Bad Valentines ~ OMG!

Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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I have to laugh at some of these “bad” ones.


These are quite bad!! I had a laugh at a few but if someone gave me one, I would definitely not be impressed 😉


I am glad to say I have never received one quite like those! Links of love and sausage? Too funny!

Wendy Roberts

I think that my only comment could be Oh My Gawd! LOL I actually said that out loud when I got to the suicidal skunk!

Wendy Roberts

And it is a Hallmark card!

Emily Myers

How bizarre and “special” indeed! Thanks for the laughs you have given me for I find many of these cards humorous and just might give one to my special somebody next year. 😉 I (unfortunately) have not received a special card like the ones listed above. The only “different” card I have ever received is one shaped and graphically looking like a REAL heart. I cannot wait to hear everyone’s stories.


OMG, those are pretty bad, LOL.

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