Armchair BEA Day#3 – Expanding Blog Horizons

Armchair BEA week hits hump-day! Links to daily topics, Armchair BEA Headquarters, my GIVEAWAY, and more are on the sidebar.

The Armchair BEA topics for today are “expanding blog horizons” and “novellas.” I want to talk about both, so will cover each in separate posts.


The question asked for today’s topic was: What do you think about when you think about going beyond blogging or expanding your horizons?

If asked that question about six months ago my answer would have been different. At that time I was devoted to the group blog I had co-created three years prior, and strongly believed that focusing on a community of like-minded authors was the best way to reach fans of our particular sub-genre. In theory I still think this is a viable option, if under different circumstances and with different people. For me it ended in tragedy and proved to be a monumental squandering of my time, energy, and talents.

Yet, as the wise say, through tribulations one grows stronger. I remain a huge advocate of author connections, as I wrote on yesterday’s blog post, but now realize that focusing on MY blog/website/social media platforms to reach MY readers is a far better use of my time, energy, and talents.

Thus, the answer to the Armchair BEA question is to return to the basics of making MY blog awesome! I want my fans to visit me, anxious to see what fun or educational post I have newly added. I want web-surfers to discover my blog, exclaim “Wow!” and then come back for more.

To that end I have been posting a blog almost every day– a mixture of historical pieces, silliness, quizzes, novel news, excerpts, and anything else that pops into my head. I contacted my author friends, opening up each Wednesday for them to guest with me and share their fine novels with my visitors. “Guest Author Spotlight” has been very successful, and being able to help those authors who have shown me kindness, support, and friendship is immensely satisfying.

My efforts to go beyond blogging and expand horizons are ongoing here on my website, and to a large degree on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I have my Facebook author page – Sharon Lathan, Novelist – that not only links to my Twitter (@SharonLathan) with continual updates and shares, but also has separate “tabs” with information, links to purchasing my novels, photos, and more. On Pinterest, which I confess I am addicted too, I have 45 boards with over 6000 pinned image! Indeed these are entertaining outlets for me, but primarily are utilized as 1) a means of reaching people who may be interested in reading my novels, and 2) to enthuse my readers, enhance their pleasure in my novels, and to interact.

My greatest efforts, however, are right here on this website and blog. I am a serious techno nerd, so keeping abreast of WordPress and other internet advances is actually fun for me. I am not afraid to revamp and upgrade. I strive to create an inclusive website so that a visitor can spend lots of time here.

My website highlights include–

Darcy Saga Novel Page – basic info with links to individual title pages
Cast of Characters – a list of them all, including a colorful family tree
Regency Glossary – A to Z definitions and images
About Sharon – my full bio, publishing story, and a submenu of FAQs
Guestbook – leave a note for me!
Library at Pemberley – a forum-style receptacle for my novel excerpts, Jane Austen info, historical essays, and more

My Novels & Regency Image Gallery has a collection of albums with pictures. The main draw is the albums for each of my novels, the images chosen to visually aid the events written in the book. Gradually I am going back and updating each album, adding new images and improving the old ones. Check out the Loving Mr. Darcy album to see what I mean!

Zazzle StoreA few months ago I created a Zazzle Store, stocking it with loads of merchandise with Austen, Regency, and Darcy Saga themes. Just another way to offer something special to visitors and lovers of my novels.

It should be apparent that I am forever looking ahead, and dedicated to pleasing my visitors. I am open for suggestions!





Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga, a ten-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.

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Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to find you as Austen is one of my all time historical faves and regency is a fave period setting.

Katie @ Doing Dewey

Wow, it sounds like you have all sorts of extras in addition to your blog! So far, trying out social media has been enough for me 🙂

Alisha (My Need to Read)

Yet, as the wise say, through tribulations one grows stronger…focusing on MY blog/website/social media platforms to reach MY readers is a far better use of my time, energy, and talents.

That’s such a fantastic realization to have. And that you’re keeping it true to yourself rather than others’ expectations of what your blog should be like…fabulous. My hats off to you! 🙂


I didn’t know about the Austen Admirers app. Will have to go and download it later as for once I’m using my PC to read your blog.

I do admire your devotion to your subject and your readers as the amount of time you spend blogging and interacting through social media must be considerable. Sometimes I think about starting a blog but then realise I just don’t have the time!

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience but I guess in the end it has to be put down to experience. It won’t be any comfort I’m sure but I guess you’ve heard the saying that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Lisa @ just another rabid reader

It really is all about trial and error and we have to learn along the way what works for us. You tried it, it didn’t work and you moved on. That is all any of us really can do. I wouldn’t call it a waste of time. It was a learning experience and you learned that for you, it was not the way to go.

Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader

Wesley at Library Educated

Glad you’re using your Pinterest addiction for the good of the blog 🙂

Elizabeth Bevins

I adore Austin. I can read and reread her novels forever!

J "Joy" Dawn King

Your Austen Admirers APP on ITunes was my first contact with a writer’s blog. I pop by daily and have personally benefitted greatly in my understanding of Regency history, book marketing, and author interaction. I shopped your Zazzle store and have your character family tree next to my writing desk to reference my own characters.(which I have listed alongside). You are truly a new JA writer’s best friend, Sharon. Thank you for all of your hard work as it makes mine so much easier.

J "Joy" Dawn King

I know the Golden Rule from Matthew 7:12. I also like Thumper’s Rule from Bambi. “If you can’t say nuffin’ nice, don’t say nuffin’ at all.” Gracias Sharon!

Kathryn@Book Date

Well we live and learn! Good to shake yourself clear from what didn’t work and turn to something that does. It sounds like you are very active and busy on your blog and social media. I see you have Marie Force on your blog June 4. Love her Fatal series. May your writing be blessed.

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