A honeymoon can last a lifetime . . .

Beginning on their wedding day, Darcy and Elizabeth are two people who are deeply in love with one another and are excited to begin their marriage.
Their courtship was tempestuous; misunderstandings and misgivings nearly tore them apart. But now that they’ve seen each other without prejudice, their trust, attraction, and delight in each other grows with every passing day. Both are inexperienced and innocent, sharing moments of shyness and boldness as they discover the kinds of intimacies that a newlywed couple shares.
As their love story unfolds, they reveal their innermost secrets and feelings, embracing each other in a marriage filled with romance, passion, humor, and drama that will keep you spellbound.
The first installment to the Darcy Saga begins on the wedding night of Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy. The novel proceeds leisurely through the first five months of marriage.
There are a number of flashback moments to events during their engagement, but mostly these first months are covered in great detail as the two lovers grow in their love and cement their bond. This is the honeymoon phase to be sure, and the tone of the book is very romantic and blatantly mushy as I would hope most newly married couples would be!
Along the way Lizzy learns of Pemberley estate management and meets many of the citizens of Derbyshire. Christmas is celebrated with a houseful of guests, winter months are passed with a host of fun times including a Twelfth Night Masquerade Ball, and as spring thaws come the Darcys are faced with their first serious trauma and the possibility of a new life on the way.
This novel ends with a romantic interlude on Pemberley grounds that includes the revelation of the hours immediately following Darcy’s successful second proposal as the new couple take their initial steps in discovering the deep passion and frank communication that hallmark their relationship.
“Elizabeth? Wake up, my love.” Darcy sat next to his sleeping wife, gently smoothing her hair as he whispered softly into her ear. “I cannot leave without a farewell.” He kissed behind her ear tenderly. “Lizzy? Open your eyes.”
“William?” she mumbled sleepily.
“Indeed,” he laughed softly, “who else would it be?”
She yawned and stretched, opening her eyes briefly before nestling deeper into the mattress. “Come back to bed,” she murmured. “I am cold.”
Darcy smiled and tucked the thick covers about her. “I must go, love. Mr. Keith is waiting for me. You can return to your slumber, but I had to tell you I love you before I left.” He kissed her forehead and cheek and then her lips. It was a mistake … her arms somehow freed themselves from the snugly placed covers and twined about his neck as she drowsily pulled him into her embrace, deepening the tiny kiss he meant to bestow.
He sighed and happily gave in to her demands for a moment. With regret he untangled her hands from his hair, kissing each palm. She was dazedly looking at him, still more asleep than awake. “Why are you dressed? What time is it?” She started to rise, but he restrained her.
“Remember, dearest? I need to inspect the fisheries today. I shall return for dinner, I promise.” Her hands were clasped in his and he kissed her fingers. “I shall pine for you terribly and will be thinking of you incessantly.” He chuckled mildly. “So much so that I am not sure how effectual I will actually be! It shall be a test of my fortitude.”
She was fully awake now. Aware that it was absolutely ludicrous but unable to curb her emotions, she felt tears burn her eyes and her chin beginning to quiver. In a small voice she said, “I shall be desolate without you, Fitzwilliam. Please be careful and return quickly!”
Oh, the power she had over his faculties! Why was it that every time she spoke his full name he melted? With a groan he kissed her energetically, wrapping his arms about her as best he could with blankets and a comforter in the way. He stroked her back and readjusted his body so he was lying next to her, some tiny part of his foolish brain conjecturing that as he was clothed and she under the covers, his control could be maintained. Only a few kisses, he told himself, to placate me during my separation from her.
It was some twenty minutes later before he arose from the bed. The few kisses had evolved into far greater diversions. Lizzy was akin to a slippery eel in her ability to extricate herself from swaddled covers. Darcy could not relate how it occurred, but in no time at all, she was on top of the comforter, limbs entwined with his. Thoughts of timetables, schedules, and prior commitments fled under the forces rushing through his body. Even after two weeks of marriage and the passion that had inundated his existence, he was still amazed at how rapidly he responded to her touch; nay, even her presence was enough! His arousal was immediate and marked, his need for her vehement.
Somehow his coat was discarded haphazardly, but the remainder of his clothing stayed, neither of them wishing for the delay. One would assume they had not made love in months instead of just the previous night, their hunger raging and consuming them as it did. Their lovemaking was frenzied but no less rhapsodic.
As he buttoned his breeches and straightened his waistcoat, smiling at his divine wife, his love was too profound to experience any regret. He was behind schedule now, but the memory of her and the tingling sensations coursing through his veins vastly outweighed any time concerns.
He finished adjusting his rumpled clothing as she arose from the bed, standing before him in all her glory. She buttoned his jacket and tamed his mussed hair with her fingers. “There,” she said, “you are presentable. And tremendously handsome, I daresay.” She smiled and kissed him lingeringly.
“I love you, Mrs. Darcy, and shall miss you.” His hands traveled over her body and he nuzzled her neck, planting one last kiss on her earlobe before he pulled away. As if fearful of losing his restraint yet again, he turned abruptly and strode rapidly to the door, pausing for one last look and a devastating smile as he closed the door behind him.
The party gathered together again in the music room where Col. Fitzwilliam was induced to accompany Georgiana with the cello. Darcy stood behind the seated Lizzy with his fingers lightly resting on her neck, unaware that Mr. Lathrop stood behind his wife in the identical inadvertent pose.
“Col. Fitzwilliam,” Lizzy declared, “you play beautifully! I am tremendously impressed.”
The Colonel bowed. “Thank you, Mrs. Darcy; you are very kind. I fear I am rather out of practice. The only opportunity I have to indulge my meager musical talent is here at Pemberley.”
“My husband claims to be as poor a proficient on the violin, yet now I begin to speculate he may not have been totally forthright. How would you evaluate his skills, Colonel, as one artist assessing the other?”
Richard smugly appraised his faintly frowning cousin. “Ah, Mrs. Darcy, you place before me an interesting dilemma. If I judge his talents paltry, then we shall all take pity and not wish to embarrass him by prevailing upon him to play, thus depriving us entertainment, but he shall thank me and be in my debt. If, however, I laud his gift, extolling the unsurpassed skill he wields, then all shall beseech him to grace us with a tune to our delight but I shall likely be soundly pummeled once alone.”
They all laughed. Mr. Lathrop chimed in with his soft voice, “I shall save you, Colonel. Darcy has not seen me for many months so would not likely horsewhip me.”
“Do not be too confident, Lathrop,” Darcy interrupted with a growl.
Undeterred, Mr. Lathrop continued with a grin, “Darcy often played at Cambridge and is quite good, although he abhors performing for crowds. Except for that one time, remember, Darcy?”
All eyes were on Darcy, brows raised in question. Richard stifled a chuckle and Mr. Lathrop was grinning broadly. “This is blackmail, old friend.” Darcy said, trying not to smile.
Mr. Lathrop spread his hands innocently, “Simply a reminder of what is possible with the appropriate … influences.”
“What manner of influences, Mr. Darcy, pray tell?” asked Mrs. Lathrop with a dimpled smile. All were staring at Darcy with varying degrees of humor, with the exception of Georgiana who was frankly baffled.
Darcy cleared his throat. “Very well. Georgiana, play ‘Largo’ by Handel and then ‘Minuet in G’ by Bach.” Darcy took a moment to tune his instrument, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, and then indicated to his sister that he was prepared.
Lizzy waited with bated breath, anxious to hear her husband, yet feeling tremendous remorse that her thoughtless teasing may have led him to humiliate himself. She acutely recalled her own chagrin at having been coerced by Lady Catherine to display her weak pianoforte abilities. Darcy, however, was reticent by nature and therefore more apt to embarrass.
Upon the first strains, she knew her fears were groundless. Darcy was no virtuoso but he was talented, far surpassing what she had imagined based on his assertions. He and his sister played beautifully together and the entire room was spellbound.
The applause was sincere and lengthy. Darcy bowed and then turned to his cousin. “Richard, one more with your assistance.” Colonel Fitzwilliam took his place at the cello and smiled at the sheets placed before him by Darcy. Georgiana indicated she was ready and they launched into a sterling rendition of “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven, eminently apropos for the season.
Lizzy sat diagonally across from her husband and between Lady Harpur and a man introduced to her as the Marquis of Orman. Lord Orman was a handsome man perhaps a year or two older than Darcy, unmarried and charming. Lady Harpur said little, whether from shyness or lack of interest in her dinner companions Lizzy could not discern. Darcy was flanked by Sir James Harpur and Mrs. Mary Vernor. Within earshot sat Lord and Lady Matlock and the remaining Vernors.
Dinner was spectacular. Conversation and laughter flowed. Lord Orman was engaging, thankfully for Lizzy, as Lady Harpur said barely two words. Darcy spoke primarily with Sir James and Mr. Vernor, joining in with Lizzy and Lord Orman on occasion.
“Mrs. Darcy,” Lord Orman said, “I understand you are from Hertfordshire?”
“Yes, My Lord, you have heard correctly. Are you familiar with the region?”
“Not much, I confess. I have traveled through on my way to London; however, I have not tarried in the area. Do you miss your home?”
Lizzy smiled. “I miss my family somewhat, but Pemberley and Derbyshire are my home.”
“Of course. Forgive me, Mrs. Darcy, I meant no offense.”
“None taken.”
“Did you leave a large family behind?”
“Four sisters and my parents, as well as cousins. Fortunately, Meryton is not a great distance, and it is the lot of us women eventually to leave our parents for our new families. I am content.” Lizzy glanced at Darcy, who was apparently absorbed in his plate, but she noted the tiny crease between his brows and well knew what it signified.
“Of course.” Lord Orman continued. “Still it must be difficult to leave what you have always known for the unknown.”
“You would be mistaken, My Lord. It has not been difficult in the slightest. I am exceedingly comfortable here. The scenery and natural formations are widely diverse and majestic here in Derbyshire. Far more so than Hertfordshire, which is pastoral. Unfortunately the weather has not been kind enough to allow me the opportunity to explore as I would wish; however, this will be remedied in the spring.”
“Do you appreciate the out of doors then, Mrs. Darcy?”
“Oh yes, very much.”
“You ride, I presume.”
“Actually, not at all. I prefer to walk.”
He was taken aback. “How odd. A Darcy who does not ride. Who would have believed it? I would rather have imagined horsemanship a prerequisite for matrimony amongst the Darcys.” He seemed to be teasing but Lizzy found the comment a trifle rude. Apparently, her husband did as well.
“I fear you are hasty, Orman, in forming assumptions regarding the character of the Darcys.” He spoke softly but with an edge that Lizzy recognized as irritation and his eyes were a flinty blue. “A person’s caliber is not dependent on a particular accomplishment, nor can a host of accomplishments accurately illustrate one’s quality.”
It was a true statement voiced in a flat tone, but Lizzy, who knew her husband so well, understood he was casting aspersions. Orman knew it also, and there was a moment of silence before he laughed, “Touché, Darcy.”
The conversation turned then to topics more general. The men spoke of politics and resolving the crisis with France. Lizzy struck up a conversation with Mrs. Vernor and Mrs. Samantha Cole, a woman in her late twenties and the wife of the middle Cole son, Joshua. Mrs. Cole reminded Lizzy of her younger sisters, giddy and not terribly bright but humorous and entertaining. Her favorite topics were fashion and society gossip, of little interest to Lizzy; however, she did realize that a fair amount of knowledge on both subjects could be to her advantage so she joined in. She and Mrs. Vernor shared several amused glances, but Mrs. Cole’s insipid chatter did pass the time pleasantly and, oddly enough, Lizzy did like her.
As they stood to leave the table, Lord Orman leaned close to Lizzy and said softly, “I hope I did not offend, Mrs. Darcy. You appear an intelligent young woman and I enjoyed our conversation. I would like to be counted a friend.”
Lizzy was terribly uncomfortable and momentarily at a loss. Darcy, she noted quickly, was on the other side of the table speaking with his aunt, apparently unaware of Lord Orman’s attention. Lizzy took a step backwards, smiled pleasantly, and met his eyes frankly.
“Thank you for the compliment, Lord Orman. I can assure you that whomever my husband counts as a friend is also a friend of mine. As I am a new inhabitant of the area, I am leaving these decisions to him. It is far too easy to arrive at swift and errant judgments.”
Lord Orman bowed and retreated slightly but continued undeterred, “Would I be too bold to ask if I may secure your hand for a dance set, Mrs. Darcy? Or does Mr. Darcy make those decisions for you as well?”
Lizzy was stunned, a ready retort on her lips, but they were both startled by Darcy’s deep voice. “Mrs. Darcy is free to fill her dance card with whomever she chooses.” He stood next to her, towering over Orman by at least five inches, calm, and impassively gazing at the Marquis as he offered his arm to Lizzy.
Lizzy smiled brightly at her husband as she placed her hand on his arm, and then turned to Orman. “Thank you, Lord Orman; however, all dances are promised to my husband, by my choice.” She curtseyed and he bowed.
“Perhaps another time then, Mrs. Darcy. Mr. Darcy.” He bowed again and moved away.
“Interesting man,” Lizzy commented sardonically.
“He is a scoundrel, Elizabeth. I cannot fathom what Sir Cole was thinking to seat him at the head table, and close to me. He knows we despise each other.”
The trip to Pemberley was uneventful. Lizzy was anxious and excited at the same time. I am going home! She kept repeating this to herself so it would truly penetrate her heart and soul.
She valiantly feigned composure and serenity, but the amused curl of Darcy’s mouth told her that he was on to her little charade. For probably the hundredth time, she asked him, “How much further to Pemberley?”
“Maybe two more hours, if the weather holds,” he replied, leaning closer to her so he could see around her out the window. “Those clouds do look ready to burst any moment. Luckily the road through here is an excellent one, so even if it does rain, we should not be waylaid.”
She continued to stare out the carriage window. “It is so beautiful here. Is this Derbyshire?”
“The southernmost regions, yes. I had the driver bypass Derby to avoid the congestion. We are some twenty miles south of Lambton. However, we will divert and enter from the south, rather than the west as you did before. I will let you know when we enter our estate lands. The southerly route passes through approximately five miles of our farms.”
Lizzy lifted her brows in surprise. “I had no idea it was so vast!” His use of the word “our” was not lost on her, but she did not comment.
Darcy smiled at her and stroked her cheek. “Yes, it is quite large. It requires several hours to circle the perimeter. Of course, a generous percentage of the land is wild and inaccessible but for horseback. A significant amount is woods, lakes, and rivers, as well as pastures. Game runs free and birds make their homes with little to disturb them except for the occasional hunt. The farmlands are closer to the manor, thus the tenants are within an easy distance.” He leaned back in the seat and lovingly caressed her back.
Elizabeth continued to stare out the window. She did not speak and Darcy could sense her tension, but he kept silent, waiting patiently until she was prepared to open her mind to him. In time she did, but her voice was so low he had to strain to hear her.
“What if they do not like me?”
“It does not matter if they do not like you. You are my wife and the Mistress of Pemberley. They are your servants and tenants.” She jerked her head toward him at his blunt words, a ready retort on her lips. He smiled and stopped the flip rejoinder he knew she was about to make by pressing his fingers to her lips. That is what I want to see from you, my brave, feisty Lizzy, he thought. “However, I do not believe, even for one second, that they will not adore you. Nor do I have the slightest qualm or apprehension that you will be the most excellent Mistress that Pemberley has seen in decades, no offense intended toward my dear mother or grandmother.”
She peered intently into his eyes, as if searching for any untruth or doubt in his assertions, but there was none. The deep love he felt for her was unmistakably visible, as it always was. Yet, as she examined his eyes, she was again struck forcibly by the unparalleled esteem he held for her. His love for her, although all consuming, unwavering, and unconditional, was not blind or foolish. He knew her faults, her flaws, her weaknesses. He also knew her quality, her personality, her strengths, and her character. His trust in her was in spite of and due to these incontrovertible facts, not out of besotted passion or bedazzlement.
She sighed and relaxed against his chest, burying her face into his shoulder. “You must think me a silly child!”
He smiled into her hair. “You are not silly and, as proven several times over the past two days, you are unquestionably not a child!” They both laughed. “I do think you are worrying too much about all this, Elizabeth. No demands will be placed on you until you wish to assume them. Good heavens, it took me a year to feel secure as Master of Pemberley, and I grew up there! You will have all the time you need. Mrs. Reynolds already likes you and she will assist you in any way you require.”
“I do not apprehend how she could have such a fair opinion of me since I acted so outlandishly peculiar. Getting separated, spying on Georgiana, stammering like an imbecile, rushing off across the fields. I would imagine she is horrified that you would deign to be in the same room with me, let alone marry me!” She smiled up at him and he could not resist kissing her.
“Well, therein lies the answer to your question, my heart. Mrs. Reynolds has known me since I was four. Few people understand me as well as she does. For all that she is technically a servant, she has in many ways been a second mother to me. She has observed me through all my years of pain and grief. She knows my character and judgment. She trusts my choices and wishes nothing more than to see me happy. So, if you bring me that happiness, and you emphatically do, and if I trust you, then she does as well. It is that simple.” He kissed her again, deeply.
Huskily he continued, “You must learn to have the same faith in my assertions regarding your qualifications as she does.” He paused to kiss her some more. “Of course,” he teased, “it is all a moot point as I intend to keep you locked in my bedchamber for several weeks, at least so I may have unfettered and undisturbed access to you!”
Lizzy grinned. “If you mean to frighten me by that threat, Mr. Darcy, you have failed miserably. Frankly, I can think of no place on earth I would rather be than in your bedchamber, provided you are there as well, naturally.” She accompanied her words with sensitively placed caresses and kisses, causing Darcy to groan and close his eyes in mute surrender.
It was some time before he sought to find his voice or even that he was able to. Finally, breathlessly, he begged, “Desist, woman! You win! I shall exact my revenge for this torture, however, so be warned.” He moved away from her to compose himself, refusing to acknowledge the expression of amusement and triumph on her face.
Time passed in comfortable companionship. Lizzy was riveted to the passing scenery, all of it lushly green moorland and rolling hills. The River Derwent was a constant companion as the main road wove alongside it, crossing frequently over stone bridges. They traveled through Matlock, but Rivallain, the estate of Lord and Lady Matlock, was not visible. Darcy pointed out the places of interest as they glided by, but they did not halt. Both were too anxious to be home.
Sharing here a sampling of positive feedback received for Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy
over the years since it was published in 2009.
These words of praise are from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:
4 & 5 Star reviews posted to online marketplaces (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Powells, BAM, etc.),
letters and emails sent directly to me, and comments left on my blog or other blogs where I was a guest.

Who IS Sharon L.? I’ll tell you. A modern, classic, literary marvel. The book was a wonder, the film was excellence, and this sequel – pure genius! Whoever you are Sharon, you are truly gifted! You take a beautiful, wonderful, intriguing story that is almost unsurpassable, to totally new heights…. words cannot describe the joy I experienced when I found that you were continuing our beloved Elizabeth & Darcy’s story. Jane Austen must be looking down on you and smiling at the wonderful work you are doing. This needed to be done – the story HAD to continue. Ever Grateful. (Kevin in Birmingham, UK)
Sharon Lathan’s take on Happily Ever After at Pemberley has spoiled me for other sequels! 5-Stars! Sharon gives Darcy humanity, and Elizabeth humility. I’ve fallen in love with each and every character! If you’re a fan of the novel by Ms. Austen; you MUST read these (and the prequels). Otherwise, you’re just another fan confused in the universe of sequel-dom! Sharon, Long may your pen write and your laptop type!! (Cindy Hatmaker)
I just wanted to thank you for writing the book that I can call my favorite. I am a hopeless romantic and have been put under the spell of Joe Wright’s Pride and Prejudice. I am also the member of the audience that wishes that all romance movies were just 25 minutes longer… just to cover what their lives looked like after the dramatic union. I have recommended this book to virtually everyone I know and all have given me nothing but praise for your novel. I read your book in 2 days. It was the most wonderful reading experience I’ve ever had. So, thank you. Thank you for ruining any realistic expectations I had of love. I now fully expect a modern day Darcy in the flesh to appear on campus 🙂 But in all sincerity, thank you for writing such a wonderful book. You truly have a blessed talent. Good luck with the rest of your Darcy endeavors!! (Caroline W)
I found your book among the hundreds at the public library and I have never in my life been so happy to accidentally add yet another book to my never ending pile. First off I would like to tell you that I intend to go out and buy my own copy as fast as I can. I would also like to thank you for continuing to write because I already sense that I will follow your books loyally. Your first alone was everything I could ask for in a book that were to follow Pride and Prejudice. You do not throw unwanted twists to the story; you do what every fan in their hearts knew. You wrote down the first blissful months of the Darcy union. I would also like to thank you because not only was your writing wonderful I am here to say that I can find absolutely no fault in your writing and it was one of the best I have read in a long time. I find I also must thank you for portraying a relationship the way it should be; where a couple is so in love that they could not stand to lose the other and that their pure love for each other only grows with each passing day. I do not know if this will create impossible to live up to expectations in my life but none the less your story has given me that fire in my soul and warmth in my heart along with a good tickle to my wit. I cannot wait until your next book comes out and I am already looking forward to the books that are sure to follow. I hope that you do get the chance to read this and maybe even respond to me but if I do not get so lucky as that I can only hope that a little bit of my glowing love for your book will be mentioned to you in passing. Thank you so much again Mrs. Lathan, it was a pleasure. (Veronica)
Awesome!!5-Stars! Mrs. Lathan creates a lovely and timeless romance that continues off of the Pride and Prejudice movie starring Keira Knightley. Sure, it’s not Austen herself, but a brighter story with endless moments of love and happiness!!! For those of you leaving bad reviews, get off your literature high horse and learn to enjoy the more romantic aspects of life. We read books to escape reality so why not smile while doing it? If you want a feel good book, THIS IS IT!!! (EJW)
I came across your book in Target this past Sunday and was absolutely ecstatic! Pride and Prejudice is my all time favorite and the idea of knowing more of Lizzy and Darcy’s life together is exciting! I have not put the book down since I purchased it! Your descriptiveness of their love for each other has taken me back! I’m excited I don’t have long to wait for the next one to come out! This book is a must read!!!!!!! Thank you for satisfying my curiosity of their life together! (Lauren)
Best Sequels EVER. 5-Stars! I really loved this saga. I am a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice and this saga really took the book leaps and bounds farther. Sure the other reviews say its sappy, or it’s too romantic. In no way is that true, it is Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth we are talking about, it’s like the ultimate love story, and it is depicting their life!! It’s not just about the love either, (which is so sweet!) they go through hard times too! Read these novels, you will not be disappointed. You came here looking for a great sequel to a book you clearly love, this is it, I have tried others, they suck, these are great!! (And there are so many!!) Sincerely, A devoted Pride and Prejudice, and Sharon Lathan fan (Caitlin)
Mrs. Lathan has written a deeply passionate, beautiful, and light-hearted fun novel on the life of Mr. and Mrs. Darcy where Pride and Prejudice left off. Being someone who is well read when it comes to the sequels of Jane Austen’s famous novel, I consider among the very best if not the absolute very best. I had the opportunity to read this story after I happened upon it online and have been waiting for over a year for the first glimpse of it finally being published as I was sure it would be. Along with our favorite couple Sharon created a delightful supporting cast of characters that are funny, loveable and altogether captivating. My advice to everyone who loves Pride and Prejudice, read this book for yourself and I know you’ll come to love it as much as I and a lot of others have. (Lorie in Georgia)
This book changed me forever. 5-Stars! This is the book that forever changed my life. I first came across it by mere happenstance online two years ago. Until that moment I was completely unaware of the Jane Austen Fan Fiction world. I read this book and fell in love with it. It gave me a closure I had always so desperately longed for. When I say it changed my life I truly mean that. Since purchasing it as my first JAFF book, I have read well over a hundred different books similarly related and have even been inspired to write one myself which I am almost done with. (Dianna A)
Oh, can’t get enough of Mr. Darcy! 5-Stars! I love the Darcy books and hope that Sharon Lathan writes more of them and soon as I am almost finished reading everything she has ever written on the Darcy family already. I have enjoyed it all completely. No one does the Regency era better than Mrs. Lathan! (SS)
Hi, Sharon! Just wanted to tell you that I am reading the first book of the saga now and I just can’t seem to put it down. I absolutely love it and can’t wait for Loving Mr. Darcy to come out next month. Thank you for writing these books. I, too, was mesmerized by the 2005 movie and was beyond elated when I saw the book at B&N two weeks ago. Your writing is absolutely brilliant! (Vanessa)
A real treat! 5-Stars! A great continuation novel to Pride and Prejudice. Sharon Lathan does a great job showcasing the deep love and adoration that a reader dreams of when Pride and Prejudice ends. I have read many continuation novels and these are by far my favorites. These books are the author’s interpretation of how Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett’s lives end up. There is mystery, love, heartache, passion and above all, romance. Who doesn’t want romance in their lives? This isn’t a trashy romance novel that you find at the grocery store. It’s the romance that one creates with one’s soul mate. If you love Pride and Prejudice and can get past the obvious look-back to the 2005 Kiera Knightly film and you are open to reading someone else’s interpretation of what their lives might have been like, then please give this book a chance. It’s well worth it! (Lacey)
If you loved the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie then read this book!!!! 5-Stars! If the 2005 movie version of Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen left you wanting more then this is the book for you. I loved that movie and I wanted more especially what happened after Mr. Bennett gave Lizzy his blessing and it is in this book! I loved the flashbacks in this book. It is very romantic and I do think this is how Mr. Darcy would have treated Lizzy after marriage! It was not written to be a sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I have read a lot of the fanfiction books and this is one of my favorites! I have even reread it a few times! It is a wonderful book and you should give it a try! (Mary Ciapponi)
I have read and own over one hundred sequels to Pride and Prejudice, which has given me a good critical eye as to which are the best ones, not so good, okay. and the worst! Of all the sequels, Sharon Lathan’s Darcy Saga Series outshine the rest. Sharon has a profound respect for the period, Jane Austen and correctness. In addition, her style is sublimely beautiful. Jane Austen would be very pleased after reading Lathan’s books, if she were alive today. If you want to get into sequels of Jane Austen stories, you should begin with these series. You go, Sharon Lathan! (Grisel Martinez in Washington, D.C.)
Lizzy and Darcy enthusiasts! This is one of the best sequels to Pride and Prejudice on the market to date! The best thing about this first volume is that it juxtaposes between the last film made with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen and what is happening in their married lives now. This is a great read and filled with lots of love, thrills, and excitement! You won’t be disappointed! (Dawn in Texas)
The best Darcy saga ever. 5-Stars! I just had to pass a note along for anyone who loves the book or movie Pride and Prejudice. If you are a hopeless romantic & truly enjoy this story about William Darcy & Elizabeth Bennet, than this book saga is for you! I loved the book & absolutely enjoyed the 2005 movie rendition of Pride and Prejudice. Matthew Macfadyen & Kiera Knightly were incredible in it & truly what I envision what William & Lizzy would have been like. Sharon Lathan, the writer, was also inspired by this movie version & proceeded to write this Darcy saga. Sharon Lathan’s visions of how the Darcys’ lives would have continued after the story is so incredible. She brings wonder, excitement & pure joy to the reader in her writing. I can’t put the books down & just love that they keep coming & coming. I promise you will not be disappointed! Incredible! (C Martinez)
Unputdownable. 5-Stars! The best sequel to Pride and Prejudice in my mind. The author has captured Elisabeth and Mr. Darcy perfectly. It is thrilling, hot and heavy. Love all the books in the Darcy saga and have read them 5 times… (Elin)
Finally!!! A book that addressed all of the unanswered questions and scenes from the 2005 movie. I am a big fan of all the adaptations of Pride and Prejudice, but the 2005 version with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen remains my fav. To start off, this book is hard to put down. As you read you can vividly “see” the love that Darcy and Lizzy have for one another. This book tells us what happened between the infamous scene where Lizzy accepts his proposal by saying “well then, your hands are getting cold” and the scene where they both are asking permission from Mr. Bennett, also the happenings shortly before the balcony scenes at the end of the movie. This book by far surpasses ANY other Pride and Prejudice sequels. It is romantic, heartwarming, and enchanting. Mrs. Lathan’s use of vocabulary is delightful and easy to follow! It left me yearning for the next part of the saga to come out! Mrs. Lathan… Keep them coming please!!!! I can’t get enough and thank you for staying true to Jane Austen’s characters and plots!!! (Jana A Powerson)
“Happily ever after” works for me. 5-Stars! I have never felt compelled to comment on a book before. But after reading Two Shall Become One and then seeing the polarized reviews on Amazon, I wanted to add my two cents. I loved the sweetness of this book and learning about the first months of Lizzy and Darcy’s marriage. They’re lovey-dovey and doe-eyed over each other (as newlyweds would hopefully be). If that’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay. I especially liked the “fill in the gaps” moments that refer back to the 2005 movie with Ms. Knightley and Mr. Macfadyen. There is a bad guy to give conflict to the story but overall, this is a tale of two lovers who delight in discovering each other. Why is that such a bad thing? (Diane Gibson)
This recent Pride and Prejudice continuation story was beautifully written and very close to the language and style that Austen used herself. As a contemporary author, Ms. Lathan did a superb job. Ms. Lathan’s tale takes off from the 2005 film version of Pride and Prejudice, a very romantic retelling of this beloved story with gorgeous cinematography. The film was as close to the original Pride and Prejudice as 2 1/4 hours could permit: some characters were cut out; new dialogue was created that does not appear in the original text, although it enhanced the story. Ms. Lathan masterfully weaves in the dialogue from the film into her story: when Darcy and Elizabeth first touch; when Darcy calls Elizabeth ‘Mrs. Darcy’ repeatedly after they are married and at Pemberley; when Darcy crosses the meadow to (successfully) propose to Elizabeth at Longbourn.
Also, the intimate scenes between Darcy and Elizabeth were so eloquently and tastefully described that I wonder why anyone would find fault: they are newlyweds and, let’s face it we all imagine that Darcy and Elizabeth have an unquenchable passion for each other! Ms. Lathan uses respectful language that can hardly offend any reader: she was not crass or crude at all. I particularly applaud her for making Darcy as virtuous as Elizabeth. In other versions, Darcy is ‘worldly’, to put it mildly. I also liked that Ms. Lathan depicted the elder Darcy’s relationship, and marriage, as loving. Other versions are not that kind.
When reading this story, (the published first installment) one must remember that the author wanted to solely focus on Elizabeth and Darcy as couple at the inception of their marriage, so many of the original Pride and Prejudice characters do not appear in this story, except tangentially. Ms. Lathan indicates that there will be further stories, this one being the first in five, so it is possible to include the other characters subsequently. The Elizabeth and Darcy characters of this book are so lovable and the author does a great job showing how they mature as individuals as well as a couple. It is particularly endearing to see Darcy relax a bit since he is no longer the eligible bachelor every high society female pines for. Yet Elizabeth and Darcy still remain true to themselves: she witty, he the perfect gentleman. To echo a fellow critic of this Pride and Prejudice continuation version, I, too, could hear the voices of the actors who portrayed Darcy and Elizabeth in the 2005 film in the dialogue of this book and I could vividly see them and the scenery as well, and not because I saw the film. I have read eleven (11) Pride and Prejudice ‘continuations’ and ‘what if’s’ and, Ms. Lathan, so far, is the only author to have accomplished this sort of imagery for me. I look forward to reading her next novel. (Maria)
Wonderful continuation of Darcy and Elizabeth. 5-Stars! I don’t even know where to start with this wonderful book. I had heard from a few people that they thought it was too explicit compared to Jane Austen. Keeping that in mind, I plunged in and I loved it! There are no more of the Victorian chaste kisses, this is a full blown romance. The story has the characters acting as any newly married couple would act. I didn’t think it was very explicit at all, in fact I thought it was wonderfully written and kept me enthralled until the end. I found myself sighing once again over this couple. Darcy emerges as wonderfully romantic husband. We get to see the struggles they go through in the early days and see their love triumph. There is enough of the ‘feel’ of Jane Austen to delight all fans of her novels. For me this was a great book and I’m excited that this is just the first in the series that follows this couple. I’m going to be first in line for the rest of the series!
Couldn’t put the book down… Sharon Lathan is a genius! 5-Stars! I’ve always wanted read the continuing of Pride and Prejudice where I could actually see the characters interacting with each other and the way Sharon plays the Darcys affection and passion for each other, it is just intoxicating. Anyone who is a true Austen fan will appreciate and fall in love instantly with this story that not only offers true love to sword fighting, but it adds that passion that every married couple knows and singles dream of. BUY IT NOW AND FEEL THE LOVE! (DarcySagaFan)
Can’t wait for #3! Heavy sigh! 5-Stars! Just loved the second in the series of three of Sharon Lathan’s Trilogy. I don’t understand all the arguments of the purists, but I suppose I have answered my own question… purists! I am a huge fan of the original Lord of the Rings, but I loved what Peter Jackson did with the movies and I heard all the “purists” scream then also. Don’t allow these people to keep you from such a wonderful story. It doesn’t matter if it’s from the book or the movie, the Pride and Prejudice story is fabulous, extremely well written and excellent in detail to history. My only fault with Ms. Lathan is that she doesn’t write more and sooner! Keep up the great work, I’ll be waiting impatiently for anything you write. (Janis)
Beginning directly where the 2005 movie version leaves off, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One tells the story of the marriage and growing relationship of Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy. In this sequel, we get a glimpse into the private lives of Mr. Darcy and his new bride. The scenes are intimate and personal. There are a lot of romantic and intimate scenes – because we are reading about a newly married couple who are deeply and passionately in love with one another. The characters in this sequel have that same raw and realistic quality that we get in the 2005 movie version directed by Joe Wright.
This is not a sequel for the average Janeite. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One takes the character Miss Austen created to a new level – making them more easily related to and more personal. Darcy is a man of passion and character as opposed to a man with a sordid past. Elizabeth is a loving and unrestrained new bride who enjoys being a newly married woman. This is a book about the beginning of a brand new marriage that is full of ardor and devotion – a great example of what a marriage ought to look like! If you loved the 2005 movie version, you will love this book! (Jen in Montana)
I absolutely love this! 5-Stars! In beginning this book, I had my reservations, as I’d heard both good and bad reviews. I quickly fell under the spell of the book though. I really enjoyed the depictions of the early months of marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy, most especially the romancing scenes. I can easily understand how some may find this offensive towards Austen. However, I’ve always wished to read something that goes deeper into the marriage, and Mr and Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy certainly does that. I cannot wait to read the next installment. (Samantha McNulty)
Jane Austen is dead, of course this isn’t her sequel! I loved the way this book was written, it is as I would expect William and Lizzie to behave after their wedding. Very romantic is William and both are extremely amorous. Would recommend to people who like historical romance and who loved Pride and Prejudice.
I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely loved it. I couldn’t put it down. Your telling of the passionate love that Darcy and Lizzy shared just prior to and after their wedding day was just magical. Their passion was very apparent onscreen, even in the formal, proper setting of that era, and your book really brought it to life. So, thank you for the gift of the continuation of my favorite book. I am sure I will return to it over and over again. (Nancy)
Beautiful book! 5-Stars! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and have read it more than once. I think the book is true to Miss Austen’s novel and true to the movie. I feel that it is a beautiful example of what a marriage and lifelong commitment can and should be. I would expect nothing less from Mr. Darcy and Lizzy. I can’t wait to read the sequel! (Sherry Lee)
Awesome!! Finally someone has taken on this wonderful task of ‘what happens to the Darcy’s after the marriage’. Thank you. The book jumped out at me while I was shopping at Target–and yes everything else I needed to shop for no longer mattered. I rushed home to read it–and stayed up until 4AM reading. (Serina in CA)
If you loved the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen, this book is the sequel you have been waiting for. The book begins after the wedding of Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy and follows the beginning of their married life together. As a young couple in love, they are excited to start their marriage. Not to be a spoiler, but the newlyweds are very inexperienced in male-female relationships and you have to take in account the time period of this story. It is quite sweet to see them discover the kind of intimacies that a newlywed couple has.
Contrary to some reviews, this book is not all about sex – if it was, I wouldn’t have wasted my time reading it. Of course, Lizzy and William are finally free to express their love for each other and both are still apprehensive on what to do next. Author Sharon Lathan does a fantastic job filling in the blanks and expanding on Lizzy and William’s relationship. She goes back in time to further explain the many twists and turns of their journey to find each other. I was struck by how lonely William was and expected to be when he thought he would not have a future with Elizabeth. I also found their devotion to one another and the “comfortableness” they achieved enchanting though both were still shy at times. If you close your eyes, you can actually hear Keira & Matthew using Ms. Lathan’s words as their own. With Lizzy & William’s families filling in the backdrop of their lives, a very interesting and multi-layered story is told. True to their relationship becoming more familiar, there are more scenes with Lizzy & William expanding their special time alone towards the end of the book. The view into their love for each other did bring a blush to my face, but I still could not put the book down. Kudos to Ms. Lathan for her courage in writing a sequel to this beloved Jane Austen story. Her thoughtful insights and detailed character development made me wish this was a movie. The good news is that this is volume 1 of the story of Fitzwilliam & Elizabeth Darcy – I look forward to futures volumes. (DiAnn in Illinois)
I want a Lathan Darcy before I die. 5-Stars! Move over Elizabeth. Lathan’s version of Mr. Darcy is the one I want. Forget every other Pride and Prejudice movie, book and story. This is the best in any series. Sharon Lathan’s character development breaths new life into Jane Austen’s classic novel. Mr. Darcy is charming, funny and protective. He’s the perfect fictional man with hidden flaws. This book will make you tense, make you smile and make you want to re-read every year. This will forever be a fixture on your library shelve. MUST HAVE! (Just Jac)
Wonderful love story. 5-Stars! Sharon’s continuation of life for Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy is exactly as I always imagined it to be. Two people who love each other deeply and aren’t afraid to show it. I love reading about the day to day life in the Regency era, especially how Sharon takes you through it. there is just enough drama to make it fun, but mostly this is a story about life and true love. Heartwarming and so romantic. Plus, it is written flawlessly with lovely prose and language. Don’t let the critics scare you away! If you want heavy drama and an unhappy couple, then I suppose you shouldn’t buy this book. But if you want a story in the style of Austen, as she presented her characters and their lives, this is certainly the book for you. (Astrid)
This is a lovely and romantic sequel and I love Ms. Lathan’s writing style. The love story of Lizzy and Darcy is an all time classic and I was thrilled to be able to carry on from the ending of Jane Austen’s story with such perfect characterizations. Ms. Lathan has added some wonderful new characters as well as enriching some of the originals. It’s obvious that Ms. Lathan has done an incredible amount of research and really brings to life the interesting times that Lizzy and Darcy lived through. The bonding of these two lovers is what every woman dreams of, literally. Sassy Lizzy matures and becomes a remarkable woman with Darcy’s adoration, patience and love, and watching Darcy come alive and learn to embrace life through his love of Lizzy is a joy. I certainly hope Ms. Lathan continues her passion and supplies us with more of her work. I intend to do some research and find out what she is doing next! (Loridae in Southwest USA)
Thank you for continuing the story of Mr. and Mrs. Darcy. I loved the first novel and I am buying the second book today. I am so excited to read it. I look forward to book #3! You’ve done a wonderful job in the first novel and said everything I wanted the characters to say. It was like reading a perfect story. THANK YOU!!! (Rachel R)
Excellent Read. 5-Stars! I picked up this book at a yard sale for a quarter and was completely enthralled. I have since bought the entire series and flew threw them as well. Lathan has inspired me to read more of not just Austen’s works but many more classic authors. Maybe some previous reviewers need to give it a second chance. (Katherine Ferguson)
I got this book after watching the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie and thought “that can’t be it”! I ordered this book and I was really excited to receive it. I could not put the book down once I started reading! This book continues where the movie left off. With all the tough times in today’s world, it was a good feeling to read a book of “happily ever after”. I think all girls dream of a prince charming and this book definitely delivers. I would suggest all who loved the movie to read this book. (L. Verdine in New Jersey)
A GREAT Darcy and Elizabeth novel!!! 5-Stars! If you wanted more Darcy and Elizabeth after the movie…this will for sure give you FEELS!!! I recommend to the Fans (of these characters) and Hopeless Romantics out there!!! (Kimberley)
I very much enjoy these books.Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favorites. This book is a delightful continuation of Pride and Prejudice. Darcy and Elizabeth sparkle with humor and wit throughout. I loved that they went through many of the trials that an ordinary husband and wife face: doubts, fears, their first real fight, and hopes for the future. Also, there is a dash of peril and excitement to add a different layer of emotions as Darcy is faced with fears for Elizabeth’s life. This is without a doubt one of my favorite Pride and Prejudice sequels and the beginning of a wonderful series. I’ve read this book maybe four times in the past two years, and will doubtless be reading it again before long.
Entertaining and fun–even for a purist like me! I absolutely LOVE the original Pride and Prejudice. I have read Austen’s classic more times than I can remember. My favorite filmed adaptation is the A&E version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. When I first read Sharon Lathan’s novel, Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy, I was surprised that the source material was not limited to the Austen novel, but incorporated the 2005 movie. Once I got over the shock, I sat back and enjoyed M&MFD immensely. I love these characters and have always wished for a quality continuation in their story. I have read ALL of Sharon Lathan’s novels–repeatedly–and given them to friends who love Pride and Prejudice as much as I do. I look forward to every new volume and hope she continues to write them for many years!
For all of you who enjoyed the 2005 movie of Pride and Prejudice and wondered what happened to our beloved Darcy and Lizzy then this is the story you will want to read. This story continues as I imagined and hoped it would have been for them. It is a story of two people who are deeply in love with each other. There is drama, humor, and romance to be found while reading the chapters. Darcy and Lizzy’s adoration and worship of each other is what everyone hopes their life could be. I too have read many sequels and none of them compares to Sharon Lathan’s story. (Kerry in PA)
I really, REALLY enjoy Ms. Lathan’s work and highly recommend her! Beginning their new life together, Darcy and Elizabeth have started home to Pemberley. Memories of their eight week engagement, the wedding ceremony and reception mingle with the realities of their wedding journey and the first six months of married life. William and Lizzy discover the joys of being able to simply be alone with each other and to express their love physically. They learn each other’s history, worries and needs. Happiness, humor and honesty become the by-words of their married life. The story is strengthened by some misunderstandings and quarrels that will ultimately reinforce the Darcys’ marriage. Elizabeth is endangered as the result of a quarrel, but never fear, this is a worthy Happily Ever After! Superb plot line, lovely phrasing and great descriptions.
To each their own! (Opinion that is!) Jane Austen did not write a sequel. Sharon Lathan however, wrote a novel based on Pride and Prejudice characters. This is not un-common. I personally enjoyed the book! It was romantic, and historically correct. It was an easy & enjoyable read. You must take into consideration the time, the politics of the time in which the book takes place, and how the day to day like of a newlywed couple would look! I think Lathan absolutely captured the overwhelming love Mr. Darcy felt for Lizzy. I adore the man she made him into in her books! I am disheartened to see so many negative comments. I have read many books, some of which left me feeling upset. Either I didn’t like the twists the plot took, or I was unsatisfied with the ending. Either way, I would hardly take to Amazon to trash the Author and/or said book. If the book wasn’t for you, if it simply didn’t meet your taste thats fine, but there are those who did enjoy the book, so please be respectful.
I was at the book store and I was looking for a book and instead I found Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy so I said “Ok whatever it looks good so I’ll read it.” When I started to read it was the BEST BOOK EVER!!! I didn’t buy it that day nor did I remember the author or the title so I went on a wild chase looking for it online. When I finally found it I ordered it online. Every day I would wake up and check the mail first thing in the morning. I kept reading the preview online over and over and I never got tired of it. I did that for four days. Finally it got here and when I started reading it I just couldn’t put it down. It is awesome. (Gabriela R)
Simply Amazing!!!!! 5-Stars! I have never in my life read such an amazing book!!!!! I read the entire book cover to cover in one night! I could not put it down!!!! I have always been a huge Pride and Prejudice fan and was so thrilled to find that the Darcy Legacy is being continued!!!! I absolutely cannot get enough!!!!! Mr. Darcy is simply scrumptious!!!! (Kim Gore)
Love it, Lovely, Sweetness! I just love this lovely and sweet story of two of my favorite characters! I have reread it so many times that I have lost count. It is such a sweet love story that it cheers me up every time I need to reassure myself that life and love can be sweet and perfect. The author has a wonderful writing style that invites you and keeps you engaged in the lives of Mr. & Mrs. Darcy! Please read it if you like romance and sweetness!
Loved this one! 5-Stars! Oh this book was so awesome to read! A comfort read for me too! I’ve read Pride and Prejudice and that book stands by itself so I came in with no expectations with this series and loved it for how she gives us their happily ever after as their life continues! I so love the created way that Ms. Lathan gives us what she would see to happening with Darcy and Elizabeth in their everyday life. It was just so adventurous as well as a beautiful romance! The writing is one that pulled me in from the beginning pages and I just kept wanting to read more and more. I’m so glad there are more related adventures of them by Ms. Lathan. I got a great feel for who Mr. Darcy was and how he related with Elizabeth and their marriage is fun to read! I didn’t expect to read Ms. Austen here (nor I do with other Jane Austen related books) and loved that it was so unique and real! If you want something fun and adventures with Darcy and Elizabeth, these are the ones to read! (Caffey)
I am a busy mom of 2 active little boys and I just finished your book in 48 hours. It is amazing!! I will be purchasing your next book on Sept. 1st. I can’t wait to read it! You have such a descriptive style, and what you write is so true to the characters of Mr. Darcy and Lizzy. They should make your books into a movie! People would flock to the theatres. I just wanted to encourage you and thank you, truly thank you, for writing these books! Amazing!! (Ingrid)
Sharon Lathan’s Vision. This is not meant to be written as a continuation of what Jane Austen would have written. This author creates a continuation as she has envisioned it. This book should be appreciated for what it is; a continuation of a beloved book as one person’s imagination sees it. I thought the book was a fun continuation and though more racy than Jane Austen would have written it was still a fun read. If you want to imagine your own continuation please do so. However if you want to have a picture painted for you then this book is an enjoyable.
Fabulous! I read lots of books about life after Pride and Prejudice ends. This series is one of my favorites. I came across this book set and I just love them. It shows the love Elizabeth and Darcy have for each other and the beginning of a happy life together at last.
I’m sure you are hearing a lot of this but Thank you for your book. I read your book in one day and am in love with the characters you have portrayed. I wish I could find a Darcy in the real world. I cannot get the images of the life they share. I have your new book on order already with the library. This is my first blog to anyone. I’m truly a fan and hope you well with all your endeavors. You Rock! (Lynette)
A great fan sequel! I’ve read a lot of fan sequel novels, but this one is at the top of my favorites list! I loved how the author stayed true to the characters set by Jane Austen, and created this amazing picture of what Jane Austen had in mind. The author takes you on an amazing journey into love, friendship, class, and the history and setting of 19th century England. Her attention to detail is flawless. This author has done something amazing, and I highly recommend the Darcy Saga to all Jane Austen/Pride and Prejudice sequel fans!
It’s well worth it! These books are the author’s interpretation of how Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet’s lives end up. There is mystery, love, heartache, passion and above all, romance. Who doesn’t want romance in their lives? This isn’t a trashy romance novel that you find at the grocery store. It’s the romance that one creates with one’s soul mate. If you love Pride and Prejudice and you are open to reading someone else’s interpretation of what their lives might have been like, then please give this book a chance.
This wonderful book continues the story of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy from the point where the 2005 movie ended. It is written beautifully, as the couple begin their lives and share a true love few have known. Sharon has researched the era and includes many interesting descriptions of places Darcy and Lizzy visit. If you have tried to imagine what life would have been like as the couple gets to understand each other and grow closer and more in love each day, then you must read this book. It will bring you so much joy and reading pleasure. (Sue in Florida)
Thanks, Ms. Lathan! This book was a dream come true and one of the first continuations that I read two years ago. A few facts from the original novel are a little jumbled in this, but it does flow well from the facts laid out in the 2005 movie. I really enjoyed it. The discovery of a new married couple on their journey to know each other intimately. A large portion is given toward the romance of their first 6 months of marriage. In truth I always wished that it would continue just like this.
Happily Ever After!! Personally I can’t stand the thought of Lizzy and Darcy’s marriage not working and many if not all of the other sequel attempts I’ve read seem to feel the need to test their marriage in some gut-wrenching way, be it either gross misunderstanding or external evil forces at work. This book doesn’t try to do that – it simply allows the newlyweds to be newly wed. I found it comforting to know that at least in this author’s world, Lizzy and Darcy are ok! It’s a very slow paced (not slow to read but based over a short time scale) book and really shows the characters initiation into marriage. The major downside being that it highlighted for me how woefully lacking in romance most of our modern lives are. It seems modern women all want to be wanted in a 19th century romance sort of way but lets face it, real men generally don’t think like that. And the idea of a man so passionately protective is also highly unlikely in this day and age due to society’s new expectation for women to be self sufficient and completely independent. In some ways this should leave more room for love, given that we do not rely on marriages of convenience for wealth and support like they did then. However it also detracts from the “high-romance” ideal of having a strong man to provide for you and look after you and make you feel special. (Feminists shoot me if you must but I doubt you’d be reading this anyway so I can say it safely I think!). But here we have both. A marriage that is not necessitated by money but based on love and in an era and social class that affords the characters huge luxuries and plenty of time to be together. This book really panders to the complete romantic.
Enjoyed this book immensely. Have read it more than once. I enjoyed it simply for the story. This series got me hooked on the Elizabeth and Darcy sequels that are available. Now I go looking specifically for that genre.
Unfortunately, no one can please everyone, as some of the reviews suggest, but I think Sharon is an absolutely fabulous author. I have been following her story since its first post online. I have the first volume, and eagerly await the next. Well done, well done, Sharon! (Elaine in LA)
I highly recommend the series. I have always wondered what happened after the wedding. I’ve read several sequels but found that Sharon Lathan’s Darcy Saga rather enjoyable. The intimacy between Darcy and Elizabeth is detailed but I enjoy her delving into the characters and showing what they are like. I got a great sense for Georgiana, Col. Fitzwilliam and the rest of the cast.
Great Austen Sequel. 4-Stars! I love Jane Austen sequels. I live for them. I devour sequel after sequel. I initially passed this sequel over because it was based on the 2005 movie not the 1995 series. This was definitely something I had to force myself to look beyond while reading Lathan’s book. I found that I felt better about the book if I imagined Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth instead of Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. Once I began reading, I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked this book. I love how Lathan injects drama into the continuing story of Darcy and Elizabeth. Their life is not quiet in Lathan’s world as you would assume it to be in Austen’s world. I loved that she injected the bad influence of a town scoundrel into the novel. I also love that it resulted in a duel which is something I always wanted to see in a Austen sequel. It gives Darcy a bit of an edge. The relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy is portrayed excellently. Their relationship is clearly passionate in the early days of their marriage. The love between them is tangible and Lathan portrays it well. I also love how Elizabeth calls Darcy “William.” I found that so sweet. If you love Jane Austen sequels, please pick this one up. It is quite the wonderful read.
I stumbled across this site looking for pictures of the most handsome Mr. Darcy. I was sucked into the story and three hours had passed before I realized it. I have now spent three days sitting at my desk in the kitchen reading and treasuring every word! I cannot thank you enough for picking up where the movie left off. I have been bewitched and captivated by every chapter. (Kathy in Oklahoma)
This book was the perfect “happily ever after” to Pride and Prejudice. As a reader, I wanted Darcy and Lizzy to have a great life together. I wanted them to love and respect each other after all they had gone through to finally be together. We have enough stress in our lives today and it’s nice to read a book where people are happy. Yes, there are some conflicts in the book, but they work through them. I could not put this book down! It was refreshing, pleasant and satisfying. I would highly recommend that everyone read this book!
I absolutely love your story. It’s so refreshing to actually read the continuation of the story and you’re such a good writer. I especially like how you’ve fleshed out Darcy’s character to match Matthew Macfadyen’s Darcy— he was wonderful in Pride and Prejudice ’05. All of the characters are well thought out and realistic. Please continue to write… (PJ in Illinois)
WOW! I love it! I’ve spent the last 3 days reading, and reading, and reading… I can’t get enough!! I’m going to flunk my exam! I’m supposed to be studying!!! I’ve watched Pride and Prejudice at least 20 times and since read the book another 10 but I need more! Sharon you are amazing, I love your style and character development. PLEASE keep going!! (Cindy in Ontario, Canada)
This was a great read! Could not put it down! Yes, you have probably heard those words describe other books but in this case they are absolutely true. Like me, have you ever wondered what happens to the characters you have ached and cried over as you read their story and then at the end they ride off into the sunset? Well Sharon has done one heck of a job filling us (Dear Constant Readers) in on what happens to Lizzy & Darcy and a whole cast of characters! I know that you will thoroughly enjoy this book. One can tell that it was a labor of love. Yet as full and detailed as it is, it reads effortlessly and visually. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you, Sharon! (Anne Quinn in Boston)
A Sequel for those who want ‘the rest of the story’ 5-Stars! In this sequel, we get a glimpse into the private lives of Mr. Darcy and his new bride. The scenes are intimate and personal. There are a lot of romantic and intimate scenes – because we are reading about a newly married couple who are deeply and passionately in love with one another. The characters in this sequel have that same raw and realistic quality that we get in the 2005 movie version directed by Joe Wright. Sharon Lathan takes the characters Miss Austen created to a new level – making them more easily related to and more personal. Darcy is a man of passion and character as opposed to a man with a sordid past. Elizabeth is a loving and unrestrained new bride who enjoys being a newly married woman. This is a book about the beginning of a brand new marriage that is full of ardor and devotion – a great example of what a marriage ought to look like! (darcysgirl)
I am a huge Jane Austen fan and Pride and Prejudice happens to be my personal favorite out of all her novels. When I saw the 2005 film version with Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen, I became even more obsessed with Elizabeth Bennet and William Darcy. The only thing that was missing was what happened to the couple after they got married. Well, I was shopping at a Target store in Michigan while on vacation and I just happened to stumble upon the book entitled Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One. It sounded so interesting, but unfortunately I am a tight wad and wasn’t sure if this would book would stay true to the characters and the writing style of Jane Austen. After a couple of weeks I just couldn’t take it anymore. I bought the book at Target and was hooked after the first page. I just couldn’t put it down and read it within a couple of days.
Sharon Lathan, You are a Genius. You stayed true to the original story and made it your own. The relationship between Elizabeth and William is so beautiful because they are a couple who are truly in love and are not afraid to express their love for one another. Some people would say that the book is all about the marital relations between the couple, but it is so much more than that. If you are a true Pride and Prejudice fan you would know from the beginning that Elizabeth and Darcy are complete opposites, but they both provide to each other what the other needs. After they are married, they quickly discover that their love for one another is much deeper and that they cannot imagine living without the other even if they are separated for a day. Truly, I recommend this book and the sequels to anyone who enjoys Jane Austen. Sharon Lathan has brilliantly continued the famous love story in a way that no one else has been able to do. I’m actually re-reading the books over again and I’m falling in love with them all over again. Thank you Sharon for continuing one of my favorite books ever written. (Katie)
This is an incredible story you have going here! I just devoted my day to reading every chapter — I just couldn’t stop, it’s really that good. I can honestly say that this is the first Pride and Prejudice fanfic I have ever read, and I know I will be hard-pressed to find anything to even come close to this story’s quality and depth. The character development, plot, imagery — it’s all spot-on. The love scenes are tastefully and realistically done. This story has made me love these characters more than I thought possible, and I simply cannot wait for the next installments! So please, if you’re ever feeling uninspired, or if you ever start to think that no one is reading, I’ll be here waiting for more! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep up the awesome work! (Ashley in Massachusetts)
Exactly what I wanted. I first picked up this book because I had watched the Pride and Prejudice movie with Keira and Matthew, it left me wanting more of them. I read the first few pages in the store and immediately felt that this, of all of the books on the shelf was the one I wanted to read. I could not put the book down, I read it in 5 hours. I stayed up until 3 AM that morning because I could not put it down. I can honestly say this one book made me want more. This book, does have sex, but the insight into the soul of Darcy and Lizzie was fun and very entertaining. I look forward to the next book in the series.
I’ve been a lover of Pride and Prejudice for years and will willingly admit that I was a huge fan of the 1995 version, and I still am… but it doesn’t even compare to new version which this book is based off of. Ok, so maybe a few things were inaccurate with the movie; however that doesn’t override that it was full of more passion in every sense, with beautiful scenery and not too bad looking actors, LOL. I loved the movie and immediately went searching for more, when I found this story. It was and is the best Pride and Prejudice sequel I have ever read, and that’s quite a few. The author Sharon L depicts what life must have been like for this couple of true love and wealth. She continues the story on, not only with writing that would make Jane Austen herself proud but with a true feeling for the characters, time period, and the love found within this novel. If you are considering getting this novel, do! Don’t listen to the few not too positive….. I can promise you won’t be disappointed. It’s a breathtaking novel that lets us back into the wonderful lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Darcy. (Jourdan in Idaho)
A Wonderful Romance. I have several of Jane Austen’s collection of books and love them and would call myself a well rounded reader. Without a doubt my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. I loved the movie and I love “Mr & Mrs Darcy” because of the strength of the story itself and the characters involved. One of the great things about Austen’s book is it leads you right in to the Happily Ever After, all misunderstanding forgiven, love conquers all! But what happens after that? What is it like for them in their new life? Is Mrs. Bennet still infuriating? Are there any more miscommunications or do they finally get it right? Are Jane and Bingley happy? What happens??? Well this book tells those tales and in a way that totally transports you into the story. I loved reading about them together and their romance is truly inspiring! Its about time I got to finally read about the happily ever AFTER! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good period romance with some truly classic characters. I am so excited to read the next one, Loving Mr Darcy!
I liked it! Darcy and Elizabeth have gone through a lot. Misunderstandings have caused much pain. Now, they are finally married and set off on a journey that will last a lifetime. Although I was very excited to read this book, I was also a bit apprehensive. It’s clear that this is a happily ever after tale, and sometimes I can be a bit of a cynic. Could Darcy and Elizabeth really be happy? This book won me over completely. When I read this book I was in the perfect mood and found myself quite happily whisked away on this adventure. The first part of the novel is simply the two newlyweds getting to know each other. This was my favorite part of the book. During this time, the plot moved along at a slow, leisurely pace. Then, things started to pick up a bit. An antagonist is introduced. You get a feeling something big is going to happen, and it does. Simply put, this book made me smile. It was fun to see Darcy and Elizabeth get to know each other. They are two bright, intelligent people, equals. The characters remain true. Darcy is very much Darcy, and Elizabeth is still Lizzy. A great start to the author’s Darcy Saga, and I look forward to reading the books that follow.
A Masterpiece!! ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! 5-Stars! Could not put it down. I loved this book so much that it only took 2 days to finish it, and only that long because like any human being, I require sleep! But if you love Jane Austen’s masterpiece or enjoyed any version of the movie, you will love this book too. Sharon Lathan is a wonderful writer who captured the Austen characters and drew the story further past their marriage and I believe that Jane Austen herself would love this story as much as I did. In short… READ THIS BOOK! (Valerie)
First, I would like to say that I loved your first book about the Darcys. I am a very picky reader, and out of all the writers that wrote sequels to the original, yours was the one that I was able to read through and truly enjoy. It kept the style and storyline as the original Pride and Prejudice. I am really excited for the next one to come out and I didn’t want to put the last one down. Thank you. (Kara)
After the Happily Ever After… Lathan gives a detailed account of the young couple’s first months of marriage that is seductive and smart. This book is great for those of us who want to bask in the glow of the Darcy’s romance! I really enjoyed the book and especially the steamier moments between the newlyweds. The latter 1/3 of the book was more entertaining as Lathan brings other characters into the mix. At that point I was ready to see the couple interacting in places outside their chambers and Lathan delivers with a charming family Christmas, a high society ball and a harrowing accident that threatens to cut short their ever after. READ IT!
Love the story!! The best fan fiction I’ve come across. The tone is perfect and the chapters are interesting and very well written. I like my Darcy and Lizzy to be light, bright and sparkling, and these stories are the best. Thanks for all your efforts. (Beverley in Washington)
An amazing journey of Love. 5-Stars! Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy is just the novel that all Pride and Prejudice lovers have been waiting for! This amazing novel by Sharon Lathan, explores the Darcys right after they are married. This novel is full of passion, suspension intrigue and of course Elizabeth and Darcy. Now lovers of the original classic by Jane Austen can read about what happened. I loved every page of this book and was in suspense after page one. Warning to all readers: This book is EXTREMELY addictive, and after reading this I ran to my book store to pick up the sequel Lathan is a writing mastermind and any Austen fan would love to read this book! (Michelle Cecil)
Love it! I loved this book. I was thrilled to have a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. Who doesn’t want to know what happens after they get married? I was so excited. This book is romantic, sexy, and sweet. I couldn’t put it down and then when it was over I couldn’t wait for more! I was on pins and needles waiting for the next one!
I just finished your book. I travel a lot and could not put it down. I was late to a meeting because I was reading your book! Needless to say as soon as I landed I went to my local bookstore for book number two and was so disappointed to find out I have to wait until Sept. I am not sure I can wait that long. And then to find out I have to wait even longer for your third book. This is torture. Thank you for keeping their romance alive. I truly enjoyed it more than I have other books for quite sometime. My daughter who will be a senior this year is a huge fan as well. She just left on a trip to Europe with her friends for their senior trip and I put it in her suitcase as a surprise, with a threatening note to not loose the book. I have three more people that want to read it. Thanks again and believe me I will be at the store in Sept to pick it up. Keep writing. (Sheila)
I Love this book. Sharon Lathan wrote about the true honeymoon and/or what it should be like. It was not a problem for me to visualize from the Jane Austen Classic. The intensity of the pride and prejudice Jane and William had for each other through misunderstanding changed and was later realized an intense love they had for one another, that love they previously denied due to pride or prejudice, but now that same intensity turned around and their true feelings for one another emerged and continued to bloom through the honeymoon period. And, as far as I am concerned a honeymoon can last for a lifetime. This book was very believable.
Finally a Darcy sequel with a happy ending. 5-Stars! Lizzy and Darcy’s true spirits are revealed in this wonderful book and its descendants. (griffingirl)
You will love this book! 5-Stars! Perfection, I love this book and could hardly put it down. This book continues the story of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy and is based on the 2005 Pride and Prejudice Movie with Keira Knightley. It is a great romantic story and you will love it, enjoy! (Katie B)
I quite enjoyed this book. I am hopeful that the second volume comes out soon as I would have liked to continue the read. I found that I had a smile on my face for most of this book. It was endearing to read how in love the young couple was. Not that it is written as Jane Austen would have written but it is a fun diversion. I enjoyed the love they had for each other. It was tremendous fun to watch as they opened up their hearts each and every day, how they shared themselves so freely with each other and no one other than themselves was ever wise for it. They were living a life fruitful for the time period to please themselves. The much public live displayed showed affection and care for each other but what transpired behind closed doors was what fairy tales are made of. I really would recommend this to those who are romantic at heart since if you have read Pride and Prejudice and seen the 2005 big screen version this will extend your mental picture of the couple as they pass their first few months of married live. ENJOY!!!! (Lisa Zechman in Texas)
I haven’t enjoyed reading a book so much in years! Your book taught me that I am able to “steal” more time for reading, I just have to let other things left undone…;) I barely could lay the book down, I read longer in the evening (who needs a lot of sleep when he can read such a wonderful novel) and twice even in the morning when I woke up a bit early before I had to go to work. I really love your book. It is a wonderful installment to Pride and Prejudice. I love the way you write and how you give life to our loved characters and also to the ones we didn’t know before. It’s great to read and I’m a bit sad that I’m already done with it. But – as I didn’t understand every single word, I sure have to re-read again. And I will start immediately. But I loved this book so much (do I repeat myself?) that now I want to understand every word you wrote. So your book wasn’t just a great pleasure to read, it also helps me to improve my English. I can’t wait to get the new book in September and am also looking forward to the following installments. I am impatiently waiting for Loving Mr. Darcy. (Martina in Germany)
WOW!! Finally! 5-Stars! To me this is one of the best Pride and Prejudice sequels ever written or better yet that I’ve ever read and believe me I’ve read a pretty good amount of them. It’s beautiful! and thrilling! all at the same time. You will fall so completely in love with the characters that they literally end up feeling real to you. You connect with them in a way that makes it unbelievable for them to be fiction. This is a book that no matter where you are you won’t want to put it down. This is the “happy ever after” of Mr. and Mrs. FItzwilliam Darcy that I hope many of you have been waiting to be read, I know that I have. So sit back, relax and prepare yourself to be swept off your feet by the Darcys.
Completely entranced! 5-Stars! I recently found this continuation of Pride and Prejudice by Lathan, and have to admit I am completely entranced! I loved the 2005 movie adaption of the original novel starring Kiera Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen, and can easily imagine their characters in this novel from this author’s perspective. I cant wait to read the others in the series! Yes it is mushy, but totally what I had imagined. (Jamie Lynn)
This has been one of my favorite fan-fictions since I found it online. I am so excited that it has finally been published and I can have my very own copy. Sharon is an amazing author, and you can perfectly imagine every scene through her descriptions. The 2005 movie version of Pride and Prejudice is my favorite, and I was thrilled to find a story that incorporated all the characteristics that the actors in the film brought. I recommend this book 100% to every Pride and Prejudice fan. Even if you dislike the 2005 version, this book is the perfect sequel to the amazing story. (Sara in Michigan)
I am so glad I happened upon your book! I am NOT a romance reader but LOVE happy stories with good endings when my husband has to work nights. Your book made me reflect upon how happy my marriage is and how blessed I am to have found a man so much like Mr Darcy to live out my own romance saga. Thank you for validating this God-given institution as the completing ritual is can be in a time when it is under attack by so many. May God continue to bless Mrs Sharon with the ability to do what she loves. Thank you for this book! (Christy)
Most amazing book. 5-Stars! I fell in love with this series quite by accident one day. Ever since I have been attached to these books. I have the entire Darcy Saga and I love them all. This one in particular is my favorite. I love the passion that ensues between these two. I have reread this book a thousand times. Do yourself a favor and read this book! It is simply amazing! (Colorado Mommy)
Light and quick, just day to day living. I quite enjoyed this book. I found that I had a smile on my face for most of this book. It was endearing to read how in love the young couple was. Not that it is written as Jane Austen would have written but it is a fun diversion. I enjoyed the love they had for each other. It was tremendous fun to watch as they opened up their hearts each and every day, how they shared themselves so freely with each other and no one other than themselves was ever wise for it. The much public live displayed showed affection and care for each other but what transpired behind closed doors was what fairy tales are made of. I really would recommend this to those who are romantic at heart since if you have read v and seen the 2005 big screen version this will extend your mental picture of the couple as they pass their first few months of married live. ENJOY!
I love it, love it, love it… Whether you are relaxing on the couch or enjoying the sun on the beach, reading Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy is a lovely way to spend your free time. The novel is following the Darcy’s in the first months of their happy marriage. As the subtitle “Two shall become one” already suggests, we follow the two strong characters while they are adjusting to each other. Sharon Lathan has gone one step further in describing their love. There is a lot of love scenes, which can be considered appropriate for a young couple of newlyweds! The novel introduces a couple of new characters, both good as bad ones. The first Christmas as newlyweds is celebrated with family and friends. There is a ball and in the end Darcy shows how a ‘Regency man’ reacts as his wife is attacked. Everyone who loves romance and believes in a happy marriage will love it.
If you love Pride and Prejudice then you will totally love these books. They take place right after the movie… and are so good. I can’t get enough of them!!
Ever since I finished reading a copy of Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy from my local library, I have wanted a copy of my own. I have also been awaiting the release of Loving Mr Darcy with great anticipation! Sharon, you are a wonderful writer and I am so glad that I have had the chance to read your work! (Sheila R)
The most beautiful, passionate and romantic happily-ever-after story ever! 5-Stars! I have always tremendously loved Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice since I was a teenager in high school and have reread the novel several times since. I have seen all TV and Film adaptations and loved them all. To quench my thirst for all things Pride and Prejudice I have always loved reading sequels. I have read dozens of them in the past. However none of them I have enjoyed reading as much as Sharon Lathan’s Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One. Her novel is by far the most romantic, beautiful, passionate, sensual, captivating, moving happily-ever-after novel I have ever read. Sharon Lathan’s portrayal of Darcy and Elizabeth is exactly what I have always been looking for in a sequel. The way Sharon Lathan captures the essence of a good and wonderful relationship is perfect. Her portrayal of a happy marriage based on true love is in fact timeless. Moreover I love Sharon’s writing style. Her attention to detail is wonderful. The novel is a loving and positive continuation of Pride and Prejudice against the interesting backdrop of the Regency Period. I also loved to encounter again all the familiar characters from the original novel and loved the introduction of new ones. Such a highly enjoyable read! I loved reading this novel enormously! (Simone)
A breathtaking, all-nighter book. 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan is not Jane Austen, so if you are a purist don’t read it. However, if you are a romantic fan of Lizzie and Mr. Darcy, this book excels every expectation. (Mónica Arreola)
A nice surprise! 5-Stars! I am a fan of Pride and Prejudice and was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this version of the continuing story of Lizzy and William. I enjoyed it enough to get her additional books that continue on with the story. (Sheila)
Incredible to read. 5-Stars! I have read this story since its beginning stages, when it was still in a website, and i can only say that i still love it and re-read it as often as i get the chance. When reading this story, i cant help but fall in love with the character of Mr. Darcy. This book truly shows how the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy grows through many stages. (kmvfev)
I thoroughly enjoyed the way Ms. Lathan continued the story of Darcy and Elizabeth. 5-Stars! It kept my interest to where I couldn’t put the book down as wanted to find out what would come next. Anyone who loves Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice can’t miss reading this book. I have read all the books on this continuing story and this author is my second best on telling the story. Enjoy. (Lizzy Ann)
Jane Austen’s Darcy & Lizzy – Loved It!!! 5-Stars! For those who watched either the movie versions or read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, get ready for here is the next adventure in the lives of the Lizzy and Mr. Darcy from the moment following their “I do’s”. It took these two people a long time to reach a common ground and admit their love for one another, and Lathan’s story follows the journey in their relationship from the honeymoon and chronicles the first year of their new life together. It’s a journey for both, not only for adapting to one another but especially for Lizzy as she adapts to a whole different lifestyle for her new station in life. Because I am a devoted fan of all things Jane Austen I jumped at the chance to pick up the next chapter following the lives of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy after the wedding and I applaud author Sharon Lathan in keeping the image of these two people pretty close to where I imagined their lives would lead them. Actually, anyone not having read Pride and Prejudice (hard as it is to imagine) would find this story of a newly wed couple to be a sweet and sensual delight regardless of not having known them before. Historically speaking, the marriage between Darcy and Lizzy would have been looked at with obvious bewilderment – namely because of the fact that Darcy had married beneath himself having a loftier station in life versus Lizzy, and two, the fact that these two were in love. The loftier gentry generally married for social position and hardly ever concerned themselves with feelings – true love matches being a rarity. However, it is the excellent interpretation and creativeness of just this portion of the story that gives the reader so much pleasure and drives the wonderfully sweet `love’ story as Darcy helped to give Lizzie the confidence and self reliance needed to assume her new position while still remaining as sweet and caring as the day they’d met even though they hated to admit their attraction. Watching them both fall more and more in love, and lust, was a true thrill. The author gives the reader a lovely gift in watching these two grow in their love and maturity as they learn to communicate and relish thoroughly the physical aspect of marriage. Bottom Line: Jane Austen fan or not – you’re going to love this author’s interpretation of life after the wedding as Darcy and Lizzy begin a honeymoon that looks to last forever. Very highly recommended reading. (Marilyn Rondeau)
The way I see them!!! 5-Stars! I read this book a long time ago, and I read it over and over again. A lot of people compare it to the 2005 movie and I cannot complain about that. I loved that movie. It portrayed a passionate tension and this book unleashes that tension. Yes there is a lot of bedroom scenes but this couple just got married of course there are going to be lots of love scenes. I fell in love with Darcy all over again. I despise books that turn Darcy into a rake or a man with bastard children or lovers abound. He is supposed to be our fantasy not a reality. Not all is hearts and flowers in this book but most of it is and that is the way it should be especially for a young couple so in love. (HEA Addict)
Enjoyed this very much. 5-Stars! I’m totally hooked and have purchased the entire series and have read all several times. Its entertaining and has wonderful twists and turns. The introduction of a few new characters was great and I’m so glad I decided to ignore the negative views. I’m not a Pride and Prejudice purist so I can understand why those that are were unhappy with this book but she states that it is based more on the 2005 film and not the original novel. To each their own but for me very happy with my purchases. (Nancy R)
My Guilty Pleasure. 5-Stars! I have read and re-read this whole series MANY times! I think people need to lighten up with their reviews. This is a fresh, fun, romantic take on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice characters. After getting hooked on the Twilight series I was looking for something with the same romance and drama, with a tad more maturity. This hit the hammer on the nail. Where Twilight brought me back to days of young love, Lathan brought me back to my honeymoon. I have recommended the series to many of my mature Twilight friends.
I don’t fancy myself a stuffy literary genius. I just love to curl up with an entertaining book at night. I have been known to finish the series and then restart from the beginning again! Mr. Darcy has become a household name with my young children and my thankful husband, who is thrilled to see the glimmer in my eyes each time I read one of Lathan’s novels.
Lathan has inspired me to read ALL of Austen’s work and I consider myself a fanatic. I have also ventured into other writers take on the Darcys and I have to say I can’t get into it. I think it’s just a personal opinion. What turns on one reader doesn’t work for everyone. It doesn’t make it a bad book, just not a right fit for the reader. (bayleaboo)
First year. 5-Stars! This is a great rendition of Darcy and Elizabeth’s engagement and first year of marriage. In this book the animal ride of each is felt. Truly thoughtfully written so it feels as if you’re right there. Highly recommended to read. Great book. (Steve)
I thought this book was amazing! 5-Stars! It was clearly written and it’s plot-line was easy to follow. I was actually able to predict what happened next. This book was funny too! A great book that shows how Mr and now Mrs Darcy live together after marriage. (Mrs. Mellark)
I enjoyed this intimate exploration of the relationship between Lizzy and Darcy. 5-Stars! Both of them behaving as I would have hoped. Lathan builds on the romantic notions we have, for years, woven around these iconic characters. I will without a doubt purchase the next installment. (Carien)
LOVE doesn’t even described how much I loved this book. 5-Stars! I have read this book about 100 times so far and I am surprised to see how low this book was in ratings!! Yes, the book leaves off where the movie ended and its different then the Jane Austen book itself. Yet this book is for people who want to see what happened to Elizabeth and Darcy and how their love grows and grows. For reviews that say this book does not have a plot, well that makes it even more realistic. Marriage is not about plots, it is about loving each other and supporting your significant other. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy is most definitely in my top 5 favorite books of all time. (Mariah)
I really enjoyed the book. 5-Stars! I had never considered a Pride and Prejudice sequel before I saw that book, but I loved Pride and Prejudice and decided it would be interesting to see what a different author would take of a story I loved so dearly. I found that Lathan’s focus was much the same as mine would have been, particularly for a first sequel directly following the engagement and wedding of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy. It seems appropriate that a very generous amount of time would be taken to explore all facets of that new relationship. It’s much the same as becoming entranced with someone in real life and the almost obsessive tendencies one may develop. If people cannot relate to that, that is their loss, I suppose. There’s no harm in taking it for what it is–FICTION!–and enjoying the ride. I took it for what it was without making any judgments until I was finished with it, and found I was thoroughly happy to learn when I finished the first one that the story continued. Taken as a whole, also, the entire series is quite lovely. As lively as some other Pride and Prejudice sequels can be with their crazy action sequences and (very much sometimes) ridiculous storylines, Lathan’s sequel is just as I had always pictured in my head that the story would continue. Very lovely, sweet, and the cover art on all books in the series is fantastic. (Alicia LaFontaine)
Ms. Lathan magically continues Pride and Prejudice… 5-Stars! I am always delighted to find a sequel of Jane Austen’s works, however, not all sequels are equal in measure. It has been such a treat to find Sharon Lathan’s series, I always feel like I am a secret guest of the Darcy’s and never want to leave! To find the perfect escape from the daily grind, I highly recommend getting each of Sharon Lathan’s novels. Trust me, once you pick up this book and begin reading, you may decide to skip the laundry or the dishes until you reach the last page. From a true Janeite! (Susan Manzi)
We love your writing. 5-Stars! WHAT? You can’t leave us hanging? Is it a girl or a boy? We demand more! We love your writing. (Thera Van De Wetering)
Loved it!! 5-Stars! If you loved the 2005 movie version of Pride and Prejudice and you love happily ever after stories, this is not only the book for you, but the saga for you. I have read a lot of fan fiction. I am by no means a Jane Austen purist, but I do love everything Austen. I love both of the major movie versions (and of course, read the original books) and most of the fan fiction that is out there. This series is by far my favorite of the fan fiction. I have never really been a reader of romance novels but this book is very romantic. For those who scoff and say that no real relationship could be like this, I feel sorry for you… because I married a man like this. Ignore the mean, negative reviews… and if this sounds like the kind of novel you would like…take a chance and read it for what it is. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. (Maggie)
Incredibly Breathtaking! 5-Stars! I have such a fascination with both Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennet, and when the 2005 movie Pride and Prejudice debuted, I felt Matthew Macfadyen brought Mr. Darcy to life. Sharon Lathan has resurrected the most famous couple in English literature. She goes beyond Jane Austen and gives us a look into the married life of the Darcys. With each page that I read, I found myself wishing to be Mr. Darcy. I envisioned a man such as Darcy being, sweet, romantic and gentle towards his new wife. This book literally took my breath away. With each page, I was hungry for more of what would happen next. This is seriously one of the very few books I could read over and over again. For anyone who is a true romantic at heart, I highly recommend this book! Keep up the superb work Sharon!!! (Naysa Woomer)
Beautifully romantic and uplifting. 5-Stars! I Love reading any sequels or variations to JA’s Pride and Prejudice. I find that Sharon’s style of writing has captured the life and imagery I always wanted to read in a sequel to the original. It is by far my favourite! I wanted Darcy and Lizzy to be passionate and devoted to each other and this is exactly what Sharon provides in her first of three novels. There is lots of romance, passion and loving. Darcy and Lizzy come alive and I am fortunate to have read all of Sharon’s novels and I can tell you this is just the beginning of a rich full life the Darcy’s have together. Sharon’s descriptiveness, attention to detail and history are a big part of the magic that draws me to her writing. (Vee)
Loved this one! Oh this book was so awesome to read! 5-Stars! I’ve read Pride and Prejudice and that book stands by itself so I came in with no expectations with this series and loved it for how she gives us their happily ever after as their life continues! I so love the created way that Ms. Lathan gives us what she would see to happening with Darcy and Elizabeth in their everyday life. It was just so adventurous as well as a beautiful romance! The writing is one that pulled me in from the beginning pages and I just kept wanting to read more and more. I’m so glad there are more related adventures of them by Ms. Lathan. I got a great feel for who Mr. Darcy was and how he related with Elizabeth and their marriage is fun to read! I didn’t expect to read Ms. Austen here (nor do I with other Jane Austen related books) and loved that it was so unique and real! If you want something fun and adventures with Darcy and Elizabeth, these are the ones to read! (Caffey)
I loved this book-the whole series was wonderful! 5-Stars! There seems to be a lot of frustration and upset that the books are written based on the 2005 movie version and not the Jane Austen original. The author never claims to have based it on the Jane Austen original and even states that she wrote the book after viewing the movie and not Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I have read several continuations of Pride and Prejudice and there are no perfect versions as they all have their unique flavor in relation to the original story. I like the different variations of the original story line. That’s what makes it fun and why I keep reading the different novels. Way to go! I love this book and have read the full series 3 times in the past year. I THOROUGHLY ENJOY IT EVERY TIME I READ IT AND I AM A JANE AUSTEN ORIGINAL LOVER!!!!! (Teresha Weinkein)
A must read!! 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan captures your heart and soul instantly in this continuation of Pride and Prejudice. The story is amazing and you find yourself falling in love with Mr. Darcy! If you are a Pride and Prejudice fan – you must read these books! Her writing is so descriptive you feel like you are walking the halls of Pemberley. I hope Sharon never stops writing! Each book draws you in more and more. This is exactly how I would want the story of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy to continue. Thank you Sharon! (Valerie)
So glad I read this! 5-Stars! I’m a big fan of the 2005 Pride and Prejudice film, as well as the Austen novel. There is a lot of sex and lovey dovey talk between Darcy and Elizabeth. So if that is not your cup of tea, then this story is not for you. I do not understand the reviews that deemed this story plotless. I found there to be plenty of plot! You get a detailed account of the events prior to the marriage, the marriage ceremony itself, the honeymoon, Elizabeth’s arrival at Pemberley, her adjustment to life as Mistress of Pemberley and her newfound wealth, their first Christmas at Pemberley, interactions with new and old characters, as well as Elizabeth’s first ball as Darcy’s wife. Once you get past the lovemaking sessions of their honeymoon, I promise you there is interesting plot. It is not all sweet, as there are a few fights between Darcy and Elizabeth. The language used to tell the story is not quite what Austen would have used, but I did not mind a bit as it made the story easy to follow and understand! I genuinely enjoyed reading this book as was attached to my kindle until I finished it. I am glad I paid no mind to the negative reviews and took the chance to decide for myself. I had a smile on my face while I read and am eager to begin the next one! (Amanda Lynn)
Strong beginning to an old friendship! 5-Stars! This is a beautifully written, easy read that stays true to the original novel. The author pays great attention to detail in each of the original characters. It is wonderful to finally see the happiness continue as it should. So many of the newer novels are too smutty or over written. This is one of the few Pride and Prejudice series that I have trouble waiting to read. I recommend all of these books in the series and cannot wait for the next one. (J Dahl)
Excellently and tastefully written. 5-Stars! I have been an admirer of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice for some time now and had not ever thought to consider there may be ‘sequels’ to the delightful story. I stumbled across Sharon Lathan’s books purely by accident, and am so happy I did. While she does admit in the forward that she first was hooked on Pride and Prejudice when she watched the 2005 version of the movie, she still has remained true to the characters. Sharon Lathan has wrote all scenes very well, with good descriptive detail and in good taste, in keeping with how Jane Austen would have written with decorum. My stomach was all aflutter as I read this book, as I read of the intense, pure love that the new husband and wife had developed for each other after months of despairing it to ever be possible. Every time I put the book down, and that was a difficult task in itself, I left with a smile on my face, as a true love story is bound to do. I strongly believe that others will love this book as I have. It is well worth your time to read. (Hracharooni)
Darcy Saga lovely!!! 5-Stars! I first found these books after searching for some Pride and Prejudice sequel. And after reading the first book, and reading about the married life and love of this lovely couple, couldn’t stop reading the other books (The 4 book released this month, and next year the 5 one will be out!!!!). Love, sad encounters, happiness… I really recommend it. You sure will love it. (Aya)
I absolutely love the Darcy Saga. 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan does an excellent job of continuing what Jane Austen started. It is so much fun to continue the journey with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. I could not put the book down one I started it and could not get my hands on the next two fast enough. If you love Mr. Darcy and are looking for a fantastic escape from reality to a simpler more elegant time you have to read these book. Just be careful as they are extremely addictive. (Kelle Pogue)
Fantastic!!!! 5-Stars! I’ve always been a big fan of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and I’ve finally discovered the perfect sequel to it! Sharon Lathan wrote a wonderful book! She loves the Darcys and she loves to tell their story. Her book starts after the wedding ceremony and the reader is traveling with Lizzy and Darcy to Pemberley. There they spend their honeymoon and begin their lives as husband and wife. These first weeks are described in a beautiful way, we learn so much about the Darcys, about their love, their families and their future plans. One of the highlights in the book is the celebration of Christmas at Pemberley. Sharon Lathan knows a lot about England, history and the Regency time. She gives us a perfect story about true love. It is very seldom to find such a wonderful book. And I am very happy that there are already part 2 and 3! I can’t wait to read these and learn more about the Darcys. I can only recommend this book! It is fantastic! (K Schmid)
ENCHANTING! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READ!5-Stars! As a great fan of Jane Austen’s work, I highly recommend this book (and series). If you are searching for a sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, then allow me to suggest this series for your enjoyment. The book is well written with an easy flow that pulls you in and leaves you wanting more. It’s not a shocking, scandalous or heart wrenching or series, but a true romance between a husband and wife in a portrait of a positively blissful marriage. Ms. Lathan’s extensive research on her character’s historical settings proves to be fruitful, providing a beautiful visualization of the time and place in which these two lovers live, love and enjoy each other to the fullest extent. The love scenes are not crass or unnecessarily vulgar, but lead one’s imagination into a beautiful and passionate relationship that can only be described as “pure love”. Do not expect this to be a series from the pen of Jane Austen herself, as no one could tell us what she would have written if she were to write a sequel. But do expect that when you put the book down, you find yourself satisfied and happily enjoying the true meaning of “Happily Ever After”. Again, a highly recommended read – as well as the following two novels by Ms. Lathan. (Estarr)
A great read. 5-Stars! If you love Pride and Prejudice then you’ll love this book. Enough said. Go buy it! Keep an open mind, and you’ll love it too! (J Gossett)
A deeply passionate, beautiful and light-hearted fun novel. 5-Stars! Mrs. Lathan has written a deeply passionate, beautiful and light-hearted fun novel on the life of Mr. and Mrs. Darcy where Pride and Prejudice left off. Being someone who is well read when it comes to the sequels of Jane Austen’s famous novel, I consider this book among the very best. Jane Austen’s original characters are joined by some new ones who are witty, fun, lovable, warm, loyal, and altogether captivating. I’m shocked to read so many negative comments about this story. My advice to everyone who loves Pride and Prejudice, read this book for yourself and I know you’ll come to love it as much as I and a lot of others have. Remember you have the opportunity to search the book and read passages before you purchase which will serve to only confirm what I have already told you, this is a wonderful story. (Lorie Lamb)
A Well-done work of Fan Fiction. 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan’s Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy is a really enjoyable story of what could happen after Pride and Prejudice ends. This story is so different from most of the other fan fiction books out there because it tells a story about Elizabeth and Darcy’s life the way you want it to occur. They have their own marital troubles and there is some drama, but we get to visit with these wonderful characters and see them obviously in love with each other and happy in their new life together. I can’t wait to read the next one! (Indy Library Clerk)
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: 5-Stars! Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was a masterpiece. Sharon Lathan’s book is purely her interpretation of what happened after their wedding. She does a brilliant job of showing how much in love these two characters are. That is the exact point of Pride and Prejudice, showing how two people overcame everything for their love. Every author is going to be different in their novels on how they see Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam’s life. Sharon Lathan’s interpretation is purely based on the love that these two characters share and she does a wonderful job of writing it. I have recommended this book to all of my Jane Austen fans and every single one of them loved it. (JZacher)
Fun, Light-hearted, FICTION. 5-Stars! Ms. Lathan’s continuation of Pride and Prejudice is sweet, light-hearted and fun. A truly delightful and refreshing look into the marriage of one of the most beloved couples in classic literature that will keep modern day readers engrossed for hours. I could not put this book down. I Love, love, loved it!!! (Nicholette Baggett)
The Way A Marriage Should Be… 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan’s book the Two Shall Become One is a must read!! After reading Pride and Prejudice, and seeing the on-screen movie I was excited to find a book that continues the wonderful story of Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy so beautifully. The portrayals of their tender moments together of getting to know each other on so many different levels will have you smiling, blushing, laughing, weeping, and put you directly on the edge of your seat in anticipation of what happens next. Their love is expressed throughout the pages of this book in such a beautiful, adoring, and passionate way. You will experience Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s characters grow in their love and understanding of each other though many precious moments of affection, learning, and even though some turmoil along the way. In fact, you will learn a new depth to each of the characters, including Georgiana Darcy and the wonderful staff of Pemberley. The descriptions of the sceneries make you feel as if you can picture being there. Another thing that I love about this book it that there are several flashbacks to moments that occurred in their past during their engagement. The way Sharon portrays many of these moments playing out is truly wonderful… especially their first kiss after they have become engaged. Don’t miss out on this wonderfully written story… grab a coffee, pillow and get comfortable because you won’t want to put it down! (Deanna T)
One of my favorite Pride and Prejudice spin-offs. 5-Stars! While yes the book is a spin-off of the 2005 Knightley/Macfadyen movie – not Jane Austen’s novel, I still love the story! I enjoy the look at the Darcys daily lives as they settle in at Pemberley and how Lizzy acclimates to being mistress and her new place in society. With glimpses back at how the couple fell in love (yes based on the movie, but the movie wasn’t terribly far off the book for only being 2 hours long – you can’t put everything into a 2 hour movie folks, be realistic here), interesting development in the characters of Lord and Lady Matlock, Col. Fitzwilliam, and Georgiana as well as the servants. I love Mrs. Reynolds, Samuel, and Marguerite. The Christmas party is lively and enjoyable. It’s a lovely portrayal of landed gentry life for the time period – even though Lizzy and Darcy are a little unconventional in their love for one another. (Miss Meg)
I always wondered what happened after the Pride and Prejudice 1995 movie and after searching and searching for a sequel deserving to it, I found this wonderful writer and Book 1 of her Saga. I would like people to read this book and enjoy and remember the happiness, the getting to know each other when you first marry, the anticipation of being alone, being together, the romance and the wonderful feeling of being in love. This book has all that plus the passion, and yes the happily ever after. I believe Jane Austen would had loved to be able to read this book and see her characters evolve and be happy and yes sensual.. because yes it is that. Darcy and Elizabeth are in their first months of marriage and it is Amazing. Sharon provides you with wonderful flashbacks before their marriage that are very enjoyable. Her attention to detail is outstanding and her characters come to life in every page. So enjoy this book, smile, and perhaps, like me, you will read and re-read it and wait anxiously for her next book in September. Read it and Fall in Love Again! (Seli in Florida)
Mr. and Mrs. Darcy: Two Shall Become One. 5-Stars! I was apprehensive at reading this book. I don’t care for reading like some do but, I was encouraged to try. I am glad I did! I always wondered for years what it would have been like for Elizabeth to move into Pemberley, how the staff would like her and how Georgiana would take her.
This book fulfilled every bit of how I pictured it would be. There was a lot of sexual content in this book. Being one who doesn’t care to read romance novels because of the sexual content, I was a bit annoyed at first. However, when you think of newlyweds, it is fitting. I definitely recommend this book to any Pride and Prejudice fan. (DGrissom)
Excellent Story! 5-Stars! This book is a continuation of the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfayden. The author weaves her tale of how she believes life would have been after Darcy and Elizabeth Married. In my humble opinion, this is how Darcy and Elizabeth’s love should be… full of optimism, sex, gushy love moments and fun! I have great respect for Ms. Lathan for taking this story and making it her own. She did a wonderful job of conveying how happily ever after should be. (buecherlieber)
This is one of the best examples of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. I felt that it was very true to the characters and writing style of Austen. Lizzy and Darcy ended up just like I hoped they would. I was touched by the depiction of the first days of their life together. After so many twists and turns, they deserved to be happy. The detail in this book was fabulous. After reading it the first time, I wanted to read it again so that I could appreciate again any details I didn’t catch during the first time through. I can’t wait to read the next one! (JJJ Mommy)
Loved reading more about the Darcys. 5-Stars! The prose was beautiful. I love the Darcys and could picture the actors from the movie reciting the dialogue. I can’t wait to read the next book. I feel very fulfilled from reading this story.
Sharon Lathan in no way tries to imitate Austen’s style of writing, but creates a style that is new and fresh and above all things romantic. Lathan creates the perfect balance of subtle romantic gestures that leave just enough to allow your mind to take over, and yet she also at times describes events with just enough detail that it takes your breath away! It is as if the author knows exactly when the reader wants to use their imagination or when they would prefer to just be told! Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One is a story of two people who have done just that, they have become one. The book shows the day by day account of two people whose love overcomes the strict social structures of the day. Her story brings added light and magic to the original Austen classic and is the perfect continuation of the 2005 movie. This book is perfect for those who loved the 2005 movie as well as the classic Austen books. Austen would be proud! (Annie in Baltimore)
A great book. 5-Stars! Sharon Lathan is a great writer. I truly love how Ms. Lathan picks up where Jane Austen leaves off at the double weeding of Jane Bennet, Lizzy Bennet and their husbands. This series pickes up where Darcy and Lizzy start the new life together. I would recommend these books. (Trisha M)
Amazing Romantic Story. 5-Stars! I read this book about a year ago and have read the other 2 following it. Can’t wait for the 4th installment! Beautifully descriptive words are used. Words true to the Era. Gives depth to each character. These books allow me to escape into an easy and enjoyable read. I am a romantic and I truly love these books. Beautifully Written. (Ingrid Anderson)
The BEST Pride and Prejudice sequel ever! First, what I loved about the Knightley and Macfadyen movie version was the passion they expressed, Darcy’s words, Elizabeth’s eyes, in a time when such a thing was outside of propriety. I love that this author chose to continue the saga from the movie versions point of view. I am enthralled that Sharon also chose to go back to moments in the movie and either share with us what was going on in their minds at the time they were saying and doing the things they did or fill in gaps that lead up to a particular scene from the movie. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they did adapt your book to a sequel?! Awe the joy….. (Belinda)
I was fortunate enough to find this story while it was available online. I spent three whole days GLUED to my computer and must have checked a couple dozen times a day for new chapters. If you are in the market for a good fan-fiction read I whole heartedly recommend this one. (Kathy Hall)
A Must Read. 5-Stars! If you love Pride and Prejudice and like me didn’t wanted it to end then you would love this book by Sharon Lathan. I just could not put this book down. To continue the journey with Elizabeth and Darcy after their wedding day. This book if full of romance as well as some drama. A must read for the Die Hard Pride and Prejudice Fan. (darcygirl88)
Loved this book. 5-Stars! I watched 2005 Pride and Prejudice again just last month and I had forgotten how much I loved this movie. I decided I wanted to read the original Jane Austen book so I went to Amazon to purchase the book and found Sharon Lathan’s 3 books on the continuing story of the Darcys. I could not put book one down, and I am nearly done with book 2, and can’t wait to read book three. I have a feeling I may have to read them all again just before book four and five come out. I love the story of the Darcys. Buy the books, you won’t be sorry. (Ina Hess)
Absolutely wonderful! Could not put it down. I loved this book so much that it only took 2 days to finish it, and only that long because like any human being, I require sleep! But if you love Jane Austen’s masterpiece or enjoyed any version of the movie, you will love this book too. Sharon Lathan is a wonderful writer who captured the Austen characters and drew the story further past their marriage and I believe that Jane Austen herself would love this story as much as I did. In short…READ THIS BOOK! (Valerie in CA)
I love this story and am eagerly awaiting its continuation. I believe you have Darcy and Elizabeth well understood and developed, as well as other new characters. I have read other sequels (some even published ones), but they never seem to get the characters right-such as the suggested that Bingley would have an affair. Ugh! This story not only has excitement and drama, but well-developed and meaningful characters. As far as I am concerned, this is what really happened to one of literature’s greatest couples! (Katie in Illinois)
More romance and more romance… 5-Stars! The two shall become one all right.. WOW… Passion packed… I have read all the books in this series and I must say that besides the redundant love making of Lizzy and Darcy, the continuation of the original idea is what kept me reading. As an avid Austen fan, I soak up almost anything that has an oz. of Austen. Call me what you want but its true. If you are a romance buff and a lover of Austen, Sharon does a great job at making it this book a perfect sandwich of the two. ~Worth the Read~ ^if what mentioned above sounds like you^ (Dish it Like Lish)
5-Stars! 5-Stars! 5-Stars!
The story was entertaining and romantic with meaningful details and adventurous encounters, surprising antagonist and heroic opportunities for the protagonist. (HJ Schrimsher)
A lovely compliment to the original Pride and Prejudice. (Debra Rodriguez)
It is great to see this story is continued. I plan on ordering more of this series. (Barbara Piper)
The best!!! OMG!!! Am not usually a reader, but became very fond of Pride and Prejudice movie. So I wanted to give this book a try. Very nice and romantic. (Kiruthiga)
I love it. But then I am just a romantic at heart!!! (Simone Frymire)
An amazing story after the story of Pride and Prejudice ends. I got to revisit Pemberley and the Darcys. (Juanita)
I love these books! I had to get my own set, so that I did not have to keep borrowing from mom. (Emily17)
A very good guilty pleasure for all of the people who wished that there were a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. (Kelcey)
Mesmerizing. A truly sweet continuation to the Pride & Prejudice line. Everything we ever imagined for Elizabeth and Darcy. Even the Jane Austen purist will love it. (gfalconer)
Love. Best ever. Read many times. I will never get enough of their lives. The continuation we have all dreamed of since girls. (Erin Mohr)
If you love Pride and Prejudice then you will totally love these books. They take place right after the movie….. and are so good. I can’t get enough of them!! (Marta)
Loved it so much I ordered all the books written by Sharon Lathan! I loved returning to Pemberley! Thanks you Sharon! (Cheryl Cash)
I love this book. No, a lot doesn’t happen in this book that is suspenseful, but it is rare to read a book about two people who are happy and in love. I personally thought it was wonderful and it warmed my heart. (Darcystwilight)
I really like this book, it had me hooked after the first chapter and I’m happy that Ms. Lathan has continued on with this wonderful story! Thank you so much Sharon! (Kara Holbrook)
Loved the characters! I enjoyed this book and the others in the series. Please keep writing, Sharon! I love your books and your blog! (nordyteacher)
I live for Pride and Prejudice sequels, and this one was great! I love the cover and personality for each character was just as if Jane Austen wrote it herself. Wonderful, romantic and charming book! Highly recommend it. (Kirstie Chia)
I love this series! I have read it more times than I can count. My mom and I read these books when she first started her leukemia treatment. (Megan Wilkins)
Love, love, love! Sharon has done a remarkable job in bringing ‘the rest of the stories’ of Mr. Darcy to life. Great series, and fast reading. So hard to put the book down! (Butterflywolf)
I have read and re-read this whole series more times than I can count, sometimes starting at the beginning again when I reach the end. (Wendy DeWachter)
This book was so great! I loved reading the continuing story of Elizabeth and Darcy. It was classy, but very sexy as well. LOVED LOVED LOVED. (Samantha)

Top Pick Rose
This new Austen sequel is heavy on the romantic overtones! It is a look into the first few months after Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet get married. Of course, they are deeply in love with one another, and Sharon Lathan has given readers a very affectionate and devoted couple. They have their trials and tribulations, but their love and relationship continues to grow. Many of Austen’s other beloved characters make appearances, adding to this sweet new tale of everyone’s favorite couple!
Jane Austen fans the world over wonder what happened to her delightful characters after her stories ended. It’s a natural thing to want to know more about characters who are as well-loved as hers are. For example… have you ever wondered just what happened between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth after Pride and Prejudice closed? I know I have. MR. & MRS. FITZWILLIAM DARCY shows just what may have happened. Sharon Lathan’s continuation of the famous novel is an interesting peek into the life of the couple. Highly entertaining, this story gives readers a bit more time with the Darcys.
The story opens just after the wedding, with Mr. Darcy being grateful their engagement has ended and their marriage is finally behind them. He looks over at his sleeping wife and the reader feels, right from the first page, the depth of his emotional attachment. This is, undoubtedly, a love story. the reader sees firsthand what marriage in the early 1800s entails; what obligations and duties fall to the partners and what sort of social constraints put each in his or her own place. This is a story of passion, but also of friendship. While the Darcys are definitely madly in love, they also share an openness that is enchanting. I still smile when I recall Lizzy’s appraisal of her husband in their bedchamber. She is, of course, appreciative of all his attributes but comments on his “nice” feet. So sweet and innocent, and makes the point that Lizzy was an inexperienced young woman learning how to love her new husband.
I raced through this book. I felt fully immersed in the time period, thanks to the author’s attention to detail. It is a real credit to Ms. Lathan that her storytelling style is in keeping with the author of work that inspired this novel. Well done!

I don’t even know where to start with this wonderful book. I had heard from a few people that they thought it was too explicit compared to Jane Austen. Keeping that in mind, I plunged in and I loved it! There are no more of the Victorian chaste kisses, this is a full blown romance. The story has the characters acting as any newly married couple would act. I didn’t think it was very explicit at all. In fact I thought it was wonderfully written and kept me enthralled until the end. I found myself sighing once again over this couple. Darcy emerges as wonderfully romantic husband. We get to see the struggles they go through in the early days and see their love triumph. There is enough of the ’feel’ of Jane Austen to delight all fans of her novels. For me this was a great book and I’m excited that this is just the first in the series that follows this couple. I’m going to be first in line for the rest of the series!

Wow, some of the book reviewers over at Amazon.com really do not like this book. I’m going to respectfully disagree with them and tell you this book is quite entertaining. Sharon states in the forward that this book is inspired by the 2005 Keira Knightly / Matthew Macfadyen movie. This is not my favorite or the most accurate representation of Jane Austen’s work. However, who am I to begrudge Ms. Lathan for how she came to love Darcy and Elizabeth? It is a club big enough for us all. So , yes, the “I heart Darcy and Elizabeth Club” is big enough for us all. Even if we think that those who love the 2005 movie version have to sit in the cheap seats. But as those of us who are devoted to the 1995 Colin Firth / Jennifer Ehle movie version look down our noses at them… just remember that there is a group doing the same to us. They many even challenge us to locate the exact passage where Darcy emerges from the pond in a wet, white shirt in Austen’s work. I’m sure I remember reading it…
The title of the book is The Two Shall Become One. And they do become one. A lot. And with gusto. I think those who love Pride and Prejudice all hope to read a follow up that sounds just like it was written by Jane Austen herself. In fact, if there were a follow up uncovered to have been secretly written by Jane, people probably would have problems with that one as well. There are a few that really have hit all the marks for me. Using the appropriate expectations and references, I quite liked the book. I finished it and immediately ordered the next 2.
Language: B
Characterization: B
Plot: B
Revisit vs. Rehash: A
Wonderful Moments: A+
Originality: A
The moment I was hooked: A
Darcy is funny, thoughtful, sentimental and poetic at times. It is as if once he let down his guard with Elizabeth, the transition from who he was to who he becomes with her is complete and instant. I would have liked to see more of a transformation process for him. While it did feel like we were playing a game of telephone at times (where the original message has gotten a bit distorted, i.e. the characters themselves), I grew to like this version of Darcy. He writes romantic letters to My Dear, Precious Elizabeth, is a fantastic gift giver and trains and breaks horses for pleasure. What is not to like? Elizabeth felt far more recognizable to me. An interesting mixture of confidence and trepidation about her new life.
Plot: Using flashbacks, Lathan was able to add tension to parts of the story we already know. Brilliant.
I felt the story moved along really well, if at times slowed down a bit by paragraphs of description. But remembering that Lathan was inspired by a movie, I felt she was really trying to give the reader a visual. I prefer dialog and plot movement to description. But that is just me.There is a lot of marital affection. And it is described in detail. There were parts I skimmed because it was just a bit much. I wanted Darcy and Elizabeth to have a fulfilling marriage but hearing them call each other “Lover” made me wince. Oh, yes, and as I have established, run into the ground and beat a dead horse with… this book was based on the 2005 movie. So there are flashbacks and references to things that only happened in that movie. Ex: There is a bust of Darcy instead of a portrait.
Rehash or Revisit: No rehashing, which is excellent. A few moments are referred to in conversation among characters and usually in a humorous or clever way. There are 2 extended flashbacks that give new information and fit in very nicely to the story.
Wonderful Little Moments: So many! Elizabeth falling asleep on Darcy’s arm, The Book, skating, Darcy and Elizabeth’s conversation while dancing. The book is filled with wonderful moments.
Originality: The only one I have read so far inspired not by the book or the 1995 movie, but by (lets say it all together this time) the 2005 Keira Knightly movie.
The moment I was hooked: The first line. “Thank goodness it is finally over, Fitzwilliam Darcy thought with a heavy sigh.” I loved it that we were thrown right in where we left off with Austen.

Ever since I agreed to begin reviewing for publishers, I’ve been hoping for that “dream” book. The one you read that makes you sigh a little inside as you put it down because you don’t want it to end. I was lucky enough to find that book with Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy by Sharon Lathan. In my head all throughout the book, I was picturing Matthew MacFadyen as Darcy and Keira Knightley as Lizzy. I’m not usually one for having actors in my head, but because I loved the movie, I don’t mind. I was hoping that this story would follow more along the lines of the story I saw in my head as to how the Darcy’s life would be together after P&P was over.
And I was not disappointed. From the moment the story starts, it’s like a continuation of the movie. I love the fact that it starts from Darcy’s POV and you can just see the love shining from him as he looks at his beloved wife.
Maybe it’s naughty of me, but I admit to wishing someone would delve a bit more into the passion so evident between the two. Ms. Lathan does that well. It’s obvious the two of them have sex, but it’s not fully modernized to the point where you have every single mention of body parts and tab-a-into-slot-b like 99% of the romances out there. This book isn’t chaste by any means, but it’s also much closer to what I would expect. I know, that doesn’t make sense, but I’m doing my best here.
Ms. Lathan gives a richness to the story and details that you could almost expect Ms. Austen to have had them waiting just for this story. As I was reading, I could see what was happening in my head. The sights, sounds and emotions were so clearly detailed that I didn’t want this story to end.
And that’s what’s so great! She’s doing a full series on the life of Lizzy and Darcy. This is just book 1! *happy dance*
I can’t remember the last time I fell in love with a book like this. I can’t wait to share this with you and I’m hoping I’ll be lucky enough to speak to the author and maybe even give away a copy or two of this book. If you love Pride and Prejudice (especially the 2005 version of the movie), then I cannot stress to you enough how much you should go find a copy of this book. It’s awesome!

Pride and Prejudice sequels and fill ins are a passion of mine. I have read almost all of them in existence – not all, but almost all. What is the draw for me? Purely and plainly, it is the character of Darcy. I love him. He is a thinking girl’s “Knight in Riding Boots” and Sharon’s rendering of my favorite literary man is nothing short of nirvana for the Darcy lover. Now, I know there are those out there who will disagree – and you can disagree all you want. I want a Darcy who doesn’t have a dark past, who doesn’t have any illegitimate half siblings, who doesn’t time travel….. you get my message here. We each have our own image of Darcy. Sharon delivers that to her reader – and then some. That is one of my favorite parts about that character. Miss Austen gave us just enough to go on – and we get to fill in the blanks.When Sharon discovered the character of Darcy and filled in her own blanks, she made him into a very masculine, romantic and passionate Darcy. That is the driving force behind this book. Darcy is so wonderful and manly, you cannot help but to fall for him. He and Elizabeth set out in their newly married life to explore and discover one another – and while they are both very dedicated to their ‘studies’, the romantic and passionate love between the two keeps the reader mesmerized. It is a lovely rendering of a loving and passionate marriage.
This is not Pride and Prejudice rehashed and regurgitated with a few details changed. This book is truly the continuing story of the lives of Fitzwilliam Darcy and his new bride Elizabeth. There are quite a number of sensual scenes in this book – which is very true to life for the stage of marriage that Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth are in. They have just discovered the pleasures of the flesh as it were. If you want a story that will bring you intimately into the lives of the Darcys after they begin their married life together, this is the book for you.
The continuing story of the lives of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam is lovingly told by Ms. Lathan with great care and attention to detail. The research and historical context is both romantic and enlightening for the reader. You come away with a real sense of life in the late 19th century and a real sense of the lives of these two people who are deeply in love with one another.
In the end, you are uplifted by a story about love that is not riddled with odd plot points and dark themes. This is, quite simply, a story about love an excellent example of marriage and happily ever after. A wonderful read that is tailor made for the romantic at heart.

I have to admit upfront that I have never read Jane Austen. Well, I cheated once and listened to an audio of Emma, but that’s it as far as my Austen experience goes. Ms. Lathan is a huge Austen fan, enamored of Pride and Prejudice, and began wondering what life would have been like for these two lovers after P&P. She started writing her version of that idea as fanfic, and the next thing she knows she has a trilogy about one of those most beloved historical couples being published for all the world to see. I think Ms. Austen would be proud.
Now, I’m not sure the fact I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice is a good thing or a bad thing at this point.I didn’t get the full impact of the misunderstanding between Darcy and Elizabeth, how it was resolved and the resulting re-proposal and upcoming nuptials. I think I did get the flavor of it all, though, in this book that eventually gives rise to the love and romance between these two characters. At first I thought their spoken endearments of love were a little effusive, but then it goes hand in hand with their initial innocence at loving and then their steadily growing passion for one another. It actually worked beautifully.This first book in the series takes place over an approximate six-month span, starting with the wedding day that both Darcy and Elizabeth thought they’d never see. I like the fact that both are completely innocent when it comes to the wedding night, and that particular scene is one of my favorites in the book. I also like that Darcy is a romantic at heart. He not only tells Lizzy he loves her every chance he gets, he also shows her in deed, including in the bedroom and anywhere else the mood strikes him. They also have a very teasing and fun relationship due to Lizzy’s wit and sense of humor, something that works its way into her new husband over time.
You can see the change Elizabeth and her love has wrought in Darcy through his family’s and friends’ eyes, noticing he now smiles more, laughs more, jokes more, and is at peace, something they know he’s never possessed. He’s a man who can do without society and has done so for years, only being seen out and about when necessary. But now with his beautiful wife on his arm, he finds he enjoys the trappings of society once in a while. Elizabeth has the usual worries about Darcy’s family and staff liking her, getting used to his money and estate and what it can do for them, and the unwanted attention of a rogue.
This part of the book came not a moment too soon for me. More than halfway through the book the honeymoon is still in full swing, good things abound for this couple, and I kept thinking when will something happen to slow down the bliss and the ardor. I mean, it has to eventually. Life may be charmed for some folks, but it can’t always be hearts and flowers. Ms. Lathan delivers right on time, the rogue she throws into the mix gives life and love a new dimension for both Darcy and Elizabeth.
And I know it’s because of what we’re now used to in our romance novels in this day and age, but I really enjoyed that those two can’t keep their hands off one another, loving their way through this book at every opportunity, going crazy when separated from each other even for a minuscule amount of time. Also, their pact to be honest with one another, keep no secrets from the other, say what they mean and mean what they say is an added plus. They went through the big misunderstanding once, the reader doesn’t need another one. They have spats now instead, which is more true to life, especially during the newly wed stage.
The author has a very nice, lovely voice for this genre. Since I’ve not read Austen before, I can’t say how close she is to that legend’s voice, but for this reader it works quite well. I look forward to the next two books in the trilogy, which will, when complete, cover the first year of the Darcys’ marriage. I believe I got a good feel for them and their life even without Ms. Austen’s story.

This is one case in which I wish I had not read other reviews. People were so negative, that I kept waiting for something to make me hate the novel. When that didn’t happen, I kept wondering what was wrong with me! I soon let that all go, and allowed myself to enjoy the novel in exactly the way it was written…without prejudice on my part!
While I was thrown back a little by the marital relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, based on a cold-read, I soon warmed to the story and characters I had grown to love previously from Austen’s famous novel. Lathan has a beautiful writing style, and simply tries to get the reader to see beyond their own pride to consider what a mature relationship between these two iconic lovers might look like. If you’re not one to like any sort of trifling with an original work, then simply move along; however, if you like to consider the “what ifs” behind a story or set of characters, then you can take this on as a wonderfully romantic idealization of what the Darcys’ new life together might be like. All in all, I enjoyed seeing where Austen’s characters picked up from their honeymoon on into the life they create at Pemberley. I enjoyed watching Elizabeth learn how to be the Mistress of Pemberley, and their first holiday season together. While charmingly romantic, there are some moments of tension and hardship that help further develop their new relationship. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Lathan’s foray into the Darcy’s new life together!

I am a huge fan of Jane Austen, “Emma” being my absolute favorite…”Pride And Prejudice” being a close second. Being a fan of the original, I have always been reluctant to attempt to read a pre-quel or sequel to any of her books…that being said, I attempted to read Linda Berdoll’s trilogy and only got through the first couple of chapters because it was too….well, I don’t know, but it almost ruined P&P for me. Darcy and Elizabeth weren’t that kind of people in my heart and mind.MR. AND MRS. FITZWILLIAM DARCY~TWO SHALL BECOME ONE sequel to PRIDE AND PREJUDICE… is the continuation of the relationship of new lovers…the everyday life of a married couple…no drama, the only craziness is Mrs. Bennett, and that is normal for Elizabeth, and Mr. Darcy has come to discover this for himself.
We begin with the Darcy’s newly married and contemplating their courtship and looking forward to their wedding night, there’s a bit of a build up, but it is a sweet moment in my heart. As I read of Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth’s courtship, Sharon shocked me in many ways….over things that I would have never thought of in any lifetime…Darcy’s purity was the first, and quite honestly, refreshing and adorable in my heart. It’s one of the few remaining questions I would love to ask Sharon-why Mr. Darcy, a man of such command, is a virgin…but that is neither here nor there, it’s a sweet thought.
The wedding night was adorable as well….no heaving bosoms or throbbing whatevers…just two people in love sharing a special moment-the first.
The relationship throughout the novel is wonderful. It is the type of relationship all single grown women dream about…to have a man love you unconditionally and know that good times and bad times will come, but you will be together.
What made me giggle is how easily Sharon created a likeable Mr. Darcy. He is approachable, and comes out of his shell quite easily with Elizabeth. The easy banter between Lizzy and Darcy in this novel is touching and fun. You can see the two of them becoming closer every day.
I loved the novel, and had a hard time putting it down, and am now groaning in impatience because I have to wait until later in the year for the next installment of the life of the Darcys and their families and friends. I enjoyed the first installment of the life at Pemberley, and I am looking forward to the next two novels releasing soon.

This is the second sequel that I’ve read to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and I’ve loved them both but this one is my favourite because of the sensuality. I absolutely loved Sharon’s telling of Lizzy and Darcy’s marriage.This book is wonderfully romantic as you sit back and enjoy their story unfold. Read about Lizzy as she works very hard to settle into her role as Mrs Darcy whilst enjoying the pure bliss of their intimacy. The Darcy’s marriage is exactly how I imagine a true love match would have been in those days. Sharon very cleverly wove the intimacy into the story, making it highly erotic and very sensual. They are a passionate couple who enjoy discovering each other in every sense.
I’ve read a few reviews that said this book was too sexual, but come on, who doesn’t want to peek behind Darcy’s bedroom door? I for one loved reading about the intimacy that Darcy and Elizabeth shared and that the emotional passion they had for each other in Pride and Prejudice translated into a very physical passion for the modern reader. But there is much more to this story than just fantastic sex and reading it, remembering what it was like to be a newly married couple, thinking you couldn’t possibly love this person more than you do, only to find yourself more deeply in love with them each day. I was lucky enough to find that in my life, 25 years ago and it was so nice to be reminded of it. It’s what every couple deserve to have with each other and if you’re lucky you will not only find it, but you will find a way to maintain it. You really get a romantic high from reading this book, can’t you tell?
If you have any interest in Pride and Prejudice sequels then I can’t recommend Sharon Lathan’s books highly enough. If you love the romance genre then I also urge you to read this series. When I read this book I had not even read Pride and Prejudice, this book inspired me to read it and I loved it.

This story continues the story of Elizabeth Bennet, now Mrs Darcy, and Fitzwilliam Darcy from the much loved Pride and Prejudice. In this story, Darcy and Lizzy begin their married life. Ms Lathan has written what she believes happened between Darcy and Elizabeth in their first year of marriage including their first public outing and Christmas.The story opens with the end of the wedding and Mr and Mrs Darcy on their way to their new life together. We are taken through the first night and also the first days of their life together and the patterns they will set for the future. The couple is honest with each other and there are lots of kisses, lots of “I love you” and lots of intimate moments and cuddling. Darcy assists Elizabeth in her new role and sometimes proves a distraction. Elizabeth also has to deal with the gossip about her marriage to Darcy but she deals with it with aplomb.
The characterization of Elizabeth and Darcy has been well done in this story and has been mostly in keeping with Jane Austen’s version. There were times, as a reader, I felt that Darcy was out of character but that would be my vision of Darcy. I know he loves Elizabeth dearly but at times it seemed his love and affection had been taken too far towards mushy even though we know Darcy has his public image and his private image.
Ms Lathan has shown the difficulties Elizabeth has settling into the role of Mrs Darcy and the Mistress of Pemberley. Such difficulties include the gifts Darcy wants to buy for her, her wardrobe, and having a personal maid to assist her. Of course Elizabeth does shine and tackles the tasks with her known sense of humor. As we travel the story with Darcy and Elizabeth, she is feted wherever she goes and all those immediately succumb to her wit and personality. I liked it when Darcy and Elizabeth have their first marital fight as it showed they were more real. And before Darcy and Elizabeth can make up, Lizzy has an accident and Darcy is in despair.
We do not see many of the other familiar characters except as points of reference to add flavour to the story so we do not learn what happen to them in that first year.

I fell in love with Darcy & Elizabeth when I first saw the BBC adaption of Pride & Prejudice back in the late 90’s. I’m rather partial to that version over the newer adaption with Kiera Knightley, which, from my understanding is the version that inspired The Darcy Saga. When I began reading Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One, I had already read all the bad, and glowing reviews and to be honest this wasn’t the first sequel to Pride & Prejudice that I had read, Bar Sinister being my first, so I was prepared for some titillating scenes.
With that in mind, I think the author handled the relationship scenes without being too graphic, as adults we can use our own imaginations if we want to supply more details LOL. I’m not one to read a graphic romance novel normally, I can handle sex in a book but when it goes on and on describing anatomy and what each individual is doing or having done for the entire book that is too much so I shy away, but there is a delicate balance here and the story of Darcy & Lizzy shines through.
I love the story that Ms. Lathan created, and would have given the book five stars if there was less sex in the book, it wasn’t all that graphic so I continued and am glad I did. I recommend it if you don’t mind a true love story filled with passion.

For those who watched either the movie versions or read Jane Austen’s PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, get ready for here is the next adventure in the lives of the Lizzy and Mr. Darcy from the moment following their “I do’s”. It took these two people a long time to reach a common ground and admit their love for one another, and Lathan’s story follows the journey in their relationship from the honeymoon and chronicles the first year of their new life together. It’s a journey for both, not only for adapting to one another but especially for Lizzy as she adapts to a whole different lifestyle for her new station in life.
Because I am a devoted fan of all things Jane Austen I jumped at the chance to pick up the next chapter following the lives of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy after the wedding and I applaud author Sharon Lathan in keeping the image of these two people pretty close to where I imagined their lives would lead them. Actually, anyone not having read PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (hard as it is to imagine) would find this story of a newly wed couple to be a sweet and sensual delight regardless of not having known them before.Historically speaking, the marriage between Darcy and Lizzy would have been looked at with obvious bewilderment – namely because of the fact that Darcy had married beneath himself having a loftier station in life versus Lizzy, and two, the fact that these two were in love. The loftier gentry generally married for social position and hardly ever concerned themselves with feelings – true love matches being a rarity. However, it is the excellent interpretation and creativeness of just this portion of the story that gives the reader so much pleasure and drives the wonderfully sweet ‘love’ story as Darcy helped to give Lizzy the confidence and self-reliance needed to assume her new position while still remaining as sweet and caring as the day they’d met even though they hated to admit their attraction. Watching them both fall more and more in love, and lust, was a true thrill. The author gives the reader a lovely gift in watching these two grow in their love and maturity as they learn to communicate and relish thoroughly the physical aspect of marriage.
Bottom Line: Jane Austen fan or not – you’re going to love this author’s interpretation of life after the wedding as Darcy and Lizzy begin a honeymoon that looks to last forever. Very highly recommended reading.
I highly recommend MR. AND MRS. FITZWILLIAM DARCY~TWO SHALL BECOME ONE to any Jane Austen fan…for those of us who like the sweet side of the relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, this is a perfect continuation. Thank you Sharon for penning such an awesome book, and for making my first real foray into P&P sequels very enjoyable!

Kudos to Sharon Lathan for her delightful telling of the months following Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s wedding in “Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One” novel! Anyone who is a fan of the movie version of ‘Pride & Prejudice’ starring Kiera Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen will enjoy this continuance of their love story. The novel starts with a foreword from the author telling of her first seeing the movie in 2005 and how it gave her “warm fuzzy feeling’s running amok”…which I am sure many of us can empathize with!The continuing story of Elizabeth and William (as Lizzy & his family call Mr. Darcy) begins with their marriage and includes a few flashbacks to the days leading up to the wedding. These flashbacks occur a few times in the book and are often flashes of scenes from the movie its self. I just loved this! It gave me a great visual and fed my hunger for all the ‘what happened next’ feelings the end of the movie left me with.
The book is full of William and Elizabeth pledging their undying love for one another and sex. Not graphic, but tasteful. What was a bit unexpected to me was Mr. Darcy revealing to Elizabeth that he is a virgin like her, but that he’s well read on the subject of sex and pleasing a wife. He admits this when Elizabeth comes to him before the marriage with her concerns about sex after a rather discouraging talk with her mother Mrs. Bennet who told her “I have headache” works wonders at keeping a husband away and getting out of wifely duties once an heir is produced. The openness, honesty and awkwardness of these two totally in love virgins trying to put each other at ease about this part of their marriage was nicely done and totally unexpected by myself when reading it.
Their love story continues beautifully in Ms. Lathan’s version of what happens after the wedding. If at all possible, they fall more deeply in love with each other each passing day. Elizabeth has much to learn about being a Darcy and running such a large household, but William is patient and doesn’t pressure her at all. They quite rapidly fall into marriage and knowing each others moods and needs as if (like we didn’t already know) they were destined to be together. Soul mates in every way. Marriage is bliss and one long honeymoon for the Darcys.
Enter evil villain: the Marquis of Orman. Orman and William despise each other and have for years for no particular reason, but the feelings are mutual between them. Orman (clearly a fool) is driven to harass Elizabeth and as you can imagine Mr. Darcy doesn’t take well to this at all. I won’t give away all that, but it was great fun to read and of course Mr. Darcy, fine specimen of man that he is, turns out the hero to save the day of his beloved Elizabeth!
Well done Sharon Lathan! I truly enjoyed revisiting Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy and was thrilled that you took your cue from my favorite movie version of the book.

There is no question how much Fitzwilliam Darcy loves Elizabeth, whom he refers to as Lizzy. The past eight weeks of the engagement had held wonderful memories that had been most delightful. Now Lizzy was his wife, and no man could be happier than William. Elizabeth simply loves how William’s eyes glow when he speaks of his family. As their love connects them closer with every passing day, William is driven wild with desire for his beloved. She is bewitching, and their honeymoon proves just how deep their love extends now. He has no idea how he survived all those years without his sweet Lizzy. She is spirited and vibrant and William wants to learn so much more with her. With his magic hands, Lizzy is captivated with his touch and his mere presence. Their love is something to be cherished for the rest of their lives. With the couple being inexperienced as young lovers, can they find the right equation to make their desires even more fulfilling?
Mr. and Mrs. Darcy is a romance that transcends through time. Elizabeth and William’s passion, as they explore their honeymoon, is wonderfully written. The reader gets an idea of how deep their love excels. Sharon Lathan permits the true feelings of Elizabeth and William to illustrate their most tender emotions and hidden desires toward the other. I liked the way their romance buds for the other. Their emotions swim through each page, allowing this reader to visualize their sensations. It was almost as if they could read each others thoughts and act upon them. With simmering ardor for the other, the characters are solid, passionate, and convincing; permitting this reader to believe their honeymoon is not only just the beginning but a lifetime of love that will never turn cold.
Darcy and Elizabeth have gone through a lot because of each other. Misunderstandings have caused much pain. Now, they are finally married and set off on a journey that will last a lifetime.Although I was very excited to read this book, I was also a bit apprehensive. It’s clear that this is a happily ever after tale, and sometimes I can be a bit of a cynic. Could Darcy and Elizabeth really be happy? This book won me over completely. When I read this book I was in the perfect mood and found myself quite happily whisked away on this adventure.
The first part of the novel is simply the two newlyweds getting to know each other. This was my favorite part of the book. During this time, the plot moved along at a slow, leisurely pace. Then, things started to pick up a bit. An antagonist is introduced. You get a feeling something big is going to happen, and it does.
Simply put, this book made me smile. It was fun to see Darcy and Elizabeth get to know each other. They are two bright, intelligent people, equals. It’s more of a sequel to the 2005 version of the movie than the book. Lathan goes as far as to moving the proposal scene to a meadow, and there is another scene reminiscent of the final scene in the movie. The characters, however, remain true. Darcy is very much Darcy, and Elizabeth is still Lizzy. Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy is a great start to the author’s Darcy Saga, and I look forward to reading the books that follow.
Since Two Shall Become One was inspired by the 2005 film version of the novel rather than the Austen novel, the characters are more comparable to the parts played by Knightly and MacFadyen. The story begins as Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy return as newlyweds to Pemberley, after a brief honeymoon stay along the way. What follows is a new introduction to one another for the couple, as they essentially learn how to behave and interact in their new roles of husband and wife. This is also a time for Elizabeth to discover what it means to become the lady of an estate, while Mr. Darcy must become more comfortable with sharing his home and his life with his new partner. And of course we get to be witness to the very first social events hosted by the pair. Family, friends and familiar characters appear from time to time but it’s Mr and Mrs. Darcy who steal the spotlight as the perfect pair of newlyweds.
The characters in this story are slightly different from the original Austen creations, but by keeping in mind that this is more of a continuation of the film version, it is very accurate. Lathan states on her website that she has done much research into not only the Austen novel, but also the time period and location of Pride and Prejudice. This is very clear to the reader as her descriptive writing is outstanding in it’s detail. Overall the writing is terrific, and the author shows a great talent at both dialogue, narrative and description. I am very much interested in reading Sharon Lathan’s upcoming Pride and Prejudice books. The next volume Loving Mr Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley, looks to be interesting. According to the author’s website, this book will focus on the societal introduction of Elizabeth as Mrs Darcy, with balls, opera, travel and shopping trips. With the author’s obvious attention to historical detail, this should be quite a fascinating read.
Sharon Lathan has created a warm and romantic world for the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Their love soars to dizzying heights of joy as they truly get to know each other. Elizabeth faces some daunting tasks– getting to know the aristocratic neighbors; dealing with the nasty Lady Catherine, Darcy’s aunt; and the return home of Darcy’s sister Georgiana.Nothing seems to dampen their ardent love for one another, until a Twelfth Night Ball and Masque given by the Coles. Will the neighborhood accept her as Mistress of Pemberley? How many of the young women present had nursed a hope that they might one day become his bride? Will she be able to win them over? Unfortunately Elizabeth is seated next to the Marquis of Orman, a man who has long resented Darcy. Orman’s relentless pursuit of Elizabeth, discovering her while on a walk on Pemberley grounds, endangers both their lives and their future together. Flashbacks fill in the details of their memories of the proposal, engagement, and wedding.
This lovely novel of what comes after the end of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice creates a possible world at Pemberley for Darcy and Elizabeth. If you like Austen you will enjoy this sensual and heartfelt exploration of the Darcy’s newly married life together. Armchair Interviews agrees.
Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy is a scintillating novel that will have readers blushing right alongside Elizabeth Darcy as she and her husband embark upon the rest of their lives as a married couple. Mrs. Darcy gets acclimated to life as Mistress of Pemberley, while her husband relishes his wife’s attentions and delights in helping her fit into his world without losing the passionate and independent woman he loves.
This novel provides a look at the intimacy this classic couple shares behind closed doors and away from society’s prying eyes. Readers will begin to feel like voyeurs as they become drawn into Pemberley’s world and the coupling of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy. In the background hovers the ominous presence of Lady Catherine and the rumors she spread about Elizabeth Darcy and her future, detrimental affect on Pemberley and the Darcy name. The word play between these two characters continues and is a delight. It’s fantastic to see Col. Fitzwilliam return as well and inject his wit as well.
Readers will find this romance novel stays true to the original Austen characters and develops their relationship more fully within the bounds of matrimony and society’s conventions. It is good to see Mr. Darcy soften with the help of his wife, learning to laugh and interact with others with less rigidity, and it is equally as fascinating to see Mrs. Darcy garner maturity in his presence, while continuing to blossom as a woman and wife. Overall, this is a good romance and a great way to spend an afternoon or two in wedded bliss with Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy.
This surprisingly steamy sequel to Pride and Prejudice is the first of Lathan’s fan-fiction interpretations of life after “happily ever after” for Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. The story, which opens moments after the lavish wedding ceremony, finds the new Mr. and Mrs. Darcy nestled into a carriage bound for their honeymoon. With curious minds, hands and mouths, they while away their vacation—and the following weeks and months, as they set up house at Pemberley—relishing their privacy and delighting in their new roles as husband and wife. And when the talk grows tiresome or those hours apart unbearable, they tumble into bed—or onto a bearskin rug. Still, through the haze of wedded bliss, time marches on: to Lizzy’s delight, Darcy’s sister, Georgiana, returns home just as Christmas preparations are underway, but all is not calm—the Marquis of Orman, whom Elizabeth first encounters at the Twelfth Night Ball, has sinister intentions. This is probably the hottest Austen sequel yet.
The book begins at the start of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy’s marriage. Lathan’s writing is beautiful, slowly unfolding the Darcy’s love story. From the nervousness of the wedding night to the making of a routine that would mark their days at Pemberley, Lathan captures it all in a voice that transports the reader to Regency England. Lathan does a great job with the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy, staying true to the mannerisms and thoughts of Austen’s beloved couple. Elizabeth’s captivating personality and wit shines through, and it’s nice to see the transformed Darcy and his romantic, sentimental side.
I loved when Darcy escorted Elizabeth to the Masque Ball, with all the talk about Darcy’s new bride and what happens when a certain guest is aggressive toward Elizabeth, and I wish the book had more scenes like that one.
Even though the only bit of tension in the book occurs toward the end, Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One kept my attention throughout. Lathan’s addition to the numerous Pride and Prejudice sequels should stand out due to top-notch writing and an Austen-esque voice. If you love Elizabeth and Darcy, you won’t want to miss this one.
I really liked this book. I love how Lathan injects drama into the continuing story of Darcy and Elizabeth. Their life is not quiet in Lathan’s world as you would assume it to be in Austen’s world. I loved that she injected the bad influence of a town scoundrel into the novel. I also love that it resulted in a duel which is something I always wanted to see in a Austen sequel. It gives Darcy a bit of an edge. The relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy is portrayed excellently. Their relationship is clearly passionate in the early days of their marriage. The love between them is tangible and Lathan portrays it well. I also love how Elizabeth calls Darcy “William”. I found that so sweet.If you love Jane Austen sequels, please pick this one up. It is quite the wonderful read.
In this Austen sequel, Lathan follows Darcy and Lizzie through their first weeks and months together as husband and wife at Pemberley, beginning on their wedding day with occasional flashbacks to their engagement. Lathan introduces readers to life at Pemberley and gives a generous glimpse into what life on such an estate might have been like. Some of Austen’s original characters are represented (Captain Fitzwilliam and Aunt Gardiner), and we meet new ones in Darcy’s staff, friends and neighbors.
The reason for the book’s subtitle is obvious from the beginning. The focus is on the love, devotion and physical attraction between the two characters. I find no fault with Lathan’s writing, and I felt that she developed Lizzy”s character as Austen intended her to be. I also enjoyed the attention to detail she gave Pemberley. If you enjoy detailed romance first and foremost in a book, you won’t be disappointed.
What I love most about this book is the research and language used to express the time period. Lathan’s diction is vastly superb – I had to look one or two words up. The way she writes is very mellow, you’re not putting the book down feeling more anxious than when you started. This is an excellent novel to curl up with before drifting off to sleep. Who doesn’t love to dream of Mr. Darcy?
Darcy and Elizabeth are effusive in their declarations of love. I applaud Lathan for writing Darcy as a virgin hero. It’s hard to imagine him as experienced even with his deep passions, because he held himself apart from society and saw their superficial actions as crude and undignified (both in Austen’s novel I feel and expressly in Lathan’s continuation.) He seems like the man who would wait for the right woman. He is by no means asexual as you’ll find when you read this novel. They make love like bunnies, but the sex is never vulgar or overly detailed after their initial honeymoon weekend. In fact, the whole saga is about exploring Darcy and Elizabeth’s love for each other starting from the end of Austen’s telling.
What does marriage look like on the other side of ‘I do’ and happily ever after? Lathan unfolds their story slowly, taking her time, showing nights spent whispering secrets, days traumatizing Darcy’s valet, and Elizabeth’s struggles and successes in filing the role as Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy.