Bidding a fond farewell to Austen Authors

“There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere.”  Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

It is with my deepest sorrow and pain that I must announce the disbanding of Austen Authors. I am immeasurably sorry for an end that I know will be disappointing to so many of you, and very confusing. I wish I could offer an explanation, but I fear the issues are too personal to recount. I thank each one of you for making these past three years possible. Despite this unwanted conclusion, my experience as the co-creator of Austen Authors will be a memory I  cherish. All of us who made the blog happen will continue to share our love of Jane Austen through our novels, our websites, and our various social media outlets.
Thank you, and God bless. Sincerely, Sharon Lathan


Above is the official announcement placed on Austen Authors when the group blog I co-created in September 2010 closed its doors on January 24, 2014. Inevitably there will be rumors, readers wondering “What happened?”, and the curiosity to know who did or said what.

Those who know me, or look at my track record, have the answers already. The truth is revealed in who I am.

I am a woman of integrity. I am a woman who perseveres. I am a woman who has been a leader for thirty-plus years as a NICU RN and three-plus years on Austen Authors. I am a woman who works incredibly hard in everything I do. I am a woman of faith and strong moral convictions.

All this and more is the testimony and witness of my character. I have been the same all my life, and have not changed.

Austen Authors became what it was in large part because of who I am. It would have continued for the same reason. This was my desire, and what I fought for. I am, however, only one person. A group blog cannot function alone.

I am at peace, and excited to press forward even stronger from the valuable lessons learned.


And looking intently at the council, Paul said, “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.” Acts 23:1
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.
Proverbs 10:9





Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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W.J. Goossen

Very sad to hear this. your site was one i checke very often. i wonder what will happen to then Darcy brothers? It was an high point every week to read the new chapter. But live moves on and I wish the best for it.

yrs. Duckie

Michelle F.

I thought it was a bunch of authors in charge. I really would like to know what happened. Funny that there’s no explanation. Must really be bad if you’re not saying and that you said you’re trying not to say anything negative (about anyone or anything?). Sorry, I can’t help being nosy; I read mysteries! I’ll just say that you authors are too busy to blog. If you can recommend a similar site with giveaways, that would be great. Hope you’ll leave the site up so we can go back and read all the posts and comments we missed.

Does this mean that the January contest winners won’t be picked? More time to enter other contests, though. I thought Regina Jeffers was in charge. A few months ago I won Miss Darcy Falls in Love, which I already had. I asked Regina if I could pick a different title but she never responded and I ended up receiving a double from Sharon Lathan! I guess I’ll trade it on Paperback Swap. I’m sure someone will appreciate the signed copy.

Lots of authors are busy and then the blogs close. I can think of a couple of other ones: The Goddess Blogs and Murder, She Writes (I think one author stayed).

Candy @ So little time...

Hi Sharon! I was shocked to see the news! I had no idea, and still don’t, but it’s none of my business. Anyway, wishing you all the best! I’m now following you on Bloglovin’…I don’t know why I wasn’t before! I guess I figured AuAu was enough to keep tabs on you! 😉


It’s sad when things we love and look forward to come to an end, but I feel 2014 will be a year for new beginnings for many of us. I’d like to say thank you! I will miss Austen Authors, it was something I looked forward to spending time with each week and I especially liked reading the continuing stories that would appear almost each week. So thank your Sharon for your input into it, I know there are a lot of us, yourself included, who will miss it on many levels.


*HUGS* God knows your heart, and His opinion is all that truly matters.


As I always say Sharon EVER ONWARD!! We women tend to take everything to heart but in this instance use it as another growing experience, back on the horse and ride! 😉

Jennifer Reichert

Supporting you no matter what!! 🙂 Be encouraged!

Diana O

My thoughts and prayers are with you.


HapPy to find you here, Sharon, and look forward to many more JA stories to come…
Blessings of every cont’d success!

Linda Hughes

I am so sorry this is happening. I have enjoyed your site very much. But there is something I must share with you that I hope will give peace and understanding as to how a person such as yourself can reach out and make a difference. In 2008 I had a very bad year with 4 major surgeries to rebuild my jaw. There were lots of complications and I was in a lot of pain and bed ridden for most of the time. I ordered your first book and fell in love with it and could not wait for the next. During that terrible year and the following years,( because I still live with a lot of pain), your books started me on a road I never thought would happen, for I was never much of a reader. Your books made me laugh, cry and want to be in the world you had recreated. I have become an avid reader thanks to you, YOU MADE BE WANT TO READ EVERY P&P BOOK I COULD GET MY HANDS ON. Thank you for helping me through the pain and giving me something to focus on. God Bless You Always…………Linda


TY for sharing the value of writing with anyone who does write or considers writing!
Lovely commendation …

Ana María Rodríguez López

I´m so sorry for you Sharon, but don´t worry You know, my grandma always said that God writes right with twisted lines. Now that I´m older I understand quite well what she meant. You trust God, everything will turn better for you. I´m sure. I will continue to follow you through your website and in fb. Iam looking froward to reading your new novel.I love your wrttings so much ¡¡¡ I also admire you for you dtrong convictions , for your faith, which I share. I´m proud to have known you although we have never met and lived thousands of miles apart.
Take care, be happy to have a clear conscience to have act as you thought right and may God bless you.

Esther Ann

Hi Sharon!
So sorry to hear about the closing of Austen Authors. I know how much you enjoyed it. You must do what you feel you have to do without judgment from anyone.
You are an inspiration to many of us and we love you. I will continue to follow your website and anxiously await your newest book. Your stories are such a joy to read.
Take care, my friend. There are more events to come in your life.
Take care and God Bless.
Esther Ann

Georgia Boone

Don’t need to know what happened ! Trust your integrity and character and most of all your morals!!! Just keeping writing! Love your books!! Love the Darcy’s!!!!

Regina Silvia

I have enjoyed all your books and will look forward to the next one. Will you continue a blog on your own? No matter; I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Sarah Simas

Love ya, Sharon! Love ya no matter what. <3


I know running a blog takes alot of time..I love your books so much…to me I would rather see more books then the blog…hope to see more of the Darcy saga in the future…sending prayers your way!

Stephanie L

I agree with Carol ^^…it doesn’t matter what happened IMO, I’ll follow you wherever you go. You have to do what is right for you and stay true to yourself. Everyone else will do their own thing. Raising a glass to you.

Kerry LeBlanc


Sorry to hear that. I know how hard you worked!! Sending love and prayers for the next big thing God has in store for you and your readers. 🙂

Carol hoyt

I have no clue what happened. I dont even want to know.
I wish you the best and I will continue to read your wonderful books .

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