Sharon's Blog

Vocabulary Rocks! L is for….

Continuing the quest to cover the alphabet! That may prove impossible due to the vast number of words in the English language, but I can try to find a few fascinating examples. For a list of all my archived posts covering the topic: VOCABULARY Library No big surprises here, but...

About Pattens

For the bulk of human history, even in the most advanced, cosmopolitan cities (such as London), streets were rough and downright filthy. Typically unpaved, mud was inevitable and thick. Garbage and human waste were commonly tossed from windows onto the street below, and imagine the quantity of horse droppings that...

Favorite Fantasy & Sci-Fi Literature, Part 2

As promised last Thursday, I am back to finish up my list of favorite authors and titles within the fantasy and sci-fi genres. For the record, I am clear that JRR Tolkien is #1 with David Eddings a very close #2. After that, I can’t say I have a precise...

London Institutions of Education

The aim of the four institutions found in London was to foster and disseminate scientific, technical, and literary knowledge and understanding among a wider public. The Institutions offered proprietors and subscribers the use of extensive reference libraries and reading rooms. Most importantly, they provided the opportunity to attend courses or...

OMG! Mind-blowing Trivia!

Maybe these twenty fascinating tidbits won’t blow your mind, but they might come in handy when watching Jeopardy or playing Trivial Pursuit! Hershey’s Kisses are named after the kissing sound the deposited chocolate makes as it falls from the machine onto the conveyor belt. The Titanic wreckage was discovered during...

Romance Poet: Anna Seward

Anna Seward  (1747-1809) ANNA SEWARD was born in Derbyshire, in 1747. She was the daughter of a clergyman and the only one of four children to reach adulthood. She did not attend school but was tutored by her father and introduced to classical works such as Milton at a very...

Bloodletting or Bleeding Bowls

Aren’t they pretty? Yes indeed! Too pretty, one might say, for what they were used for. A fair argument, of course, but then again, if one HAD to be bled, perhaps a lovely porcelain bowl with colorful pictures had a calming effect? Based on the illustration below, that idea falls...

Favorite Fantasy & Sci-Fi Literature, Part 1

When I was 11, my six-years-older sister handed me her dog-eared copy of JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit. I was forever digging through her piles and shelves of books, our mutual love for reading already well established even if I was a bit too young to appreciate many of the books...

Autumn Beverages, hot and cold

Over the years I have posted multiple blogs containing recipes for cold weather drinks, both hot and chilled. Listed below are links to previous beverage-related blogs, some of which contain histories of these drinks. For today, I again scoured through Pinterest for unique beverages that fit into the autumn season....

Happy Birthday to Sharon!

Yes, today is my birthday. I am now 59 years old, meaning I was born in 1962. Strange to think I will be 60 next year when I truly do not feel that old. Well, some days I do, to be honest, but generally speaking my body is doing all...

Butter Molds and Butter Stamps

The main objective in keeping cows was to supply the needs of the family for milk and butter. Butter was produced as an essential in the diet of most people, the art of making butter, therefore, originating in the home. Not until well into the 19th century was butter commercially...

Osteotome: the first chainsaw

Before general anesthetics were around, amputations were incredibly painful and dangerous. Bones often splintered and the tissue around the bone was damaged by the harsh impact of a hammer and chisel or the jolts of a saw. Surgeons needed to find a way to speed up the procedure and reduce...

Sweet Autumn Recipes

Continuing from Tuesday’s post with savory recipes for the autumn season, here are an assortment of recipes for the sweet tooth. Naturally, pumpkin tends to rule as an ingredient for autumn desserts but don’t forget it is also the season for nuts, cranberries, and late ripening berries. Finding recipes to...

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis: Medical Pioneer in Asepsis

A few weeks ago I shared a YouTube video on Corset History created by Weird History. As I said then, the channel is amazing. So many great bits from history on hundreds of topics. As y’all know, medical history is especially fascinating to me, so today I am sharing another...

Savory Autumn Recipes

These foods are in season in fall and are the perfect addition to your diet: Root vegetables: Carrots, any type of squash, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes Whole grains: Brown rice, wholewheat pasta, quinoa, and oats Legumes: Lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans. Green vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, kale, and artichokes Fruit: Apples, pomegranates, citrus fruits, and pears Recipes...