice ruin future marital felicity? Might increasing liberation lead to overwhelming passions that cannot be controlled, with catastrophe a result?
Amongst the moments detailed in-depth, find out what Lady Catherine is plotting to thwart Darcy’s marriage, and what the consequences of her actions are. Travel with the two betrothed couples on an extensive tour of London, including lots of shopping! Watch Lizzy dazzle Darcy’s relatives, while also dealing with her fears and sadness over leaving the only home she has ever known.
Delight in the wedding plans which culminate, of course, in “the wedding of the year” in Hertfordshire! You are there, at the ceremony as the sacred vows bonding Fitzwilliam Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet are said.
Purchasing links for Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future. Get your copy NOW!
Saturday, September 16 ~ Songs and Stories
BLOG TOPIC: Synopsis of the Darcy Saga Prequel Duo and Sequel Series
GIVEAWAY: ONE (1) ebook copy of Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future
DEADLINE: September 22
Click the image below or HERE
Wednesday, September 20 ~ Austenesque Reviews
BLOG TOPIC: Regency Era Wedding Gowns
GIVEAWAY: one (1) ebook bundle of Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship AND Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future; a pair of heart-handle Prequel Duo mugs
DEADLINE: September 27
Click the image below or HERE
Date Pending ~ Laughing With Lizzie
BLOG TOPIC: My Favorite Literary Lovers & Matching Game
GIVEAWAY: two (2) print, signed copies of Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship OR Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future (winner’s choice of title); a trio of romantic greeting cards (blank inside); and a pair of Mr. and Mrs. Darcy magnets
Click the image below or HERE
Date Pending ~ Darcyholic Diversions
BLOG TOPIC: Interview With the Author
GIVEAWAY: two (2) print, signed copies of Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship OR Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future (winner’s choice of title)
Click the image below or HERE
Date Pending ~ Calico Critic
BLOG TOPIC: Darcy Saga Prequel Duo Information + Excerpt
GIVEAWAY: one (1) ebook bundle of Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship and Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future
Click the image below or HERE

Karen Simpson

Samantha Clark